Even with fire i cant see

The mine mission in VT2 comes to mind.
In the dark, on standard graphics settings, it’s a more challenging map. I loved it. I didn’t dare venture in to those side mine corridors as I was approaching Legend skill level.

Then someone told me about some setting that changed IDK ambient lightning or something, and it was like playing in daylight. Totally trivialised the mission for ever more.

Guess: careful what we wish for.

I note the OP also has (?) the numeric UI so has a health bar tracking targets too!

Enemy hp bars come from the “health bars” mod.

Numeric UI only has stuff related to players. Like ult cooldown bars for teammates, ammo numbers and so on (and it adds a nice green circle around medipacks to indicate their effective range).

We should definitely be auto equipped with a more powerful body flashlight on lights out missions. We obviously already have a small one they just need to amplify the power of it.

Maybe a servo skull with light radius could accompany the team during these missions, if body flashlights can’t be a thing.


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