Fatshark, with nothing to hope for we'll all have built different habits by the time you actually push something

You don’t want us to get whipped up over something after we’ve all moved on, we won’t care.

You want to get us excited now.

Prove to us you you have a plan by telling us about it. Otherwise, we’ll all assume that what we see is what we’re getting.

And right now, we all see diddly squat. Y’all are lucky Payday 3 is doing even worse.


Ever since TF2 stopped getting major updates it feels like live-service games as a whole have entered a dark age.

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Speaking of which:

Your patience broke about 5 mins before the happening.


Yeah dont get too excited. This new announcement wont come out untill october


Mayson, that’s how it’s been since launch and it’s part of why i’m still here.

Every single time I post asking for an update, there’s an update which gets posted just about concurrently.

Thank you for bringing that post to my attention. I’m happy this thread doesn’t have to continue.


go back to payday 2 then if you’re so bored. posting you’re bored and blaming fatshark for it is dumb.

We must hide you away and safeguard you then. You’re our secret ace to break the silence. :grin:


Continue the posting, maybe eventually they’ll write Shakespeare.

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I wonder if they could add a live service concept like 3x plasteel for certain maps or times, that would get me grinding a bit again haha!

Bro, why are you here?

I’m not trying to be rude. Clearly it’s me missing something, and not you. But it looks like most of the time you post, it’s just to tell other people that they suck. I can’t imagine it’s an enjoyable experience for you or anyone here when you decide to just be rude to them outta nowhere.

Now I’m not suggesting I haven’t done the same, from time to time. But I know why I’m here, it’s for the reasons you’ve pointed out as foolhardy and childish. But at least I’m coherent and conversational enough that both you and I can tell why I’m here and what I’m doing because sometimes I talk about stuff other than Who Sucks Today, like the state of the game and its playerbase, both of which I want to succeed.

What are you doing on these forums?


i enjoy the game, and the lore (as my post in the lounge attests) and want to discuss it without an endless crapflood of “#BAAAWWW THE LOCKS” and “fatshark, listen to me or you’re doomed!” whining.

And all this forum does is whine, whine, whine and then throw themselves a big circlejerk to celebrate how much they all whine together. if the only thing the fanbase can agree on is being toxic, then expect to be wallowing in your toxic waste.

That’s how GaaS/live-service works though. The periodic releases are meant to keep people interested and pull back in people who’ve stopped playing. And it works. Look at the player spikes when the major changes/content packs were released.

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Let me guess before I open up his reply:

He’s salty that people are mad about crafting and that attention of the forum is centered on how FS sh*t the bed there.


Look. Nobody is stopping you from making posts about the lore. Nothing is forcing you to engage with the people you don’t like. It’s a forum you miserable jack*ss, just put everyone you don’t like on ignore and go about your day posting about lore tidbits and things you find fun.

The only reason you have to continuously barge into crafting threads and proclaim them all idiots is either because you’re looking to rage-bait, or you’re one of those particular breeds of people who can’t remotely stand the fact their own pet issues aren’t the perpetual center of attention.

Either way, your attitude is a depressing example of the patheticness of Internet rage. Grow up and find something better to do than tone-policing a niche forum.


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