Convocation of Decay (Legend) End Event - OP or Nah?

Yes mate. Whatever you say.
Are you a Cata player, aren’t you?
So why are you arguing if less expert people want to have fun and not wipe in a map?

And no, not everyone is a tryhard o a wannabe one.
Many people can easily play legend in all the maps and still wipe in CoD o EL, because they have overtuned finales. If you don’t think they are, that’s your opinion which is in contrast with the vast majority of Legend players.


Personally CoD only needs some minor tweaks. Fix the lighting effects when dropping out of the circle, and (personal opinion) dont let the bar decay if no one is in the circle. Thats it. This map stood out just because it was harder than most maps, and thats because most maps now are braindead easy. This map feels like its getting nerfed for the wrong reasons.


Doesn’t really matter but can you imagine if Beastmen were allowed on this map? Imagine those Standard Bearers slamming their poles and knocking people around and off the middle.

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If they cant do cod then they are not legend players easy, its the other way problem all other events are boring cakewalks. Maybe only Nurgloth give problem but he is easy with minimal cordination

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So one level determines your skill level opposed to the runs you make in literally all the other event levels? I mean, they’re Legend players because they play Legend. If they keep failing one mission fine but it’s not like that excludes them from being called Legend players.


Except most people don’t have the time to spend 4 hours a day Grinding CoD. If Champ is boring to them and find their good enough challenge in legend but whipe in CoD then they just get frustrated and may leave the game.
What i don’t understand is what do you care if legend or even cata is nerfed? for how you talk even normal cata missions seems not a challenge to you anymore,
so you should be spending your time in modded realm playing some cata+ deatwish. Just curious.

Since when have you become the holder of the Legend players’ seal of approval?


i know what the point of it is, it’s not hard, it’s just boring. you have people just standing around smacking him for tiny amounts of damage while he teleports around doing nothing of note.

That’s why I think it needs a rework, because the more varied part where both him and his mount are up is generally over way quicker than the tedious “challenge” of just standing in corners hitting him.

More time between AoE for nurgloth would be cool too, yeah.


Since when mayority of legend players are worth grain of salt?
Not touching mechanical skills because its just pracitce.
But most of events dont even throw more stuff than 2 hordes and few ambients in it at you. Mayority of events are on plain open spaces where you can play them as normal progression through map or just stand and smack rats because everything spawns in easy to delete spots.
A lot of big offenders are just standing in one place and smacking inadueqate amount of stuff (atleast fort MADE you move from one spot when there was tons of monks, now is there even any amount of elites that get to you if you have dedicated range character?)
CoD have hard to deal with terrain but its both your advantage and disadvantage, adapt and overcome.

Weeklies, Deeds, Twitch and a combination of them. All depend heavily on the standard stuff happening. If the end event is boring from the start adding extra to it is not going to make it spicey. Other maps can be plenty difficult and fun to play with a great ending.

There is a large number of end events that are absolutely eventless. Fort B, Hunger, Grain, Fest Ground, Omen, and Magnus are the worst of them. If FS touches Convo “slightly”, as they did before with Omens, or Fort B, even Twitch+Deeds cant save half the time. Convo never was as difficult as any of those two before they got destroyed. Most bosses can also join the “easy end” list. Thats ten maps from a pool of twenty-two with a washed down ending.

I find it rather weird that telling people to step down a difficulty if they cant handle it is offensive, but telling people to go play in an unmoderated, lifeless hole is fine. Last time I checked there was 250 people in the DWONS Discord. Worldwide. There is plenty of players on Champ, Legend and Cata. You can find a game at any time of the day at any unreasonable hour with green ping.

Keeping Cata difficult is the way to go, not washing Legend into a Champion+ and dragging Cata down with it.


Damn, if only there was a difficulty above legend for people who feel that legend is too easy for them. What a shame, that would be a really nice addition to the game in my opinion


Damn if those event werent snooze fest there too

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If you’re too good for cata you should play cata twitch or modded, not demand that legend be made harder for you, lol


How many hours do you have in the game sorry?

I understand your point and it’s valid, i don’t think it’s offensive to say to players to go down a level if they can’t handle but here the problem is tha they can handle it exept that one map so there some inconsistecy in the level of difficulty. What fatshark can do is up the scaling of difficulty overall that would probably make happy you and those 250 people but upset the vast majority of the playerbase. Also scaling down difficulty of one map is much easier an resource consuming than scaling up all the others. For a busness point what you ask is not sustainable. And if the playerbase dies it means stop of new content even for you. If i where in your shoes i would more try to rally the playerbase in asking for an extra difficulty level added to the base game.
Is just my 5 cent on it.

Also guys @alsozara @Lord_Giggles and all the others please stop feeding Perteks, he’s just a troll all his posts in the forum can literally be summarised in: “you’re bad git gud lol”.

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Despite appearances I actually think he’s being earnest most of the time and is just extremely misguided. I’d rather challenge such people than ignore them. Besides, ignoring him has never made him go away either.


If rest of events are just worse than normal progression of map, yeah dont demand them to being interesting. Great logic here


Most of events have plenty of tools to use to migitate danger, fort have amazing dodging route, with tons of ledges that gives you time to do stuff, only big problem of fort was suicidal respawn location. You could dodge monks and special forever just walking around fort, tons of ledges with fow break points. Its not problem of event that ppl dont use those resources.

Sometimes even most obvious like moving forward few meters for better fighting location is so hard to grasp for them because there is big juicy target to smack it.

I don’t understand how; “If you want a harder difficulty play Cata. But if one map final stands out as a difficulty spike among the rest, it’s not a player issue, but a final issue.” Can be such a controversial opinion among some people in this community.

If this difficulty spike was on something say festering grounds, I’d be more lenient because it’s the third act. Natural progression would entail that should be harder than the first and second act, same with boss maps. But it’s literally on the second map of the campaign, and it’s not even a map issue. It’s smooth sailing up until the final where people struggle.



What are you even talking about

When event is more boring than normal progression its wrong. Horn of magnus is ideal show how its just standing in one place and just waiting with inedaquate amount of enemies