Conversion to the Mastery System: Fatshark Pulled (another) Fast One

There would have been an easy solution to boost player agency and mitigate inconsistent blessing transfer calculation issues: Let players max the masteries they want sooner instead of locking blessing tiers behind mastery tiers (All or Nothing, yay).

Maybe that’s crazy talk though, since they’ve introduced this lovely grind for so many… :confused:

Disclaimer, I have yet to actually participate in mastery unlocks as a new user would!

oh well. i had an almost complete sticker book, and it translated into complete mastery in the weapons i mostly used, so apparently that is also a factor. for those where mastery was not complete, i quickly got a few weapons of the type i was going to master from my stockpile, which is still huge even after all this work, because that’s what the incredibly bad old system motivated me to do, and sacrificed those with the worse score.

so, after much clicking boxes, i have complete mastery and can build whatever i want, without ever going to the shop once per hour and hoarding hundreds of 375+ items on every of my 5 characters. i’ll see about seeling the unused rest later, or perhaps keep the stockpile in case that weapons with less blessings will receive more of them in the future.

but, by the throne, that was the most annoying way i had to “play darktide” ever. normally one can do everything from the menu using psych ward or modular menu buttons. here my game crashed every time i attempted that, even with the new version of mmb. ok, so load the character then, go to inventory > masteries, see what’s needed here, go back and to shrine of the omnissiah > sacrifice, gather the weapons, maybe consecrate some profanes to green, go to masteries again and klick into boxes when you have collected enough mastery points… and do this for every karkin weapon family. to make matters worse, the sorting by name is all over the place, i had to scroll through lists with hundreds of entries in which the different marks of a weapon were apart… ok, doesn’t matter, it’s done, but was a complete redesign necessary when most players only wanted those darn locks gone?

not to mention redoing the builds that got deleted due to the changes in the skill trees.


Yea, i was hopping on to post essentially this after my own spree just now.

After running the new mission a few times and realizing the xp return would be pretty slow, i went and donated a few junk’ish spares i had at Hadron, and that was a lot more efficient.

Closed out those i had left to finish in about 20 minutes of clearing out my own inventory across 4 toons, then picked up a few blanks and bumped them up to green to close out the last few points.

Turning in the corresponding weapon type is a huge xp bonus vs just throwing random junk at it though, worth taking the time to pick correct weapons or just crafting up the types needed and bumping to green if you don’t have a large stockpile of weapons but enough plasteel and credits.

Took maybe 30 minutes of inventory scrounging across alts and crafting to finish it all, but i also had a decent amount of spare weapons.


I finally got done done sacrificing all my extra weapons and assigning blessings. Have maybe 1/4 weapons at level 20 and another 50% around 16-19 or so. Legit spent about 3 hours on cleanup. I had a lot of crap to sift though.

Buying weapons from brunt and upgrading to green to sacrifice is the way to go as long as you have plasteel. I had to run some missions a to get more.

You can also keep an eye on the armory exchange for weapons you haven’t mastered, as buying greens or blues from there of the right type is even cheaper than going the brunt route.

Melk could also be an option if you already have enough high base stat versions of various weapons. Melk seems to be the way to go to also bypass spending tons of materials on empowering weapons. That’s pretty expensive crafting material wise.

All of this is an obscene amount of menu clicking. At least I’m through the bulk of it now and it’s just incremental from here out to keep things tidy.

PSA: if you’re using Psych Ward mod, if you load into the Morningstar first, and then go back to character select, you can access the sacrifice menu without crashing. Huge time saver when juggling multiple inventories duri f sacrifice operations.

The new map was fun. Beat it on auric damnation on attempt 2. Attempt 1 we got to the final boss and a buster blew all the team off the car. Good times.


I’ve got every weapon maxed. It had roughly 60-70% of all blessings T1-4 and the conversion did seem lower than I expected. Luckily, when you have $22+ million dockets and 250k+ plasteel, you can get everything else that you need pretty easily and still have tons to spare. Otherwise, just grind the weapons you’re interested in. Buy them from Brunt’s, rank them to T1, and then sacrifice.

Hey Everyone,

We’ve been reading this thread and the comments from everyone since the release on Wednesday. In particular, the feedback on the transition of Mastery to the new system from the old system.

We originally communicated that New Blessings would not be taken into account when calculating the Mastery XP that would be rewarded to a player. That was our intention, but that wasn’t the code that went live on Wednesday.

We’re investigating a solution that will calculate what players are missing by evaluating where their Blessings were before the migration, and what they should’ve had if New Blessings were not taken into account (like was originally planned).

If testing goes as planned, we hope to push this fix out sometime between late today and this coming Monday.

Thank you to everyone who jumped in and started playing on Wednesday.


Great to see, but this probably won’t do all that much for a lot of people, who have already boosted all of their mastery by now.

Anything regarding migration should always be made sure to work right, immediately.
Not 2 or 5 days later, when people have already had hours of time to act, based on what they got initially.


I hear ya, Flawless :pray: (Also working on a reply to our other conversation right now re: rounding stats.)

Ideally, this transition would’ve been perfect the first time. However, we didn’t get it perfect. We wanted to share this communication sooner, but we needed to make sure we could confirm it on our end first.

I realise some people have been able to use sacrifice to boost their mastery or have played some missions to boost their mastery now. But I think this will still help others who either haven’t gotten a chance to play yet, or haven’t done the above yet.


Thanks for the reply and update. I wonder if part of this affected players differently, hence some people having all mastery and others have less than they assumed they would have. Figuring it out and reporting back so we know one way or another would be swell. Thanks!


Next coming Monday,Seriously? like people dont play during the weekend.

You know it would go a long way of actually doing something instead of always saying “well, sorry that happened I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯” whenever you get caught making a mistake.

Something as simple as “hey sorry guys as an apology we’re doubling exp and material gain for the weekend”.
That would mitigate a lot of anger people have and also help recoup resources that have been wasted.

Stuff like that used to be the norm. Even Nexon managed to do that when they botched the first descendant release, handing out free boosters.


You know what sucks the most about this?

The fact that I saw this coming and didn’t launch the game since the update and waiting to see what got messed up.

I’m very glad this will be fixed and that everyone will be at where they should be at. I’m just really disappointed that I was able to predict this. I shouldn’t feel vindicated in believing that the update will launch in a “beta-like” state.

That being said, thanks for the effort that went into releasing this transition properly.


Hey again. I sent out a message earlier (which you can see above) about us investigating a solution in regards to the transition of Mastery XP into our new system.

We’d originally communicated that New Blessings would not be taken into account when calculating the Mastery XP that would be rewarded to a player. While that was our intention, that wasn’t the code that went live.

This solution calculates what players were missing by evaluating where their Blessings were before the migration, and awarding them what they should’ve been awarded based on our original communications.

Earlier we said it would either be later today or on Monday.

The solution was tested internally, and the testing went as planned. The solution is now currently being deployed into the game. (If you were already playing, you’ll need to log out and log back in to pick it up.)

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope y’all enjoy playing the update over the weekend.


Seems like they fixed it.

I got (nearly) everything mastered now and all my blessing hunting was worth it now. :smiley:

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I checked just now and everything weapon that I hadn’t already pushed up to 20 through sacrificing got a few levels bumped up, and is closer to where I anticipated things being.

Great work on pushing out a fix for this!


This strikes me as an unrealistic expectation. Things always break.

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Which explains the bombardment of notifications as I logged in. Thanks for the update, it is greatly appreciated, I’ve now got fewer ones to grind out. To be honest, I was kind of happy as I was, as the grind is surprisingly not onerous, and it gave me a purpose to pursue whilst playing. Still, won’t say no to getting another half-dozen sorted out.

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So that’s why a ton of my weapons have mystery mastery levels added. Neat.

I personally did not need, want, nor desire this. But am pleasantly surprised and more than willing to accept it. Keep it up.


I expected issues, but I think I have full mastery across the board. Mind that over the last 2 years I have collected the vast majority of Tier 3 and 4 blessings, and quite a bit of T1 and T2s, as I expected issues with the conversion system.

I have no idea how much EXP you get towards your mastery by just playing, but if this is any consolation:

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