Failed to decompress Failed to decompress Failed to decompress Failed to decompress

Random thoughts about the (maybe CPU) issue

It seemed to happen basically only on darktide, maybe its just how the game is set up compared to other games.
It crashes the game completely while it could appear as a weird or minor bug on other titles even tho its the exact same issue.

It doesnt seem to be exactly linked to the performance specifically because i play a lot of warframe on max/near max settings and helldivers 2, both of which (mostly HD2) are considered as possibly very heavy to run.

CPU has arrived, we had trouble turning on the pc due to an issue with the graphic’s card that made it unable to turn on because of some kind of short circuiting if screwed too tight (the MB is larger than the case was made for or something like that).

mods have been updated!

Beginning testing now!

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How did it go?

well i’ve spent a lot of time playing many games that were crashing lately, i still crashed 3 times on marvel rivals which is still rather new and i only got on it cuz of peer pressure but aaaaanyway

yeah… after all this thing, i think i can say for certain: When you get the ‘‘failed to decompress’’ error, it might be time to contact your CPU manufacturer and get a replacement.

oh and if you build a pc, dont trust intel, even if they fixed this, i had to go through so many steps to get a replacement that i believe their customer service is made to be as hostile as possible intentionnaly so you dont get help.


i’ve spent so much time denying it was the CPU because of the financial burden of it.

but yes, its simply a faulty CPU crash.

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Sorry to hear that - appreciate you keeping us posted.