Failed To Decompress crashes related to faulty hardware (An update/continuation)

Issue Type (Required):

Error - Failed Decompress/Oodle Detected Corruption

Issue Description (Required):

This is a continuation from my previous post related to random Failed to Decompress crashes when playing Darktide. That can be found here:

Most information is already present in that post, so I will try not go over it again in detail. I ask you quickly read through it as it’ll give you an understanding of the issue I’ve faced

Some time has passed since I made that post, and so now I’d like to offer both an update and put out a general call for information/input regarding this particular situation.

Firstly, I took some time away from the game, but found I still wished to play it. After messing with the settings I was able to reduce the crash frequency to almost nothing, and made some discoveries that should be self explanatory and help identify the issue as faulty hardware (my 13th gen Intel i7-13700k with the Vmin Shift Instability hardware issue):

  1. Raising the Worker Thread limit causes crashes to occur. I’ve found that six is the highest I can reliably have it without regular crashes, though that isn’t to say crashes cannot occur on lower limits, just that the rate at which they occur is severely diminished. During testing I raised the limit to 24 (after playing continuously at 6 for a while) and crashed near instantly.
  2. Capping FPS at 60 reduces crash occurrences. Having it even at 72 seems to increase the likelihood of a crash.
    Combining these two factors, I have been able to return to semi-normality, however I am concerned over the continued use of defective equipment, and the fear of playing with a crash looming over me has dampened my spirits. Also, I miss the higher frame rates (even if 60 is fine in most cases)

Call for information:
Despite alleviating the issue to a tolerable level, I still wish to replace my faulty CPU. I am in contact with a local PC shop who upgraded my machine three years ago with the 13th gen Intel (before the issue was known about) and will most likely use them to install a replacement. After discussing it with them, we’ve hashed out a plan to order an Intel i7 12700 separately, wait for delivery and have it replace the i7-13700k, which should hopefully be done within a day. The alternative would be to take the machine in, remove the 13700 and send it back to Intel, wait however long for the replacement to be sent and install it, which could take weeks. I’m leaning towards a separate purchase, as while it is more expensive I do not wish to go without my PC for too long.

I mention all this because I want to hear peoples thoughts on this solution and other possible options. If I went with the separate purchase option, would it still be possible to send the faulty CPU back and get a replacement, which I can then sell?

Regardless, any input is appreciated. I would also like to extend my gratitude to everyone who’s helped me with this, especially DashHandsome for their concise breakdown of the issue and understanding attitude. Thank you

I’d actually recommend asking this over on the Intel discussions, where I’m sure plenty of their posters are dealing with the same predicament!

I don’t see why ordering a replacement now would prohibit you from sending the other CPU back for a replacement (to then sell). Personally, if I could live without a CPU (and therefore no functional PC… which I can’t, hah) for X amount of time, I’d wait for that replacement to save :dollar:, but it sounds like this isn’t a viable option for you!

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I’ll look at taking it there, thank you

And yeah, I’d prefer to keep the time without my PC to a minimum, so I’m willing to fork over a little extra, and hopefully make some of it back. After looking around a bit I may have the option to get a refund instead of a replacement, which would cut out the selling part entirely

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