Fix your game

Fatshark is a complete and utter joke. So many glitches, so many crashes, so many promises and none of it is being addressed. The crafting system that was PROMISED in December STILL isn’t anywhere near done. The amount of server lag combined with hit registration issues, you’d think you were playing an online game from 2005, and even then online games ran better back then.

The amount of issues I have just trying to do basic stuff is baffling - trying to view a menu? Lag. Trying to upgrade your weapon? Lag. Trying to start a mission? Lag. Trying to move around anywhere? Lag. Sound issues? Yep. Sound disappearing and being non existent then reappearing when it pleases? Yep. Trying to join a game? Crash. Trying to view a menu? Disconnect. Trying to upgrade your weapon? 3 minute loading screen into disconnect or crash. Trying to do anything basic in this game? Crash/disconnect/lag.

There is no excuse and there is no compensation for the complete lack of communication combined with absolutely no updates for 22 days now. “They’re on vacation they will get to it when they are back” Wow it must be nice to release a game out of “beta” when its not even CLOSE to being finished then proceed to take a 3-4 week vacation while providing no updates or idea as to when something will change. Anyone excusing this type of behavior from developers - you are part of the issue and YOU are the reason they do this stuff. Ever heard the phrase give an inch they’ll take a mile? That is what game developers are doing now except its much more than that - its give me your $40, stfu and be happy with what you get.


It will be good in year or two.

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Why should we care what the game is like in a year or two?

We’re playing the game now.


Go join one of the fifty other complaint threads this doesn’t need it’s own.


He says what most of us want to say.


don’t play it now if you want it to be functional

…How does that make any sense?

Will me not playing the game somehow make it functional? Should a company not be obligated to deliver the product they advertised?

You’re weird, man. That’s a weird, weird, outlook on stuff.


Honestly, at this point the only way to make Fatshark listen is to vote with your wallets and stop buying their products.
I’ve seen Fallout games with less issues than Darktide & that says it all.

yes cant wait to play when there no other players in the servers @Grave

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least they made the important cash shop work perfectly…

insane straw man argument

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We’ll help me out here, man, because you’re not making any sense with what you’re saying. Explain your position, because right now you’re just being weird.

I’m on the other end. No crashes. Had disconnects, that no longer happens. Using NVidia RTX 3060 laptop. Also has AMD Ryzen 9 5000 series. Low setting though.

Only bugs I noticed since last hot fix is some lag, nothing game breaking. Spawning through the floor resulting in capture.

Hopefully things get right so you experience how fun this game actually is. RNG aside.


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Not much of a change to games I have to run now, even malice sometimes takes ages to fill up, Longest I took was 15 minutes standing near the second grim for someone to join, then I gave up.

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If there is nothing to see, there’s nothing to see. Go get a better computer to see.

It’s astounding to me how much time you waste on these threads with the same basic replies, Grave. This game launched in an absolute dumpster fire state and then they took nearly a month off, people are understandably upset by this and the general lack of any meaningful dialogue with us.

There’s so much that was in VT2 at launch that somehow they didn’t get into the “early access” of this game. They’re different games, sure, but this is their third “Tide” game and they’re somehow screwing stuff up badly despite clearly dealing with issues like these before already. The mismanagement of this company is absurd.