They plan to strip your blessings

I’m not okay with this. Some of those I worked for an extremely long time to get.

How about all existing blessings move over, and also anyone with more then 2 level 4 blessings or 4 level 3 blessings starts with that weapon mastered?

Also, we should get a massive, (like a 100 thousand) of the (new?) resources per level 4 blessing we already have, because that’s often what it cost to get.


Yes the new system require them to start it from a blank state, but if I understand it well enough, if you have blessings that are unlocked you will already have some of the mastery unlocked as well


Even if that’s what we’d like, it’s not gonna happen. Only way they could keep people happy is making it so our weapons either stay the way they are as “legacy” weapons that still contribute to the new weapon system (so that eventually we replace our legacy weapons ourselves), or if our weapons transferred over, which isn’t the case.

Could kill the game.

Some. I have level 4 power cycler.


They state ‘blessing library’, but while they mention converting weapons, they haven’t explicitly stated how the weapons get converted. Do they become ‘base’ items with some determined conversion to base stats? Do they vanish? Do they remain owned and mastered with blessings affixed to some degree already?

There’s plenty of room for concerns in that part alone, even before we start asking how the library converts to Mastery. Certainly, having half the tier three and four blessings already unlocked suggests you should have a fully completed weapon ready to go. But again, we just have no facts yet and nothing to do but worry for our already made progress getting taken away.

Fatshark take very close note here - making players feel like they’ve lost progress is the worst thing you could possibly do. Even if you make the resultant system great, calling on players to re-grind things will generate a huge wave of bitterness and resentment and cause Darktide to hemorrhage a lot of the current/veteran playerbase.


This will depend on how the item conversion will work, will the new cap be equal to what we have now? with the change in costs for certain blessings and perks under the new system this might be true for some weapons and not so for others.

And with the information given this seems to be the only way to raise the mastery level with out needing to venture into a mission to “grind” experience for those weapons, but I would not put it past Fatshark to just not mention if there is a bypass system in place nor how this would affect items aquired from Emperor’s Gifts or the higher quality items purchased from Sire Melk and what that would in turn mean for the mastery system.

They said theyre gonna respect player time so i doubt theyre gonna reset all weapons back to grey you guys need to stop freaking out


They also once said:

“The nature of randomization and repetitive actions sometimes seen within crafting is something that we are steering to avoid in the crafting system within Darktide. Meaningful choices will be made with strategy and goals behind them, as you set your eyes upon that perfect combination of melee and ranged weapons for your class.” - crafting blog

And you have seen what that ended up as.


I got all blessings on all classes but for the newly added weapons.

I sure wont mind something new to hunt for when the itemization patch drops.

Give us something new to hunt/grind for! Reset our inventory yesterday :slight_smile:

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Do you love being disrespected and having your time wasted?


It’s also not said anywhere if you have to press “earn blessing” to have that new abyssmal system of theirs save your current blessing.

I have plenty of weapons which I managed to roll close to perfect the first time around so I never bothered to select “earn blessing”. Like even if I found another weapon with 1% more idk reload speed or handling, I did not bother to try re-rolling thus I have the blessing on the weapon but not in the blessing library.

With that new system does it mean I get screwed???
Or that I have to navigate the already awful inventory and manually claim each blessing on the actual thousand of weapons I have in my inventory while taking a healthy crash break, because they still haven’t fixed the inventory size giving you an out of memory crash. Such joy.

And for the perks, do I need to have in my inventory several weapons of EACH FAMILY with maximum perk levels that serve no purpose but to be used as a voucher when this godawful crafting update drops so I can immediatly redeem the maximum “perk expertise”???

Will perk we currently set ourselves instead of being naturally rolled even count as progress??

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Same, if the new system fails to transfer ALL our progress, we will be having words. Lots of them.

Also the new itemisation “progression” system better does NOT include conditions like “Kill x scab shotgunners with 10 headshots under 20 seconds”. I hope its a matter of basically gaining EXP whilst using the specific weapon with no silly “achievement” style conditions. I’m sick and tired of this OCD stuff affecting missions.

I suspect Fatshark knows that, which is the reason why they delayed this change. It must be a nightmare to convert all that player progress data from the old format into the new one.

Again, as I wrote this trice at this point. I think, you are overthinking the itemisation system redesign, Fatshark. All you had to do is remove locks, or at least make diamantium remove locks. All that time and effort could have been used elsewhere, redesigning the map selection screen for example, so we can select maps, difficulty and add various old and new difficulty modifiers to customise our experience at will. Literally the same freedom we expected from the itemisation and crafting.


to be fair, they’ve probably been working on this rework since release just like classes, the beta system was never meant to be the current system

“Damned if they do, damned if they dont” for sure.

This is such a FatShark response to a Fat Shark created problem.
“We came up with a whole new system to wipe your progress!”
“We just wanted no locks and buy blessings and maybe even grind up weapons into plasteel.”
“Yep, we know you hate our locks, so we are going to WIPE YOUR PROGRESS and give you a whole new system.”
“Some of us have many hundreds of hours working with the system we hated. We just wanted the locks broken… not to lose our progress!”
“Yep, we hear you. We’re wiping your progress in our bad system and giving you a ‘boost’ in our new (most likely also problem filled) system.”

[coming soon?]
“Also you are going to LOVE the new locks, lock 2.0, where the new system also prevents you from making the weapon you want in an entirely new way.”


Wipe it clean! I have 100s of the same weapons, when I go to make a new one I cant find anything. I don’t make any new weapons or try anything new for fear of looking in my inventory. Its a shat system and player entitlement demanding more resources is nonsense.

FS doesn’t care about existing players. Locks will be lifted! Look shiny! They will facelift the new system for new players with fresh wallets.

yeah i mean, they coulda bandaid fixed locks and added diamantine blessing buys or something, but someones got “the vision”

So we’ll spend all our time working on reworks instead of making new content.


The post you quoted, and even the portion you quoted, states that your blessing library will turn into enough EXP to get you the blessings you previously had and possibly even more.

I would imagine the way it works is, each blessing is worth a certain amount of Mastery EXP, and by having such a blessing already, you gain that much EXP and thus could press a button and have it again.

Now this could all be lies or whatever and Fatshark is gaslighting us (While I jest I admit that it wouldn’t be the first time) I think it’s reasonable to assume that you won’t be without what you previously had.

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A head start to re-earn isn’t keep. IF it was, they would say that.

And they should.


“This means players will start the new systems with a head start in mastery, giving them the chance to unlock previously owned blessings”
I take this as “Enough of a head start to unlock previously owned blessings”. It’s not 100% explicit but it certainly reads as such to me. They just mean that you won’t instantly ding the entire progression track for having a blessing or two previously.

Again the phrasing is vague enough that you could take it either way and it might even be stretching the truth. Who knows with Fatshark, but I’d -like- to believe they’d properly pay people who sat through such an awful system for so long their dues.