This is an honest question. This is the biggest and most constant question since the release of DT.
A few months ago we had a great period of communication from FS via Strawhat and changes that were overall a net positive. Sure, getting the perfect weapon is a little too easy now, but Darktide was never and will never be a looter shooter, so who cares? The locks are finally broken, we got a new timed mission, a party finder no one ever uses… not all hitters, but the ones that were important were there.
Now it feels like community clamor is falling on deaf ears again. The playerbase has been vehemently against significant randomness towards maps and modifiers all this time, and you have introduced a new mode that torques it up to 11 by making Havoc missions unique to every player for no sensible reason… look, just read this post. I agree with everything except the complaints about lightsout/fog.
You continue not to provide public beta tests to players, leaving it to your “trusted internal testers”, and resulting in wildly imbalanced and unfun game mechanics and modes that take months, if not years, to get fixed. Winds of Magic was out for nearly five whole years before players got the option to bring bots into Ranked weaves and use Weave weapon skins in standard gameplay.
For something that should have been a thing from the very start, and at minimum within a year of release.
What is happening in Fatshark? Across everything, the core gameplay is great, but it feels like once the game is made and ships, it should be given to another studio who knows how to competently maintain a game. It’s utterly ridiculous the complete different train of thoughts FS and the playerbase have.
I would understand if this were a design choice a la PoE2 intentionally being slower compared to PoE1, Balatro intentionally forgoing a score preview, or Hidetaka Miyazaki’s love for poison swamps, but these are just objectively bad things that get added and stay in for far longer than they’re supposed to.
I am going to continue to believe that it is mass incompetence rather than malice that things continue to be this mediocre. I am going to continue to believe that it is the fault of a few suits who only know the smell of money and throw a temper tantrum when they don’t get a pay raise weekly. All of this I am going to believe, but I am not going to excuse the actions of a studio clearly deaf to what its players want.
Something needs to change. It would make everybody so much less pissed off. Even the Steam forums users, and emperor knows they always find something to be mad about.