Fatshark, why did you release a vox teasing a weapon we already have?

You might be thinking of Only War? It’s the same TTRPG d100 game system from FFG but is more battle-oriented than more investigative Dark Heresy. I don’t know about 1st Ed but 2nd Ed didn’t allow for ogryn PCs.

But yeah, in OW, with the gun lugger advancement and proper training in the appropriate weapon category, gun luggers could use just about any heavy weapon. They could even use a mortar and hip-fire it like a regular trooper using a grenade launcher. Of course, the first time the gun or cannon jammed or malfunctioned in any way and their handler wasn’t there to help, they would beat the gun to pieces in frustration.

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Basically he’s the new mission’s handler

With one massive difference
He’s on the map
You know like the pdf guys we see as set dressing

That’s it
It find it hilarious fatshark are talking this up as woah isn’t that so cool
This is the best they have, a named character not being on the morningstar


I remember when we were waiting for Darktide’s release, we were told the maps would be coming fast because they had put work into the creation tools, so we’d run every map many different ways and never get bored because things would keep changing.

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I think it was more that they planned to use a lot of the same features, like the Chasm Station exterior for instance, where you enter and exit on different paths in different missions. Or the drawbridge on Enclavum Baross that we lower but then on Comms-Plex we run across the already lowered bridge and leave it a different way.

Of course, there are a whole bunch of these shared areas you can see if you pay any attention at all.

I wonder if all the complaints of the maps feeling “samey” didn’t have them backtrack on those plans? It’s a shame if so. I wouldn’t really care about running the same map under a completely different name if it shook up the mid and end events a little. Pretty much what the Orthus Offensive special assignment did.

Even slight pathing changes can shake up the feel of a mission, Darktide not having it when both VT1 and 2 had it is a bit baffling.

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Yeah, but they did like, two runs on a map and went to lunch and it’s been 34 years since we’ve seen them.

I agree. One way or another, things did not pan out the way they were talking in that dev blog.

That was always nice in Into the Nest or Fort Brachsenbruke. It really did shake things up. It was also plagued by respawn issues for the longest time too. I remember people spawning on the opposite path and not being able to get them since they also didn’t teleport ahead back then.

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