Fatshark's Silence is Deafening

We had this same thing happening twice already with VT 1 and VT2.
Fatshark wont be rushed and is resistent to negative reviews, after all, enough people bought the game already, so whats the point.
However, it will probably take Darktide 6-12 months, the same it was for their last Tide game, to be in the same state as VT2 or atleast get more content IF they dont focus on releasing cash stuff, like cosmetics and DLC.

So players will have to sit this out.

Always saying that there was holidays is getting old.

We were told the crafting system would be ready in december, but there was only silence.

At least you guys could take the time to communicate what is going on instead of lying and/or being scared to open your mouth and saying absolute nothing, while the game goes down to 46% on Steam and 4,8 on Metacritic. This is just the most stupid behavior.

This just shows how bad your company is organized.


It’s going to take Darktide YEARS to have content even remotely similar to what VT2 had on release.

And that’s just talking about playable classes.

15 classes vs 4, and they want to release one per quarter, do the math.


As much as I’m annoyed that this game was even released before it was finished I would never advocate for devs crunching or working over the holidays. I want you all to take care of yourselves and your loved ones and maintain a proper work-life balance.

The problem is that the game is out when it shouldn’t be (I’m guessing for fiscal reasons) but I’m not calling for the heads of the devs, or for anyone to lose their livelihoods. I’m just a bit sad that I know have to place FS with the likes of CDPR or Hello Games whose games I still don’t play because they can’t be bothered to ship finished titles. I’ve heard I’m missing out, but my backlog is full of finished games I want to play.

I don’t need more levels or more classes. I really think that’s fine compared to previous Vermintide instalments and the quality and polish of the levels we did get. I don’t even mind classes and levels being released as paid DLC like they were in VT. What I cannot accept, however, is that you chose to ship the game without all of its components being ready and in place. I don’t even bother with gear at the moment. Crafting is not there so there is nothing to tweak or work towards. This is also why I’m not getting on the RNG-shop bandwagon (which is no worse than the RNG loot box bandwagon) – since crafting is not in place it’s impossible to judge what gear progression actually will look like… in VT2 the loot boxes were just crafting materials anyway.


And remember. That is before they release the full functionality of the crafting system then rework it after realizing we don’t like it xD

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I forgot about classes, mainly because I played like … 3 out of the bunch (Shade and BH, WH on and of), in all my hours, so Im generous and not even counting that because what good are 100 classes when only 2 scratch your itch.
But crafting, loot, something similiar as Chaos Wastes for DT? That could be doable. Considering they literally copy pasted stuff (hound jump is literally slayer jump) from VT2 already, they can do that too.

I guess what we forget is when we as customers complain about this game, we should complain about Fatshark the Company, not Fatshark the people.

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I did exactly what I said I would given the current state. I hit level 30 with all classes and uninstalled. Until more substantial things happen in place of “hey, we made the force staff induce seizures and you also get more buggy hounds now”, I’m not going to be playing.

Let the player base die. Go back to Vermintide 2.

This is a you problem, if you don’t want to use what the game has, that’s your problem, not the game’s.


I just explained why its not a problem for me, so why should I have a problem with it … ?
Why should I play a character thats completly beyond my interest (looking at you Kruber and Senna), be it because of the voice, careers or weapons?
Good on you if you played all 15 classes through buggy as fuk legendary skittergate on release, doesnt mean I have to do the same.

I agree though, a wider variety on classes could please more players and we have a lot of room for classes in DT, be it a Skitarii, Enginseer, Catachan or a multitude of psyker variations. But I would really prefer to get proper map content (with actual environmental hazards), working mechanics, story, bosses like a CSM (and yes the ragtag band could kill a CSM, powerlevels in 40k are all over the place anyway and really dependend on the writer), working specials and game systems before I ruin the game for myself like I did with VT2.

A good idea fairy needs to be sacrificed (Fired, named and shamed) for the poor communication and false promises of content development, slow to little info to the CM’s trying to put fires of hatred out, and for their complete ineptitude of managerial abilities. This entire debacle has nothing to do with the holiday’s, content creation, or the community managers. This $show is completely on the managements hands. A detailed message explaining the situation, a small token of appreciation in the form of FREE frame or something holiday themed would have done wonders for relations. Whoever was responsible for the disseminating communication at the management level needs to go. What tidbits of dialog the CM’s are fed and random social media monologues of what is happening is rather appalling considering the freefall of Fatshark’s reputation. There are not enough brown knights to rally to the cause.


FWIW, here’s a chart of the daily peak player count information I’ve been tracking for the heck of it.

** I know people will say “every game loses players.” Yes, sure. Whatever. Or you know, you can have a game like Deep Rock Galactic that has steadily GAINED players as it’s gone on.


Oh now you are being unfair, DRG has seasons with season rewards! :rofl: /sarc


As it stands it has been overtaken by Vermintide 2 and I think that’s beautiful


Didn’t the datamine find some “free cosmetics” specifically set aside as we’re sorry giveaways?

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So the team has been looking at the feedback and giving it serious thought. We’re discussing what we’ve read and how to solve it, what the priorities are, and how we’re moving forward with those priorities.

We genuinely want a game players can be happy with, and know there are pain points; so we’re sitting and figuring out which community-flagged points we should focus on solving. These discussions take a bit of time, so with everyone back in; we’ve been heads down focusing on these points and their solves.


I don’t want to be blunt or unpolite but I think many people here, just like me, are skeptical…
Those words, unless proven by sound facts, are just damage control.


Give us the dirt Aqshy, whos genuinely surprised by this response in office? This was all fairly predictable to the point of people joking about this exact scenario playing out with the launch being before Christmas.


:point_up: :nerd_face:

You could open a new forum section for CMs and non-employees only. We could call it the gossip corner!

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I’ll make it as easy as possible for you all. These are roughly in order of priority:

(1) Implement the rest of the crafting system and REMOVE the perk locking or anything else planned that bricks an item with a fixed property.

(2) Change the basic item shop so it (A) always has at least one of each unlocked item available and (B) can be re-rolled outside of the 1-hour schedule. There have been tons of ideas for how to do this (simplest is to have it re-roll after competing a mission, and it encourages people to actually play. Alternatively have a new replacement item populate the list when you buy one a given type).

(3) Change the map selection system so that for each available mission you can choose your desired difficulty. Between maps, missions, mutators, and secondary objectives there should be plenty of variety to have - just let us pick the difficulty.

(4) Change the weekly challenges that are overly grindy (eg 25 missions or 25 scripts) or waaay to RNG based (ie fully complete secondaries on specific maps). Change these to something else (kill X elites/specials, kill X demonhosts, do X of mission type Y, etc).

(5) Share crafting resources and currencies between all characters. Aquilas are already shared, so the system exists. If we can get curios shared too that would be great (ditto for sharable weapons), but I understand the items might be trickier.

(6) Change the way end of mission rewards work so that you have a better chance to get better items by playing on higher difficulties, fully completing secondaries, killing bosses (especially demonhost), etc.

(7) Change the most aggravating penances that require nearly sabotaging your team/run to be something different.

Edit: (8) Implement an end of mission SCORRBOARD

I’d start with the above. There are more items, especially related to class balance, abilities, etc. But I want to emphasize the overall systems that are causing the most frustration and burnout, resulting in players walking away. This is the list of critical issues that affect everyone.


My relationship with your office has consisted of y’all saying “wait we’re not ready” after months of saying you were. I truly don’t understand what the plan was for this launch.