Convocation of Decay (Legend) End Event - OP or Nah?

I believe if you want to cheese it that could be effective, but I never tried so I’m not certain. You have nothing to lose by trying if things go to hell, I guess. But pretty pretty please: If you try something like this DO NOT BE HOST. The people in Quickplay thank you.

But pretty pretty please: If you try something like this DO NOT BE HOST. The people in Quickplay thank you.

Dont worry, i am almost exclusively play solo with bots, but if play QP, i never leave, no matter how bad it is going gameplay wise, UNLESS i start a new game and its happening to be Convocation of Decay, in which case i immediately quit, being 100% sure i’m doing a favor to others too by doing so :smirk:

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Assuming this is for the Grail Knight/ Outcast Engineer challenge. On PS4 I know you can quit before failing so it doesn’t count against you. I’d assume the same of PC/ Xbox.

I feel like when playing with bots, the ending got so much harder after the Outcast Engineer release. It’s at a point, where I just don’t want to play Convo at all. What really bugs me is the amount of specials and the bots total incapability of countering them. Bots die within the first minute and after that it’s just a matter of time before disablers get you too. I think Skittergate should be the hardest Helmgart mission, not Convo, but that hasn’t been the case for a looooong time now.

So after playing Convocation of Decay 15-20 times it definitely is easier. But only because I’ve got a strategy that works for me. Hard blitz to the end, skip all tomes/grims, have one player jump on the tilted pillar behind wizard #2 to snipe specials. Be ready to drop at any given moment, so if I’m in then I stand right near the edge. The toilet water slow is a death sentence. If there’s a hookrat inside the ritual I either give a call for the sniper to take a shot, or I try. If it’s a flamer or gunner I drop immediately. It will cost too much health otherwise. And when the fighting is really intense we rotate up half the stairs and drop in a clockwise direction. We don’t set foot inside because it’s too easy to get flanked while blinded. I’ve had the fighting be so intense that by the time we get back to progressing the ritual again 4 more specials spawn over the two minute period.

Is CoD still out of line with the rest of Legend difficulty? Yes. But it certainly isn’t as impossible as made out to be once you don’t try to progress the ritual unless you own control of the entire space with all players up. The progress bar dropping while outside the ritual has little gameplay benefit as it tricks players into holding a position they can’t defend. And the progress bar has no impact on enemy spawns, so if you fight for a few minutes first then no more enemies spawn.

Are you sure? I never was able to survive for so long that spawns stop. If this is the case, people might be able to invent some new cheese tactic based on this :slight_smile:

The fighting went on for maybe 6~ minutes after we started the event, dropped, and cycled players being alive and dead.

Its probably been mentioned before but I feel like removing blight stormer spawns from this event and removing the flashbang effect would go a long way in retaining some of the challenge but also reducing the rng.

I feel like every time I play QP on this map I have to pray that blight stormers dont spawn or that they spawn in a nice location and time where they can be easily dispatched. Most of my failures on this map with competant teams are due to blight stormers casting from frustrating positions, denying access to the ring and turning the map into 9 minutes of Kiting elites and specials.

This generally means that dispatching Blight stormers becomes a top priority. Which is fine with a pre-made team and with players using ranged weapons without a high dmg drop off. However you cant rely on this with QP.

You may get the odd case of the gas rat with a god tier throwing arm but I feel like overall the other specials are pretty fair as they generally move towards the centre of the map.

I also find that the green aura around the ring, the flashing during the event, and the event audio drowning out the sound of specials makes it much harder to spot specials in comparisson to the other finales.

I am by no means the best player at this game so I can imagine many players will not have the same opinions as me. I generally found the pre nerf fort brac pretty fun and much more enjoyable than the current itteration of Conv. Conv sometimes feels like it devolves into a free for all with sensory overload in QP.


So… I bought the game a few weeks ago and sunk in +200h already (and I plan to get more). I don’t know how “it was before”, but this map is by far the hardest of all helmgart missions. Even with a decent team where you basically run through the map you always pray for luck.
I have managed the map several times on legend and everytime I was succesfull, I actually don’t know why. It is such a gamble.
And basically 9/10 times you get destroyed. It is such a huge jump in difficulty to any of the other “end events”. Skittergate is very easy in comparison and I see people complaining about Skittergate as well.

Please Fatshark, revisit “Convocation of Decay”. I like the challenge but this one is a diceroll.

Skittergate isnt even really difficult, just a thing that the endboss is a healthsponge and multiple things about the fight are just bugged or outright unfair.

Such as silent spawns etc.

Convo meanwhile is ridiculous because for say on cata it likes to drop in 2 chaos warriors+horde+specials from all 3 directions at the same time.

How to deal with 6 chaos warriors frontlining a horde with a blightstormver casting from above with assassin and packmaster skulking about? No one has a good answer and thus its a silly fight.

How sure are you about this? I thought i saw something like this once but i wasnt able to replicate it.

Mate, I’ve been fighting for up to 8 minutes with 2 of us trying to res people/gettingdowned/resing and so on and the spawns kept on coming. CW, gunners, poison and hooks regular as clockwork. I’ve NEVER seen a lull in the fighting due to the clock running.


PS4 here, so there’s a difference between PC. I had a lull on the Grail Knight patch. Fighting for ~5-6 minutes then nothing for the rest of the event. Can’t say I want to replicate it.

ahh ok. On PC it might just need a lull long enough to have some kind of hope of res-ing people without getting gunned/hooked/stomped and so on.

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I think its hilarious this thread has been up nearly 6 months and nothing has been changed.

Decay isnt a hard level…Enchanters lair would like to have a word with you all. Now thats an overtuned boss fight that needs nerfing.

Whether one considers it hard or not, I think it’s undeniable that it’s not in tune with the rest of the map, or even most other maps.


I think it’s fine. Some maps require more coordination than others.

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For some degree, maybe. But for sure not 400x more than on any other map across same difficulty setting.


Decay is ridiculously hard relative to any other map event aside from Enchanter´s finale. Which isnt actually hard if the game doesnt throw the 8 chaos warrior wave on you and the team knows how to melee.

Meanwhile in convo…I mean sure you can make a premade team with a GK, Ironbreaker, Shade and a witchunter to just steamroll the motherloving daylights out of any special&elite that dares to spawn but QP doesnt exactly provide that option.

Pop in there with say a waystalker, a bounty hunter, a Merc and a battle wiz and you are just properly screwed anytime 6 chaos warriors+the rest spawn. Which is guaranteed, and what happens is that Bounty oneshots one of them and now he cant kill more, elf might kill one if she hasnt used F for a special and merc&Wizard are stuck in melee. That leaves 4 running down on you with a horde+specials.

= team scatters around with more enemies, including asassins and packmasters, spawning = team starts dying = wipe.

Rarely will these one or two buggers actually survive long enough to have trollstormvers come and clear out everything that isnt a CW for them and let them save teammates…So while enchanter´s is just pure RNG on “do you get 8 chaos warriors running you down with flies?” Convo meanwhile is RNG on “Do you have the dream team comp or not?”

The chances or the latter happening are far, far lower than the former.


There are circumstances that make some maps more difficult. In Garden of Morr you won’t believe how many times I’ve had to explain to people that they got rinsed, because they ran to get their own chain and weren’t prepared to fight a triggered horde afterwards. Engines of War, Blight Reaper, the ravines of Athel are all unique challenges that test us and keep it a little interesting.

Your reply doesn’t adress how Convo is harder than all those other maps. For some there’s a clear strategy that makes those events easier. For Convo the optimal strategy still doesn’t make the fight easy. The point isn’t that maps challenge you in different ways, nobody was arguing against that. The point being argued is that the unique challenge of Convo is harder than the other maps. Which is pretty undeniable.

Uuurgh, can this zombie thread finally die…