Fix the lag/performance!

I have reinstalled the game and I have disabled ray tracing. My poor performance issues has been fixed. You guys have been very helpful. Thank you so much!


I don’t want a refund! I want the game to work! Joker

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I’m not joking. I’m telling you this in all seriousness. This is a Fatshark game. Depending on your type of issue it might never be fixed at all.

I’m not going to ask for a refund. Go be silly elsewhere.

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No idea what this is!

Not sure about this one. All that does is create space on your disk to do more memory swap cacheing. If it’s getting to that stage you’re going to get a load of stuttering. Well, I think so, anyway. You may have a much better disk than me! Mine tootles along fine with 16gb ram at QHD res.

I have an SSD

we all do.


I was going to suggest a potential overheating issues anyway, now I’m almost positive this might be part of your problem. Laptops aren’t gaming machines, and they are notorious for developing overheating issues due to size and debris/gunk build up inside. I would suggest opening it up and cleaning up or hiring someone to do it for you.

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Now you’re the joker!


Thanks this is on my list to do. When I was deciding if a gaming laptop was worth it I did plenty of research almost all of which came back saying gaming laptops should last 5 years at least if well cared for which mine is. This also makes sense from an engineering stantpoint (my background and my father worked in the semiconductor industry as a head designer of bond testers for decades).

I have mine insured and I’m pretty sure the warrenty is another year long so I should be covered if it does fail. After which I will probably get a tower and notebook.

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Ok so I did the following

Delete darktides files, cache and app data.

Uninstall and clean reinstall or Nvidia + geforce exp

Double checked for any remaining armoury crate files and Deleted. I replaced this with Ghelper a while back.

Reinstalled DT

Booted up and played one game. No problems but the first one usually is fine.

Tried adding my modds but now I’m getting this error…? I double checked I was installing it right and I am 99.9% sure I am. I even deleted Dat again and reinstalled it again. But same thing.

I’d like to fix this before I give the game a stress test to see if the performance is sorted. Because I use the Accatran Las gun a lot and it greatly bennifits from haveing a site (Elysian fan boy).

Anyone got any ideas for the mods? I googled and youtubed it but didn’t find anything that worked.

Houston, we have found the problem.
Plus bro is running mods too.
Just get a fan and blow some air in that b!tch.

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I’ve been trying to play again after not doing so for a few months, only to see that the audio stutters and/or stops every few seconds while in a mission. So the game is unplayable for me.

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