Good Work Fatshark

Please… for one time… read

I agree with you on this. This is not that “they should” this is that “they need to”

15 days ago he reported that there was a problem (a bad report if you ask me)
2 days ago he writes: “Your fix to Ascension Riser 31 environment issues, and buffs to the Recon Lasgun are most welcome - and came much faster than I anticipated. Excellent work.”
I don’t think it is sarcastic cause he asks now:

And on this, I agree with him even if I don’t like the current evis (but hope other MK)

No… but there is, I assure you, a probability of 100% that you get at one moment or an other one 1 weapon with a modifier 375+ that you will want to craft…
what I say is simple… you can get weapons from the shop with good modifiers and good repartition. I don’t force you to adopt what I do, but I won’t spend an other penny to Brunt.
Let me precise (cause several don’t read) that I hate Brunt, I hate the fact we can’t get 370+ weapons from Brunt unless by luck etc…
That’s why I made a long time ago several suggestions (that maybe someone has read, but I guess no considering what I read)

You can play against the system… or if you’re smart, you adapt to the system.
The system won’t adapt to you.
If you refuse to adapt to it, then you should not expect anything else than frustration.
Again (sure I have written it lot of times), the system is bad… Yes I want changes. But they did not introduce changes… so I adapt.

Considering all these excellent weapons I have, my method to get weapons is not bad.