DLC's, content and cosmetics

I just wanted to know what the community think about “DLC’s, content and cosmetics”.

Of course i appreciate free content, but if we could get a better deal between money spent and meaningful content i wouldn’t opose, for example:

Helldivers 2 delivers free content and warbonds (guess what, u can get them for free by farming in game currency) and they are mostly fine (lastly, i know they were a little underwhelming in the past, but now they are pretty solid).

Payday 2 delivered content for a decade and i know what im talking about cause i played since release in the xbox 360/ps3 and pc, they too delivered free content and “weapon packs” with normal dlc’s that u had to buy, i want to point out that if u or a friend didn’t have some dlc map, he or you could still play together if the one that had the dlc made the lobby.

I know that there are a ton of examples were games implemented free content with dlc/microtransactions in a “fair” way like warframe, monster hunter games, DBD, space marine 2 (it’s having some problems due to his core gun/gameplay, but surely it can be fixed).

With all of this yapping i am meaning that i wouldn’t mind or actually i could prefer if fatshark released “meaningfull” content on a paid basis (with it in mind that said content should be of a higher quality and on a faster drop rate compared with the content that we have now), with meaningfull content i mean a new class and new weapons only, maps should stay as free content, and most important if we get new weapons i prefer, no, i demand that they are cool ones, im bored of latrine equipment i want cool stuff, new staffs, power fist, power axe, ogryn heavy bolter, spears. No i don’t wanna hear that is not “lore accurate” :nerd_face:.

  • I could trade better content for money
  • We should get good content for free
  • Bad idea
  • Don’t care
0 voters

we all know that cosmetics mostly sucks in this game, the devs are capable of doing great skins but due to laziness, greed or both we get some nasty deals. So what, what can we do, i want to have cool cosmetics, but this game varely provides any, and i don’t think they will change their policy because this post. I don’t know how to do the next poll.

  • This game skins are horrible, i demand better deals and quality
  • Skins are fine
0 voters

P.S No, i don’t speak english so there might be a ton of orthographic and grammatical errors.

What is this fatshark???

This is the reward (and some scarce materials) for the second anniversary (practically) event? really?.


Do we take in consideration that when they did dlc content instead of cosmetics (in VT1/2) content wasn’t faster nor ‘better’ ?


U tell me, i didn’t play them, so i can’t talk much about fatshark past.

it actually looks better than 99% of the frames


I’d be willing to pay for a new Archetype via DLC.


I’d like to buy some cosmetics if they’d get rid of the whale milking store setup.


That I would too.

But it’s really the outlier, and it’s not even certain that it will happen.

But even in the case of one, I’d rather see it free and sell cosmetic on that too. Think of selling Krieg/Elysian Enginseer, Rogue Trader’s Tech Priest…

But really, im more in favour of seeing weapons for free as we currently do than what they do with Vt2 (paid weapons)


I’m on the fence regarding the first poll, as I agree with Cactus that weapons should remain free.

Firstly to remove any balance considerations from financial incentives. Can you imagine the conversations on this forum alone if duelling sword was premium, for instance?

Secondly because organically exploring weapons and loadouts is a great part of the joy of the game, and I would hate to see it pay walled.

However, I’d pay for a new class if I had to. I’m a little loathe to part with my sheckels too readily based on the current monetisation model, but I’d at least consider it. In this case some weapons may also become ‘paywalled’ if they are class-specific, but I reckon that’s ok.


Good craftsmanship costs money. Universal truth. They’re not going to put as much effort into the free content if it’s not very proportionate to the sales they’ll receive from it.
I’ll happily pay for content, regardless of the type, so long as the content is worth the price ask. In VT2 that was mostly the case.

The premium shop unfortunately stands in the way of that. It would cause negative reactions in and of itself if they started charging money for both content and premium cosmetics, as they’ve previously used free content as an excuse for premium cosmetics. It probably wouldn’t fly PR wise, and they know this. I’d still prefer it


Maps certainly were better and so were the new weapons. Not to mention that Vermintide 2 didn’t have “different marks count as new weapons” numbers game bulshttery

Funny enough even the paid cosmetics were both better and cheaper.

What’s your point here?

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Yeah archetype makes the most sense for paid dlc imo.


For Fatshark to support this game long term, they’re going to need some revenue. That’s just how it is. I would be perfectly happy to pay for additional content for Darktide - like DLCs featuring new archetypes, weapons, etc.

For all the flak Fatshark took for the state the game was released in, they have in fact continued to work on it and deliver content (albeit slowly). I want that to continue, and I really do think it’s about time that they consider doing some kind of DLC for Darktide.

That said, the fly in the ointment for many players right now, I think, is the premium cosmetics shop. Improving that I think might help persuade people to take a more positive view of paying for additional content.

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archetypes, mission pack: yes, i’d buy it.

skins: many low effort recolors at high prices. i have 2-3 skins for each of my characters in use (to make different builds visible)

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People wanted dedicated servers, now they’ll have to contend with the running costs.
I don’t get the “new class” calls as people don’t offer any meaningful suggestions and realistic suggestions as to what that could be, but other than that, I’d be ok with paying for good content.
But, honestly, the only thing I’ve seen for this game so far are overpriced cosmetics of frequently dubious quality.

You may have missed the many many lengthy discussions on admech/ratling class suggestions…

Here ya go, biggest two threads recently:


Id like the store if
It was 50% less
Allowed for colour customisation and basic for the drip functionality
Stopped being rotational and just showed everything available
Had higher quality cosmetics
Sold a proper kasrkin set

Also I’d be willing to pay for a stormtrooper archetype for vet


For real, i can’t believe that warzone have better skins than a proper 40k game :sob:


This will always be hilarious


Oh, I’ve seen plenty.
They ask a lot for things that are “cool”, which is really an extension of the “playing with toys” base of the franchise, but those very much miss the mark for meaningful and realistic.
Because A) how will they play differently? For someone who doesn’t care for the franchise, what would be the game design impact of such a new class?
And B) What is the economic perpective? A new class requiring a new model, with potentially different level design considerations, new animations, new weapons …
Unless such a DLC is bought by every active player, it’s almost guaranteed to not be worth it.

Really, the first questions one should ask are

  • what does this do so drastically different from existing classes that it couldn’t possibly be done by adding an extra weapon class and maybe active ability to an existing class?
  • Does it reuse enough existing assets that it’s likely profitable?

As personally I’m not that invested in the IP, I can’t possibly chime in on people’s desire to play X or Y.
Though I expect the most likely approach to new player abilities would be packages that replaced part of the skill tree (as much choice as it offers, it ultimately boxes them in design wise as you can’t just keep growing it. Or maybe they can, doesn’t mean it’ll make sense).

You need the class to visually stand out and have a new “Gimmick” else why bother?

New voicelines and skilltress will have to be done regardless of what you go with that is the baseline of a new class after all (you can get away with just 2-5 class specific weapons, look at the zealot for instance).
People are not asking for pet classes or flying mounts. they are asking for variety to spice things up.
Realistically the blitz, ultimate and capstone are the only in game effects that differ and would require some thought (Techpriest ulti could be a modest hot with a long cooldown or the ability to cure “downed” wounds for instance if you go the “biomancy” route).
As for doing things differently: You swing melee weapons and shoot guns, every class does that. Different skins, weapons and voice lines are the real and only selling point.

Lastly: The games are in no way comparable but look at inquisitor martyr which got a new class dlc almost 6 years after its release. Same with vermintide it took ages for the necromancer class to drop but finally, it appeared XD

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