Fatal Error! Failed to Decompress. ...\binaries\..\bundle\7e244424cea6fb81 from package 7e244424

Issue Type (Required):

Error - Failed Decompress/Oodle Detected Corruption

Issue Description (Required):

Game crashes shortly after being turned on. Has crashed during load screens in games, during games, and during the crafting section.

I have tried verifying my files multiple times and it makes no difference. I downloaded Intel UTI and it was already set to 53x and couldn’t be changed.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

Game crashes shortly after being turned on. Has crashed during load screens in games, during games, and during the crafting section.

I have tried verifying my files multiple times and it makes no difference. I downloaded Intel UTI and it was already set to 53x and couldn’t be changed.

Screenshot 2024-10-01 145418

Assuming you’re using the Intel i9 13900k/14900k or i7 13700k/14700k - is there anything else that could be overriding the ‘Performance Core’ speed? Have you made any changes in the past?

Nope, I do not believe I even could sho

d I want to.

Could you share the entire crash report with us, please? :slight_smile:

Played a couple of games yesterday and it has not yet crashed, which is odd as they day before I was unable to do anything. Perhaps something else was going on at my end that’s resolved itself since? Not sure, will keep you updated if it crashes again, thank you for your support!

Okay it happened again.

GUID: 435b8e76-1640-4161-8f26-aaaf242aee51
Log File:
Info Type:

Screenshot 2024-10-04 185049