Preformance Issues (Re)Killed the Game for Me

Despite my issues with the Penance Update, it did get my back playing Darktide. I’ve put in about 25 hours since Path of Redemption came out. However it’s gotten to a point where the stuttering and in mission freezing has made the game close to unplayable, which is sad because I was having fun with it.

I’m really, really not great with computers, or game settings, or understanding what certain things do. All I know is that I have never had these issues with Darktide in the past, and have been having them since this update. Additionally I have turned down all of my settings and am still having the same preformance issues.

I’ve lost a couple of Auric Storm Survivor streaks because of it, which is absolutely beyond frustrating. (I know I could’ve just left the lobby but that is so incredibly lame.)

I’ve gotten burned out Helldivers so playing Darktide felt, at least somewhat fresh (where is the weapon balance pass!). Hopefully it gets fixed ASAP.

At least Manor Lords comes out tomorrow. Hopefully it’s good.


Yea its the games fault since the update, its even bad on xbox. I cant blame you. Hopefully they patch it soon

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I crash every 3 matches or so.
My buddy gets “out of memory” crashes at roughly the same frequency.

Quite annoying.
And sometimes, we can’t even rejoin the group after restarting the game.

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Recently I finally upgraded from my beloved 1080Ti PC and got myself a new rig. Otherwise I would probably stop playing also. The game was getting rare, but consistent 1 second long freezes for me.

Ironically some people with far better, high end machines have been recently complaining about long freezes. What is your excuse about poor optimisation if your game can run poorly on top end Ryzen CPU and 4090?

I really don’t get Fatshark business model. Their in-game shop is terrible in general. You would think that to make more money should aim to reach as many players as possible without compromising their Tide vision. They have done very little to make this game to run well on an average Joe’s gaming PC.

I would personally rather have a less graphically impressive game, but one which runs well. There is a reason why games like Battlebit Remastered and Deep Rock Galactic succeded.

Nevermind the “live” service aspects.


Out of memory is still an issue for me, and has been for awhile. A friend of mine crashed almost whenever they interacted with an objective but reinstalling the game helped with that.

Is it because a random took the slot? I know DT will save your spot in the lobby for a bit if you crash out, but not forever unless you’re in private lobbies.

Battlebit remastered is about as successful as Darktide I believe…perhaps even less so. I believe right now player counts between the game are somewhat consistent on steam., but DT has both Gamepass and Xbox players to play with. (Idk if B Bit is on Game Pass).

He restarts the game right away and clicks the “return to party” button within about a minute of crashing.
Game doesn’t let him rejoin, although the slot is still reserved for him at that time.

An other issue that comes up sometimes, is that we get stuck in the loading screen upon joining a mission. Usually both of us get stuck at the same time. Maybe it also affects the other teammates.
When forcing the darktide to close, then restarting, we get the option to reconnect to the party, but reconnecting will put us back into the endless loading screen.

We still enjoy playing the game, but there have been multiple instances where the game crashed and we went “well, that’s the sign” and went on to do something else.

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I still get loading screen bug too. Wish there was a progress bar so at least I know if definitely frozen and when to alt+f4


When I wanted to see the new pencances when the update came out, I needed to reboot the game 3 times before I even got to see them.

Once because it crashed right away, another time because when I interacted with the new place I got stuck inbetween having pressed the button and the screen not loading and not being able to exit (so I had to Alt + F4) and then the 3rd time because of infinite loading screen.

All of this just to see the new penances…

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Interesting enough the frame rate issues on series x seem to have gotten better but now it crashes every 5th to 6th game.

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I wonder if that is the memory overload issue that PC players have? Since it usually happens after playing multiple games in a row. If it is, just restart the game after every 3ish missions after being sent to the Mourningstar and you should be fine.

Either way I was surprised to learn that Series X was having issues as well. I don’t know how FS bungled it that bad.

Happy to hear that at the very least Xbox players are getting some better preformance.

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Im unsure im no techno wizard, but everytime before it crashes, the game freezes up and acts like major lag. Its wild lol

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I would suggest writing a bug report on your crashes, would probably take about as much time as writing this post.

i’ve installed this, and i never experienced the problems, i don’t know if its related though

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My framerate went from upper 80s, down to 15ish FPS (displayed, but considering the slideshow, probably lower) with the last update

Fatshark, what have you done?

Not that the update added anything of value, but breaking the game feels very bad in that light.

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I’ve had issues too since the update, dipping down into mid 20’s in the worst instances.

Hey @FatsharkJulia , sorry I did not have this in preformance issues. As I said in the initial post, I’m not very tech literate so I didn’t feel like it was right to put it in preformance feedback with such little information. Would you still like me to try and get my specs, and upload a video if it happens again?

Any additional information you can provide is helpful. :slight_smile: I should reiterate we are aware of and looking in to these issues, it is clear to us that both performance and stability have taken a hit with the latest update.


Yea, I couldn’t get past the loading screen my first log-in, I havnt really been interested in playing unfortunately…

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check your fans

there’s a binaries mod on nexusmods for cpu priority as well

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it’s just an .exe which does a registry edit to set CPU class of Darktide to 3 (or high priority)

This can easily be done manually but for the less tech literate, that “mod” is far faster :slight_smile:

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