what do u guys think if global conditions was not a thing? to me it seems they just make u stop playing till the good stuff comes back for a short time until the next global cuck comes back around
Do you mean removing conditions entirely, or just removing the “global” part so instead of getting dogs for an entire day, the conditions are just randomised?
If conditions were removed entirely I’d probably just stop playing, since there’s no challenge without them. I’d support removing the “global” part so that there’s more condition variety throughout the day.
sry didnt make it clear. i mean like the global forcing of these modifiers like fog and dogs for like 5 hours. like today has been all foggy maps. instead of forcing them. jus have them randomly appear on 1 of the maps on each difficulty. instead of all of them
global as in what u see on the top right corner of the map selection screen. the warning that forces the unfun
Honestly didn’t even realize they were rotating global conditions until like a week ago when I saw a lights out map for literally the first time since the beta. I guess I’ve only ever been on when it’s dogs.
Needless to say, this is a pretty bad system if someone can not even notice it’s been implemented for six months.
Well they are at least an improvement on the mess that was deeds. Extremely rare drop and saturated with 60% crap deeds, it was literally the reason behind modded difficulties.
They should probably retool the NPC next to Melk to offer rewards for difficult missions and put a board up for them. The ones people want to play. Cycle the rest on the board normally, but leave the good ones where the QP players who aren’t looking for a challenge above the regular game can’t find them.
Such a good and simple idea, i cant believe that option probably wasn’t even considered, because if if had been, who would say no?
I love missions with low visibility and even more those in the dark.
I want them to stay.
Even VT2 have a “event mission” as a choice, DT is a downgrade regarding this, overall every mechanic is poorly implemented, the idea was probably to make the game like a living thing, just look at the mourningstar existing, do you see anyone having fun here ? It’s only to make you loading for so long whatever pc you have, anyway that kinda off topic.
Missions are the same thing, it’s “okay” for newcomer ( as if there are any ) but in long term it’s just forcing players to play event and map you don’t want to and we are 8 months after launch with the only +3 missions slots as an answer like, wtf ?
Just swallow your pride and drop this nobody like it, dogs are fun ok, but it won’t replace the fun from shock troop gauntlet or… Twitch mode perhaps ?
Oh yeah, almost forgot, fog is incredibly ugly and Darkness… ok go Vet so you ignore everything.
These should have been a community event not a recuring thing honestly
I think all conditions should be moved somewhere far far away, so only people who want to play them play, same as deeds in V2.
Its extremely annoying when you had to choose between map you don’t like but without conditions, and map you like but with stupid high intensity, and choise is just say NOPE and close the game.
im almost certain if we had a lil community interaction, fatshark would find out jus how unwanted these conditions are overall. i feel like the overwhelming majority dont want dogs/dark/fog.
i agree w/ what @Delete said, jus move these modifiers somewhere cold and dark that only the people that wanna be exposed to them will go. its kinda weird if so many people dodge playing because of these global modifiers. dont ruin the entire map screen thats already a burden to pick n choose
I like the rotating globals.
Yes, agreed. I make this point all the time and so have many others.
There is a good chunk of Modifiers now. Maybe add a few new and then have them all mixed up frequently. Bonus points if not a single “ordinary” mission remains, so you can’t escape the madness. Only pick your poison.
That would definitely feel more in-character for the game world they want to portray, too. Right now everything is a tad too sane and boring, funnily enough. I guess Nurgle respects order and assortedness a lot more than we were originally led to believe.
Fixed that for you.
I’d still like to see mission selection split into zones (like Torrent, Throneside, Hourglass, etc.). Zones can have conditions and secondaries applied to every mission in that zone. That way they feel a bit more narratively consistent and make the zone feel like actual places. Rotating the zones availability would be nice too, as it can tighten mission selection a bit, but they need a better mission spread in each zone first. And you can at least select the difficulty of the mission.
To the list of things the player want:
To play the maps they want with the modifiers they want.
@Keln exectlry
I would not mind the global conditions that much, except the low visibility ones. As 3 out of 4 of my chars do not have a decent weapon with flashlight, low visibility global conditions are a bane on my game sessions.
So overall … I’m not a fan of global conditions either.
I wouldn’t mind complete choice of mission, conditions, difficulty etc
But not if it makes match making wait times too long. All depends on player count is high enough to accommodate it.
It shoe horns you into specific missions and type, guess that’s why match making is so instant few seconds due to more limited selection of just difficulty.
I think they should just scrap T1 and T2. Leave T3 as it is. Then tone down T4 AI to sit more middle ground between T3 and T5. T4 feels too almost like T5. That leaves 3 difficulty levels.