I’ll make it as easy as possible for you all. These are roughly in order of priority:
(1) Implement the rest of the crafting system and REMOVE the perk locking or anything else planned that bricks an item with a fixed property.
(2) Change the basic item shop so it (A) always has at least one of each unlocked item available and (B) can be re-rolled outside of the 1-hour schedule. There have been tons of ideas for how to do this (simplest is to have it re-roll after competing a mission, and it encourages people to actually play. Alternatively have a new replacement item populate the list when you buy one a given type).
(3) Change the map selection system so that for each available mission you can choose your desired difficulty. Between maps, missions, mutators, and secondary objectives there should be plenty of variety to have - just let us pick the difficulty.
(4) Change the weekly challenges that are overly grindy (eg 25 missions or 25 scripts) or waaay to RNG based (ie fully complete secondaries on specific maps). Change these to something else (kill X elites/specials, kill X demonhosts, do X of mission type Y, etc).
(5) Share crafting resources and currencies between all characters. Aquilas are already shared, so the system exists. If we can get curios shared too that would be great (ditto for sharable weapons), but I understand the items might be trickier.
(6) Change the way end of mission rewards work so that you have a better chance to get better items by playing on higher difficulties, fully completing secondaries, killing bosses (especially demonhost), etc.
(7) Change the most aggravating penances that require nearly sabotaging your team/run to be something different.
Edit: (8) Implement an end of mission SCORRBOARD
I’d start with the above. There are more items, especially related to class balance, abilities, etc. But I want to emphasize the overall systems that are causing the most frustration and burnout, resulting in players walking away. This is the list of critical issues that affect everyone.