I used to play Darktide on 1080Ti. Now I have 4080 and I had to go back to my old PC and apologise:
“Poor visibility, NOT only in dark areas, wasn’t your fault, buddy. Fatshark seem to think that the colour pallet comprises of only 3 colours: black, brown and more brown.”
Rethink your approach to visuals Fatshark, it’s embarrassing that a game with such visual fidelity has such massive visibilty issues.
Also not a fan of this modifier. I can’t see OR hear, double threat. I wind up using trauma staves to light the way, but RIP if anything is behind me. I’ve found QP players will just speedrun it, which also isn’t very fun.
Since I have some personal visual issues that put the game close to the edge of playable in the first place, the worst map modifiers that mess with sight are almost impossible most of the time, so they simply make me drop game. Apologies to anyone I’ve bailed on, but I promise it’s for your own good!
Oh, that one’s pretty much the worst for me as well. There’s good and bad in patches of most maps, but the extreme darkness and extreme ‘white-out’ areas are definitely difficult. There’s nothing quite like being immersed in a smooth, bright cloud! I’m immensely lucky to have some good friends who’ve learned to patiently tolerate my bitching about not being able to see, so I’ve done a few missions on those but I can’t put aside my conscience enough to subject poor, random gamers to what would seem like my drunken, oblivious flailing on those maps.
i still believe that yes the modifier could use some emergency lights here and there and it shouldn’t be all ‘‘as bright’’.
we should also be able to have lights on more weapons or our base player light could be better/cosmetics with lights could actually be useful in these missions (actually cool but too cool for Fatshark to do so forget about it)
yeah, they restrict us to only a few weapons with this and expect it to be fine when clearly the flashlight is the least used thing in the game, the god damn bash is used more often THE BASH. that is only really going off of what i’ve seen but i digress. i’ve only ever seen people use the flashlight on lights out missions, every other time i see somebody, they have a helbore, a braced autogun, a lazpistol, or a headhunter. if its none of those, its a staff, a bolter, a flamethrower, a plasma gun, or an ogryn.
They gotta add sh!tty body flashlights that just barely lights up the dark ahead and around the person, that way when all teammates are together, they can light up a small section or a small room. When alone, teammates can easily find others without using the darktide teammate wallhacks. When grabbing a downed player, others have a dim but stable light source.
Even add battery pickups and make the flashlight have a lifespan. Any unused batteries can either be automatically traded in for ordo or plasteel or diamantine. Maybe even hold on to the batteries for the next lights out run. (Like how Chaos Wastes lets you keep some currency for the next run.)
It wouldn’t be as bad if Darktide’s specular lighting worked a bit better. Currently, even with ray tracing, specular lighting doesn’t work in Lights Out at all.
There is pretty much no light bounce on the map from the sources of light that are still there.
Its because the ray tracing i think was merely tacked on and not fully implemented and coded into the game so its not quite as good as it could be. I saw a video a while ago where someone added in i think it was new injection code or something so the game had better ray tracing support for the newer drivers and it looked great. I just wouldnt trust it as it wasnt done by devs and could corrupt files
Having (literally) just finished the archive mission in the dark: wasn’t too bad. Helped by having a really good team; but obvs modifier depending the specials are neutered a bit by range, and mobs aren’t triggered at range. You need to know the map layouts, esp when jumping off ledges, but it has some advantages.
Can’t see why we’re not given night vision goggles mind you. Shades of orange or green no worse than those of black.
Didn’t read the whole thread but there might be something wonky with your settings.
My PC got a BSOD recently while Darktide was loading, and it reset all of my settings for the game including mods. Last time I fiddled with the graphics was idk 1.5 years ago, so I have no clue what I had there before. But now low-light maps are way worse than before, it’s like half the visibility I used to have or worse. I’ve yet to find out why or what to do about it. But there’s definitely something there that makes a big difference for darkness.
Yeah that’s where the problem seemed to be the worst for me too. I went for minimum everything at first and then started tuning stuff up from there. All I can say is, it doesn’t seem to be the obvious light settings that’s at fault here. Idk what else it could be.
I’ll def let you know if I find some obvious cause come weekend when I have more time to play around with the settings again. All I remember from before was that I had around low/mid settings for most of them with high textures, and that I had RTX off everywhere including manually editing that .ini file or whatever.