Fatshark, why did you release a vox teasing a weapon we already have?

Did you think we wouldn’t assume it’s for another weapon? What’s the purpose of emphasizing the plasma gun months after we already have it? Are you trying to insinuate that somehow our nameless footsoldiers get access to the plasma gun because of the Mechanicus because of the mission we are about to go on? Isn’t all of the context surrounding this vox indicating that it would be advertising a new toy we don’t have yet? Why wouldn’t you think that? Why would you setup and excite your playerbase with nothing to show for it?

Are you drinking?


Same reason Rejects Unite came before the crossplay update.

Same reason they are teasing ‘Secrets of the Machine God’ before itemization.

They thought they’d make something by a certain date and then failed to do so because they’re horrifically mismanaged.

Like as not in October when itemization drops we’ll get some Mechanicus weapons like a radium weapon as the trailer teases.


That was actually just the sound of my hype rapidly thawing like an ice block emoji dropped into the foundry when they later confirmed its just bolt pistol/shock mauls/pickaxes.

There’s two possibilities.

One, there is a radium weapon and some other stuff coming, and they are being sneaky.

Two. (More likely) It’s actually teasing a cash store skin… and nothing more.
(Which will suck and be disappointing.)


Ah but that’s just it.

FS clarified themselves that it’s just the same plasma gun we already have.


Still so weird that the weapon they’re alluding to is one we’re very familiar with. Sure the vox chat is always neat as it is hearing some rejects interacting like they are their own characters, but it’d have made more sense to tease something they already know is upcoming like the Bolt Pistol, or maybe Melta if we’re even sure it won’t be in datamine limbo.

Either way wake me until vox weapon teases cover Hotshot Volleyguns and Belt-fed Stubbers for Zealot and Veteran.


melta’s definitely a lot farther away than other weapons assuming it wasn’t cut, there aren’t even model pieces to spawn with mods. is it too much to want to purge with fire

See, they’re having to do that because they don’t have things ready.

This is the same company that claimed ‘technical difficulties’ because they had to delay announcements until Skulls due to having nothing else to show there.

Fatshark lies. It lies consistently and it lies blatantly.


Funny fatshark are specifying that it’s plasma

Because the video very much aludes to it being radium
“I get a headache just carrying mine around, I think it’s making me sick”
“That’s why hadron gave us those tablets to take”
Very much implying the use of iodine tablets to deal with the radiation exposure


Literally this

Carapace helmet with visor and hotshot volley gun


Carapace helm with visor and neck cover, complete with flak/carapace armor in both Kasrkin green and Stormtrooper black/red. That’d pretty much cover all I’d want for Veteran cosmetics.

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they recorded the voice lines for this years ago certainly, i bet all the vox transmissions were supposed to be out within like 6 months of release. they just are glacially slow and mis managed.

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What baffles me is literally anything else offical 40k with the guard in it
Are capable of it

Farshark on the other hand is after a year and a half

Best we can do is a scion helmet, what about the rest of the armour sorry too hard.


Considering the massive back logs of content and cosmetics we’ve seen leaked from day one some still unavailable

Yeah I can completely believe this

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It really is freaking weird. This could be such a cash cow.

Most likely they have some real muppet as top boss in charge and that person is convinced without them preventing change the game would somehow be worse off, but that’s just speculation.


they held back weave skins which were already in vt2 for 5 years.

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Fatshark allegedly have a flat management structure.

It’s Muppets all the way down. Er… And across.

At this point, Darktide is pretty much a case study on how you capture lightning in a bottle and use it to shoot yourself in the foot.


the only bit of evidence we have that it exists is an insignia allegedly found in the files

yeah the weapon insignias and frames are clearly the rewards for some weapon penances that aren’t live yet. there’s also one for the long las, which I’m assuming is also on the list of things they might not add…scopes are actually hindering trash in this kind of game.

When they say that Swagger is the mission giver. Does that mean he does the briefing? Or he’s a new NPC to interact with to commence the mission?