Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Fatshark

It’s been 6 months of you trying to appease that “community” that has hijacked your forums/discord, and do more to alienate players than help.

During these 6 months the vast majority of your playerbase that actually plays the game, have had to put up with delays in content, and etc. to provide the “community” with a sense of importance, or that there opinions matter.

But what about the other community, that you can not reach, because your forums/discords are walled off by entitled players that do nothing for your game. Those of us that number in the thousands that play it every day?

So Id like to suggest that instead of continuing to waste your time with people you will never please, because there anger comes from there failures, not the games, instead you focus on those that do play it, and tell the “community” to move on.


seek professional help



Now THIS is projectionposting.

Maybe provide some creative feedback with specific examples and people will be inclined to listen.


Would be true if the delays of content were actually caused by this or if the development they currently did was changed that strongly by the complaints.

The reality is, that most of the changes that occured in the recent past, while lining up with community demands, would have ended up on Fatshark’s todo list either way at some point:

Performance - One of the big ones. Your software can be the best in the world, it does not matter to the customer if he can’t run it. This was always going to be a high priority item, community complaints yes or no.

Bugfixes / Crashfixes - Same as above. Hotfixing bugs is baseline common decency and only negligent companies do not do this.

Balance Changes - These were actually community influenced a lot more than the former two points. But they’re not all that time intensive. Changing around numbers and discussing what needs to be done will have taken Fatshark a few work days at most.

New content is coming and was always going to come regardless. It is being worked on in the background and always has. Looking at the game’s source code provides the evidence. New content and code pieces have quietly shuffled into the files with every other patch that dropped. It’s not like they will completely put off one task just to do another. No company does this.

The statements regarding “We are working primarily on X” and “This is based on Community Feedback” are mostly PR talk to engage the playerbase and give them a feeling of satisfaction.

Naturally the dev team will have an idea what needs to be done to see their vision come to life, regardless of community commentary.

A big reason why things don’t move faster is definitely also the console port they work on. Yes, yes. They totally put that 100% off for later. They would absolutely never have a handful of developers work on that in the meantime (haha).


Once again, saying there are thousands of people who enjoy the game is ignoring the hundred thousand that gave up.
Look at the reviews. Look at the ratings.
This forum isn’t a whiny minority, it’s a sample of the whole.
If this game was doing fine like you think, this whole scenario wouldn’t even exist.
Where is the whiny minority on the DRG forums trying to convince the devs to get their way and ruin it for everyone else?
I’m happy you enjoy the game as it is, but I’m not sure what the point is in trying to silence people who advocate its improvement.
It’s not like fatshark is going full steam pumping out fixes for the core problems instead of generating content - they’re not doing anything, we’re all in the same boat here.


Ehh… Just chill. The game might be out of the early access in 2024.
Just play some other games and let fatsharks shark.

So if you get too much negative feedback on your topic you just open a new one?

Stop spamming. Just starting a new topic every other day doesn’t make your opinion more valid.
You are the minority.

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so is this your modus operandi?

posting a letter to fatshark inclining that they are doing great and should not listen to people who disagree with you, meeting with the rightful backlash

wait a couple days to essentially post a letter with exactly the same content?
will you re-post the same stuff in a couple days again?

you know this is considered spam, right?
if you want to project some form of silent majority at least do the work and create several account’s



I’d even go as far as to say the people still on this forum these days after all that’s happened are the most dedicated and passionate fans.
The rest just turned their backs & left.
In my circle alone: 9 friends bought the game, only I and one other still play. 2 never bothered buying it because of the bad launch reviews.
The people who think it is fine the way it is right now are definitely not the majority, sorry.
Believe me when I say I really love this game and hope to God it becomes hugely popular and successful.
There are a lot of things (which every negative review on steam very plainly and openly state) holding it back that need changing before the actual popular public opinion can be swayed, I hope the devs start seriously looking at it at some point.

Can you cry louder please?

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I think claims that are like this are too vague and general to be taken seriously or have substance. Breaking it down you basically have:

Premise 1:) You are unlike the “community” that has hijacked the forums
Premise 2:) The community that has hijacked the forums are all of the same mind with the same agenda/goals
Premise 3:) The majority of players playing the game aren’t on the forums
Premise 4:) The majority of players have different goals/agenda from players on the forums.
Conclusion 1:) You represent the majority of players and their interest and wants.
Premise 5:) Players are walled off by entitled players on all social media forums not allowing them to have a voice.
Premise 6:) The entitled players walling off players and not allowing them to voice it, aren’t part of the thousands of players playing every day.
Premise 7:) The entitled forum users are incapable of being pleased, and they have have personal anger coming from personal failures that aren’t reflective of the game.
Conclusion 2:) The devs should ignore the majority of players on all their social media platforms and only look to the advice of these “enlightened” few that make it into the forums.

Firstly, even if you WERE right about all your premises and conclusions, and if I was a fat shark dev, what am I actually supposed to do here? What actionable advice can I take from this? Basically you’re saying to ignore ALL comments on forums and discord and such… FROM A FORUM POST. The issue is your argument is circular. How am I supposed to know that your post is not from the elitists and entitled users that you speak of? If I am told to not trust anyone on the forums or discord because they will never be pleased and don’t represent the needs and wants of the majority… that would include you and every post you make. How are you supposed to PROVE that you are advocating on the behalf’s of thousands?

A few points from me.

#1) All your premises are unsubstantiated. There’s no proof or evidence any of it is the way you want it. Almost impossible to prove claims. You’re working from complete guesswork or anecdotal and personal feelings at best. Have you run any sort of polls or numbers? Unless you give stats all your premises are worthless, and thus any conclusions drawn from them are also useless.

#2.) Everyone has an opportunity to speak out on social media. Otherwise you wouldn’t have made it here. There can be vocal minorities but GENERALLY for social media the only common denominator is people are passionate enough about the game and want something to change. Other than that you usually get a small sample size that is relatively proportionate to the rest of the larger group. People have all sorts of different opinions and argue all the time on the forums I doubt that there are many things with a shared mind except when it comes to siloed resources, crafting, mission selection, more content, character edits after creating them, etc. Everything else (whether dodge slide should be nerfed, mods, score boards, etc.) I see a lot more of a split on. So there’s no way there’s some shadow forum government pushing their agenda to the devs and stamping out all resistance to their goals. The forum players barely get listened to or have our feedback seemingly change anything anyways even when we are pretty much showing signs of solidarity on matters. (Removal of locks in crafting, siloed resources, mission select, solo mode with better bots, etc.).

#3.) You should be trying to use specific examples. Don’t make broad generalized claims that ultimately say nothing and give bad advice to the devs. You should narrow the scope of your post to a specific actionable item or specific change(s). You should be trying to convince people on the forums because (presumably) the devs should be focusing on changes that most people are speaking out on in social media.

#4.) For premise 7 it’s bad form, and shows a lack of psychological understanding to presume a large group of people are all angry for the same reasons and have the exact same emotional and behavioral make up, which would be utterly impossible for you to even know, even if it was true (so unlikely it’s practically impossible).

#5.) Avoid using absolutist phrasing. Your points are better when you use words like “mostly”, “probably”, etc. If you say “All” all it takes is a single exception, a single person, to destroy your entire premise.


alot of work to op who doesn’t even reads the comments on his thread.


Yeah no. Fatshark deserves every bit of crap they got. They know what they did, no one has to remind. They know.


Im sure fatshark was under a lot of pressure to get this game out to their beloved fans in time for Christmas. Lets cut them a little slack.

people were telling them not to release it based on the open beta

and I know you’re just trying to troll a bit, but I still have to mention that

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I would like that they give us, again, paid cosmetics.
I wait the new mission… and I would love more of them

Actually, I like what they did. I just wait to see bugs fixed and more missions.
I like to check balance topics, but tbh, the game is actually enough good to permit me to enjoy it.

I would, if I was fatshark, just make some changes to permit players to craft more items in a given time… not for players like me but for casual players or players that do not spend all of their time on this game.

conclusion: I am satisfied by what they did since January… and even if I have perfectly understood that, what they call new content is, in fact, just delayed content…

How many Dakimakuras did they promise you to say this?

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I dont know what those are but fatshark pays me $12 an hour to post on here, twitter, reddit, facebook, and youtube defending their game and bhsiness practices.

Criticism doesn’t equate to impossible to appease. It’s a critical factor in positive change. We cannot improve problem areas if we are not aware that they exist.