Darktide's Melee Weapon Design has Failed

A fair point. I forgot to mention the stagger at all. However this is a horde game so i think a decent ammount of cleave is necessary to make it good. I don’t know what the values are but i’d like to see it maybe kill 2-4 horde targets on swing with headshots but it just needs to balance that by being less god tier against elites. Good, great even, but more single target oriented for high damage executions via a overcharged attack. Less “press button, kill anything”.

I mean, you CAN get the Wrath Blessing on a Power Sword…

There are plenty of viable weapons without big cleave numbers. It absolutely does not NEED to kill 4 horde targets per swing.

I feel the pre-latest-nerf PS was way too strong, but I can get behind the idea of constantly spamming the Weapon Special button is bad game design. It honestly needs a re-design in my opinion, but people need to accept the fact that a one-weapon-kills-all is not going to happen. Any weapon landing in that category in the Tide games has been nerfed. There’s always supposed to be a trade-off with any weapon. The Antax MkV Combat Axe with Brutal Momentum is next…

I agree. That’s why i proposed rework 1 and 3 at around 200~. You pick up slaughterer and when it gets going it starts cutting hordes to ribbons but its still not quite the elite slayer it was and has to be used more to duel them than cut them all down in a swing. Thats my notion for a good balance for it. Also always on feels cooler and better in my view. But i think, at the same time, some players really like the feeling of fwipping through a big group of enemies and that is a valid view. It then needs to be balanced by making it weaker somehow.

I would propose, if the power sword is flat out reverted, then make it do less damage to ogryn and maniacs to compensate.

I’d like to add this proposal to the conversation:

Might be a cool solution as well. Or at least a less aggressive nerf. Gives value to the unpowered attacks. More complexity not less on the power swords seems a bright idea.

When I said flat damage profile I ment it delt it’s 75-105 damage with Light Attacks and 125-175 with Heavies to all targets regardless of Armor or Enemy Type. Not it’s Charged Damage - that would be ridiculous. The Light and Heavy damage may be a little too low for Maniacs and Ogryns though.

I understand that, its what i meant as well.
There would then be some kind of charged attack that is better. But it would always be “on”

I have a completely crazy idea that popped into my head this morning.

  1. Ditch the power cycler blessing
  2. Revert charged swings to 2
  3. Display graphics and visual and audio feedback as if the power sword is always on
  4. Make no stats changes at all.

Hear me out. The power sword feels boring and unfluffy to use but if I play with it from a PURE GAMEPLAY perspective, even in its current state, its a perfectly good weapon. Even a great weapon. So just change the look and feel of normal swings and it’ll immediately feel cool.

The old MP44 vs Thompson problem.


I hope they won’t cause a youtuber has given its opinion… If we listen to him, soon we will buff meta weapons and all play with 5 weapons… And maybe we could allow everybody to play with speed hack and god mode (that’s fun also).
I have a good PS… And I already stated what I think about that.
But mine has the best cleave effect… With sunder.
I was thinking it is useless… But I tend to think it is not.

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Very easy fix indeed.

I think this is the best idea that splits the difference between the Nerf faction and the I WANT MUH SWORD BACK faction. But I do think of a looming controversy: killing power cycler all together will make some people pretty salty.

What should be done with this blessing in this proposed extremely minimal change?

Power Cycler existing is a bad thing due to two reasons:

  1. It is far and way the best blessing for the weapon and some would say essential
  2. It is extremly hard to get

I believe everyone would agree, that having a blessing in the game that outclasses everything else is bad and so is the RNGesus, which will hopefully get fixed.

Let’s suppose that we fix the RNG in what way or another, then it is still bad if one blessing is better than the rest, but the nerf/removal won’t matter as accessibilty is higher.
Still no matter how you slice it, people who have spent their time grinding a blessing that is way too powerful and incredibly rare will see their time spent wasted in the long run, as it is either
(a) gonna get nerfed hard
(b) become extremly easy to get
Nothing to be done about that really.

In this case I’d remove it and give players who had it the choice to add one tier 4 blessing of their choosing to their library.

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It feels like a perseption issue where ppl asked for a high number of wepons. Id also ask that we remove the magic 3 classes of rifles. Insted making the fast and slow both good in any given set, and remove the med, becuse what dose it even do? It adds fule to ppl screeming “thay cant balance there game” lol.