I think claims that are like this are too vague and general to be taken seriously or have substance. Breaking it down you basically have:
Premise 1:) You are unlike the “community” that has hijacked the forums
Premise 2:) The community that has hijacked the forums are all of the same mind with the same agenda/goals
Premise 3:) The majority of players playing the game aren’t on the forums
Premise 4:) The majority of players have different goals/agenda from players on the forums.
Conclusion 1:) You represent the majority of players and their interest and wants.
Premise 5:) Players are walled off by entitled players on all social media forums not allowing them to have a voice.
Premise 6:) The entitled players walling off players and not allowing them to voice it, aren’t part of the thousands of players playing every day.
Premise 7:) The entitled forum users are incapable of being pleased, and they have have personal anger coming from personal failures that aren’t reflective of the game.
Conclusion 2:) The devs should ignore the majority of players on all their social media platforms and only look to the advice of these “enlightened” few that make it into the forums.
Firstly, even if you WERE right about all your premises and conclusions, and if I was a fat shark dev, what am I actually supposed to do here? What actionable advice can I take from this? Basically you’re saying to ignore ALL comments on forums and discord and such… FROM A FORUM POST. The issue is your argument is circular. How am I supposed to know that your post is not from the elitists and entitled users that you speak of? If I am told to not trust anyone on the forums or discord because they will never be pleased and don’t represent the needs and wants of the majority… that would include you and every post you make. How are you supposed to PROVE that you are advocating on the behalf’s of thousands?
A few points from me.
#1) All your premises are unsubstantiated. There’s no proof or evidence any of it is the way you want it. Almost impossible to prove claims. You’re working from complete guesswork or anecdotal and personal feelings at best. Have you run any sort of polls or numbers? Unless you give stats all your premises are worthless, and thus any conclusions drawn from them are also useless.
#2.) Everyone has an opportunity to speak out on social media. Otherwise you wouldn’t have made it here. There can be vocal minorities but GENERALLY for social media the only common denominator is people are passionate enough about the game and want something to change. Other than that you usually get a small sample size that is relatively proportionate to the rest of the larger group. People have all sorts of different opinions and argue all the time on the forums I doubt that there are many things with a shared mind except when it comes to siloed resources, crafting, mission selection, more content, character edits after creating them, etc. Everything else (whether dodge slide should be nerfed, mods, score boards, etc.) I see a lot more of a split on. So there’s no way there’s some shadow forum government pushing their agenda to the devs and stamping out all resistance to their goals. The forum players barely get listened to or have our feedback seemingly change anything anyways even when we are pretty much showing signs of solidarity on matters. (Removal of locks in crafting, siloed resources, mission select, solo mode with better bots, etc.).
#3.) You should be trying to use specific examples. Don’t make broad generalized claims that ultimately say nothing and give bad advice to the devs. You should narrow the scope of your post to a specific actionable item or specific change(s). You should be trying to convince people on the forums because (presumably) the devs should be focusing on changes that most people are speaking out on in social media.
#4.) For premise 7 it’s bad form, and shows a lack of psychological understanding to presume a large group of people are all angry for the same reasons and have the exact same emotional and behavioral make up, which would be utterly impossible for you to even know, even if it was true (so unlikely it’s practically impossible).
#5.) Avoid using absolutist phrasing. Your points are better when you use words like “mostly”, “probably”, etc. If you say “All” all it takes is a single exception, a single person, to destroy your entire premise.