Conversion to the Mastery System: Fatshark Pulled (another) Fast One

They sure do.
My point is, when it comes to migration, the QA standards should be exceptionally high.

Many other mistakes can just be fixed later.
Migration issues immediately become a problem, possibly with permanent consequences.


It only takes a few hours to go from 0-20 mastery, so… On the other hand, sorry. That kinda sucks…

Just gonna omit everything else I was going to post and leave it at that.



I’m bugged where I don’t get the mastery rewards that are between the level the weapon was before the fix and the new mastery level.

Edit: I restarted the game again and the rewards are available now.

I did get much higher masteries with weapons I didn’t really use compared to some of my more used weapons.

Jakal strikes again…

Dunno if I’ll ever be as miserably loathsome about a forum that I actively participate in as you are, but I definitely have started seeing more things your way… just not when it comes to QoL, it’s mostly the “I don’t like this so it should be nerfed” crowd that get me…


I’m not telling you to go away, because this is a free and open forum. But I wish you would just go away. Your contributions add nothing of use to the conversation.

More to the point, this thread may very well have sparked Fatshark to look into an ERROR in their system, which they have now corrected. So just… get some perspective. We’re all here, complaining or otherwise, because we like the game enough to care about it.


Exactly. If it’s a bug, it needs to be fixed. If it’s working as intended… then they weren’t honest in setting expectations… which would be a weird turn given that they’ve appeared to have attempted to change that for the better.


More people would probably start discussing the lore when enough of their mechanical issues have been resolved. Until then, why ignore issues people have?

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I only got full mastery on 10 weapons, and not even on the ones I’ve used the most, and I was missing 5 blessings across all classes, at all levels, on all weapons except the Pickaxe (none on pickaxe).

There’s something so very ironic about you, of all people, callig someone else useless.

At this point you have to be aware that “complaining” is how you get mistakes fixed so why even start typing such room temp. IQ nonsense?


regardless paying 1 mil dockets+30k plasteel to max everything out is not bad. i spent 55k plasteel+5mil dockets on ONE WEAPON.


This thread was very useful in helping Strawhat identify the problem, communicate it to the Fatshark team, prove its impact on the core playerbase, and get it addressed.


Watch out, they might start asking for Aquilas as compensation.

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honestly, i’m not convinced this is even the core of the playerbase. it feels like a very small niche group intentionally playing away from the normal gameplay and getting mad when someone points that out.

Forums are not, never have been, and never will be the core playerbase of any game. That’s just the nature of computer game forums; critique, lore discussion, ideas, and airing grievances about the particular game are the most common things that appear on these sorts of forums. People post once or twice and don’t come back, whilst those who stick around do so to discuss the game as it gets updated over time.

You do have a tendency to come across negatively a lot. So much so that I can tell from other users that they, too, see you as being synonymous with negativity around here. Here is a fine example of a criticism that has been recognised by Fatshark, has resulted in a fix in record timing with good communication via Strawhat on a Friday at the end of the working week. Could you not just say something positive about that? Instead you start complaining about everyone else.


that’s nice to hear we were actually able to contribute to the game.

i’ve sat now for several hours over sacrificing stuff, claiming masteries, building new weapons or polish the best i had, cleaning my huge inventory, and rebuilding broken profiles. and i’m not done yet. obviously, new players will start with this base and won’t have to clean up such a mess, but for the old guard the transition could really have been smoother.

anyway, i’m glad we got rid of the #1 issue i’ve been criticizing since release. simply crafting what i want, how refreshing.


Yes. Finally.

I went off and updated my steam review - finally switching it over to “Recommended” now that the purgatory of the old crafting system is gone.


I played Darktide today for the first time in several months to check out the update and I am quite disheartened to see I’ve actually been set back in progress because of this + the new power leveling system. On my Zealot I’ve had thunder hammer galore with the T4 Blessings I desired - Thrust, Slaughterer, and Headtaker. But, that was about all I had for my Thunder Hammers as I didn’t care about anything less than T4 blessings. …Now I don’t even have access to T2 blessings… Same thing for my Purgation Flamers. And that’s just my Zealot, I haven’t even looked at my other 3 characters, all of which were suited well than more enough to duo Damnation Auric Maelstroms. Kinda anxious to see how much I’ve been set back…

And for the power level, well I had weapons that had 380 base stats in the old system… and now I need to invest MORE resources into those weapons to get them to those stats again because they’ve been dropped to 73/77, 77/80, and so on. I feel cheated. I was typing a massive ‘rant’/critique of the new power system because I abhorred what I was seeing, but I realized that those max potential values seem to always sum up to >=380. Thankfully I realized before I posted that nonsense and looked like a half-wit haha.

Aside from how the conversion was handled, I think I like this change overall…? Unlocking blessings by using the weapon instead of praying to the Omnissiah you find one with the blessing you’re looking for? I am a fan of. Being set back on progress and losing access to blessings I had before? Not a fan of. Traitorous even. At least they didn’t touch weapons in our inventories and left the blessings there. And for the power stuff, well as long as those max possible values are always going to sum >=380 (which was the same max in the old system if memory serves correctly), cool. It was definitely frustrating to finally find a 380 base revolver that had an 80% on everything but a measly 60% on damage.

That is how it works, yes. Your old weapons that were (close to 380) are still at the peak of the power level in the game. It is unfortunate that you need to gain Mastery exp to get your old Blessings library back, but Fatshark did announce ahead of time that your library of unlocked blessings would be the source of headstart exp.

Either way, if you have some resources to spare, buying grey weapons of the same type as the Mastery track you want to level and then consecrating them to green (mastercrafted rarity) will give you a lot of Mastery exp if you then sacrifice them at Hadron. You will be back at level 20 Mastery for your favorite weapons in no time with this shortcut. It is not a very elegant system and it’s a lot of clicking around in a menu to get what you want but at least it works.