Game was almost unplayable prior to the patch today 5/2/23 but now with confirmed similar issues across the player-base it IS unplayable. Hitching/freezing on mob spawns, hard crashes causing the application to freeze my system entirely…come on…My pc is in the 80-90 percentile of rigs and excuse me?
This community has been drug through the dirt in hopes our investment in both money and passion just to be consistently disappointed at EVERY turn.
NONE of the (good) balance changes or gameplay changes matter if the game cannot be played as intended. It doesn’t help that clearly only a very small handful of devs actually play this game to even know what half of us are on about.
Fatshark - If you weren’t selling software this would be false advertising and legal action would be taken at this point for failing to deliver a product; what a crap industry where you guys can keep getting away with this; shouldn’t be legal.
No need to waste money on QA testers when people are still lining up to play unfinished PC titles on launch (myself included in this case).
Yeah, still mad at myself for playing past the maximum steam refund time amount and mad at Fatshark for pushing out what is still very much an early access quality game without an early access tag for $40. Not much to do besides remember to never preorder a Fatshark game again. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me I guess.
Between unfinished games and the new idea of 70$ titles this industry keeps getting worse. I know this one wasn’t AAA priced but its compounding upon itself. We get less game and they are costing more. It’s like a toxic marriage. The point of the game; FUN, is being sacrificed for potential profit. These idiots still don’t understand the only reason we play games is for the FUN.
Gamers in the year 2049:
“Can’t believe they released this unfinished game. If this keeps up, I will stop pre-ordering AAA titles, and I might even refund some”
It’s simple: if the game doesn’t work OK, just refund it, and never pre-order anything.
You will always be able to get it later IF it gets fixed. Probably for less money.
As you hinted, unfinished games on release is now a norm, not an exception.
Yes, pirating is the way now. The industry wants to spit on the customers, return the favor. But keep in mind they will still find a way to play the victim. Remember the ads like piracy is theft? Surely you wanna know what else is theft? releasing half assed games that don’t even work properly. Deserved
I agree with those statements, and I’ve pondered on it for some time. I do not pre-purchase games or buy same day; at the same time, I try to support devs that make good content.
That’s also a really big problem right now, some studios who’ve been solid are throwing curve ball failures at us without cause or reason.
Arkane with the new Redfall as a good example of a AAA title, and while past FS games were definitely touch and go, I’m pretty sure all of us with past vermintide experience had presumed they had the basics sorted; to which I say we were all surprised at the amount of ignorance
exactly. this hurts the publishers, generally the one’s sending generic mobile game, hatchet-man Business Analysts in to cut so called ‘unnecessary’ features, leading to this minimum viable product crap.
Getting DRM cracked is cheaper then a AAA title, plenty of people can do it, it’s just boring and time consuming. However, pay for the game once and then give it to thousands. Obviously no help with online multiplayer, but one person can cost them literally tens of thousands of sales.
I was only pointing out that piracy has became a huge deal now because of the new industry standards.
Most people will gladly pay a good amount of money for a quality product.
There was a time when you could play game demos, when publishers couldn’t only rely on BS marketing speech to sell. Just like when you buy a car, if you can try it and it has no wheels, it is more likely that people won’t fall into the trap.
When you buy from companies doing this kind of practices, you are just telling them it is fine when it is not. What in this world has gone so wrong that blatantly lying is ok ? Because it’s just a game, a software ?
Can we only compare it to theft when its on the consumer side ? This double standard is not acceptable, that’s why I said it is totally fair and deserved.
Likewise. Tried getting a refund after 50 hours just for the sake of showing on their sales stats.
I haven’t pre-ordered for about 5 years because of this trend in gaming, broke my own rule because Vermintide is simply my favourite game of all time with over 1000 hours and I wanted to believe in Fatshark even though I think deep down we all knew what was coming. Never again will I pre-order.
I believe that VT2 has a handful of extremely talented people who love Warhammer, and they manage to keep the game afloat amongst a sea of under-qualified people who do not share a love of gaming and warhammer. I hope the talented team can move onto new warhammer IP and away from the enormous disappointment FS have become.