Did fatshark abandon darktide?

Oh son, you must be new to Fatshark’s software development workflow :slight_smile:


They’ve been on vacation. The game was delayed so many times that the devs were likely on a very long crunch and a release so close to the holidays was a compromise, not a plan. Judge them based on their performance when they’re actually working again.

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I just can’t with posts like this lol.

Two weeks of nothing. Two weeks which happen to fall over the biggest Holiday of the year with a European studio. A part of the world where holidays, vacation, and disconnecting are not only valued but even legally enforced.

Please, can we have some level of perspective in the forums and reddit. I get that there are a ton of things wrong, and we can pick at them and the state of the game as a whole and nauseum, but this is not one of them.

The game’s communication will pick up once everyone is back from vacation, and we can go back to being upset that communication we get isn’t accurate.


This point would resonate a lot stronger if they didn’t decide to put the crafting rollout on a timetable of December before proceeding to do that whole vacation thing.

Plus it’s not like the CMs haven’t been monitoring the forums, they’re just not responding.

That plus the recent article of the lead designer saying things are working fine and the reception has been great just further p*ss people off.


@FidelCashflow what if the CM’s simply don’t have answers to those questions?

Sometimes games have multiple teams that work from different offices so the CM looking at a forum post might be from office A while the team that knows the answer might be from office B and bc of the vacation, office B is empty.

Give it a few more days, the team has likely been working hard since beta and the only one to blame for Darktide’s sorry state is the idiot who said lets release before Christmas.

Why not extend the pre-release beta over the month of December then and make the “official” launch January? Its not as though the game isn’t more or less the same as the beta and they could have Launched with season 1 of their service and a finished crafting system hypothetically.

I’m almost positive they wanted to get a good launch sale window and people are always looking for crap to buy around the holidays.

They released the game unfinished then took an extended month long vacation.

Darktide has lots of issues, but the premise of this topic is asinine.


It’s kind of typical for any game studio these days, especially those made by Sweden-based companies. I’m particularly blessed in that two other games I play on a regular basis are/were also developed by Swedish game studios (looking at you, DICE Stockholm & Massive Entertainment), so I’m well-prepared for this annual event.

I mean nothing wrong with having xmas holiday, absolutely. But just the lack of communication what will happen to the game and the overall bumpy release and the schedule of releasing it shortly before Xmas while everyone was aware (due to open beta desaster) that it will be catastrophic.

But maybe they have another impression of the reception of the game than the players :wink:

There is absolutely nothing wrong with shuttering the doors and taking a nice long vacation, completely reasonable, and no one should seriously be upset with that decision.

The problem has never been the development team, Im sure they are all working incredibly hard. However a decision was made mostly at the top of the company to release a clearly unfinished product just before Christmas to capitalize on potential holiday sales and help keep the company afloat.

For PC players the development team will fix the technical bugs and potentially even start addressing player concerns within the next 6 months to a year and the game will be great. Hopefully it will remain popular or even get a rerelease cdproject red style which would reinvigorate the game.

As for console players its pretty evident that either fatshark themselves or Microsoft has axed any notion of releasing the game in the state it was released on PC. Im guessing we won’t hear anything about it in any real way for quiet a long time, probably Q3 of 2023.

No fatshark has not abandoned anything, they just decided that releasing the game after christmas was just not fiscally in thier best interests and they where willing to push the game out and hope that they could ride out the negative feedback.


The devs will fix the game, just not right now. Go play something else and pretend it was never released and come back in 6 months.


What did you expect ? Lead designers saying « our game is shiiit lmao, don’t buy it ! » ?

Frankly a middle ground would have been to release it as an early access…

This steaming pile of garbage was dumped on us shortly before Christmas, and your timeline doesn’t mention holidays that these staff get (and I’m sure desperately need).

There’s plenty of reasons to hate this abysmal, mobile game-esque, RNG simulator, but make sure you’re correctly directing your malice towards the glutenous, imbelices in management who chose the directions that caused the tyre fire we’re currently witnessing. Not the developers who are just trying to get code pushed by deadlines.

We really need a roadmap? i mean, they will not delivery the promised anyway

I saw an article saying they’re in it for the long haul. Not sure why they aren’t communicating with us more through posts here though.

So unprofessional, releasing a completely new game and then go on a vacation instead of releasing it and fixing whatever needs fixed-- once the worst stuff gets fixed, that’s when you deserve a vacation.

Oh I mean I haven’t played the game since Christmas. I just keep checking in to see if any Fatshark employee engages the community ever again lol.

I’ve been replaying Elden Ring and Kotor 2. Doesn’t change the fact that this has been an appalling release for the game I was most looking forward to in 2022.

No, a lot of Fatshark’s bumbles are understandable. It’s just tiring and people don’t feel like extending the benefit of the doubt anymore. They feel lied to so there isn’t much leeway. Just the way it is unfortunately.

Even then the vast majority aren’t baying for the developers blood. They just want to be kept in the loop and not treated like mushrooms.

Geez man, pls get another meaning of life than spamming an internet forum.

We get it, you are the anti mainstream edgelord that secretly knows it all. Message received.

Now go your way