Fatshark, why did you release a vox teasing a weapon we already have?

Wouldn’t hurt to read the devblog.

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I read that, and it wasn’t entirely clear. “Mission giver” is kind of vague. Does that mean that he’s the one leading the mission over the comms? Or is he the one you have to actually go up to and talk to in order to queue for a mission? If the latter is true, perhaps there’s a new currency to be earned? The way they describe this level, it sounds like this level could be the segue into the new itemization update.

If you want to know more than what is written in the devblog, you should ask the FS people.
None of us know anything that was not mentioned in the devblog, or in FS comments on the topic.

Yes. Except he’s going to be in the map with us so we can shoot him for being too cool for school.


I can’t imagine he’s going to walk around fighting with you. I feel like he’s just going to be walking above/next to you on some inaccessible walkway or some such and occasionally pop his head out. That’s my guess anyway, but we’ll have to see what happens.


@Flawless If you want to know more than what is written in the devblog, you should ask the FS people. None of us know anything that was not mentioned in the devblog, or in FS comments on the topic.

Granted, I figured there might’ve been an observed precedent if this sort of verbiage had been used before - was probing for that.

The guy might behave similar to a servo skull.
Who knows. :smiley:

If he was turned into a servoskull that might be less obnoxious. I wouldn’t have to hear his stupid name and look at his Columbine inspired outfit.

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I keep thinking of Falkon from Red Sonya, except really at the end of the day he was a cooler guy. Stood by his king through thick and thin.



You had a similar thing in the Necromancer maps in Vermintide 2, where Sienna’s sister and Oleysha could be found in the map in certain spots and talk to you. It’s nothing technically groundbreaking or new.

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I guarantee you the Meltagun is being held back until they can introduce it in a paid DLC. They know the players want it, so what better way to make it available than through a pay wall.

And the sound off in the distance is my one pillar of cope - that it was a new thing and that’s why it took so long - crumbling.

My god…

why do we have such bad communication? why do you even try to guess something from a poor communication? Seriously…
I don’t even check or watch such things that bring us no information. This is not the kind of communication I would want.

I would want to see a video of the game with characters using new weapons… on the new map. Something that show you the new contents in the upcoming patch.
A voice… my god… why don’t they take inspiration from what others do? Arrowhead hired a society to create them the videos in game and the teaser. Must admit these videos are really well done. If FS is not enough good to create such needed videos, they should pay someone else to do it for them

2 days to the patch and we still have no real videos that could get me excited…

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Does WH40k have remote viewing in such abandoned areas?

All the other rejects with the pumped up drip
You better run, better run outrun my gun

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I’m getting mad Shadow the Hedgehog vibes from Swagger. The name, the visual design; I would’ve thought he was the coolest thing ever when I was 10.

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The AM also have plasma culverins, but I’d rather see an eradication beamer.

I wouldn’t mind paid DLC weapon packs at all. They had them in VT2 and I’ve been expecting them all along for DT.

I do have to wonder how they would be implemented though. In VT2, they are not added to the loot pool; you can only craft them. To make red DLC weapons you have to break down 5 regular weapons for enough upgrade materials. Will DLC weapons show up in the stores? Or will they only be available for direct requisition via Brunt’s? Will there be a separate vendor entirely? It’s not a big deal; I just wonder.

I don’t think we come with a sufficient generator installed to power such a beast.

It’d be a heavy weapon too anyway so only ogryn could carry it and such tech is probably a bit beyond his ken. I do hope for more heavy weapons for gun lugger at some point. Heavy bolter, multi-las, lascannon, and autocannons are all canonical gun-lugger equipment for starters but I see no reason why heavy flamers, multi-meltas, plasma cannons, grav cannons, and any other heavy weapon standard or exotic couldn’t make an appearance.

Funnily enough in Dark Heresy (which Dan Abnett and by extension Darktide draws a lot of DNA from) Ogryns could apparently carry plasma cannons.

Plus Moebian Ogryns are very smart and allegedly vat-grown.