Hope it helps. I know we’re dealing with a lot of unknown factors, but it appears to have helped me and a few others.
@Darth_Angeal Have you noticed the general response to every single one of your posts? You post, no one likes it. You post again to defend that previous post which alienates you even more. It should be obvious to you that your opinion is not a popular one and I would even say one that only you and a couple other individuals on this forum share.
I encourage you to seek out the 2 other people who view this game with Rose Tinted Glasses on and have a good time with them.
Complainers gonna complain. I’m having zero problems here and running pure AMD on my setup. You’re completely right, some folks read what they want to conform to their own biases.
My car doesn’t have a problem with its engine so no one elses care could have a problem with their engine because engine problems are not real if I don’t experience them myself.
You are definitely one of the people Darth should hook up with and play together. The two of you can discuss how perfect Fathshark is and how Darktide has everything you could ever desire in a game. You can laugh at how silly everyone else in the entire world is for having problems that are clearly fake news because you don’t ever have any.
Ohhh looks like I’ve struck a nerve with this one. You know what, that sounds like a great idea, Darth, hit me up with your Steam info when you have the chance. Always down to make more friends to play with.
Why are you so upset that FS is working on the issues and it’s getting better? Plenty of people are still having problems, but a lot of players are now having better experiences.
No one has said it’s perfect. There’s tons of work to do. All you do is straw man.
Oh, this makes a lot more sense now. Never mind, lost cause.
Yup, next thing you know Morz is going to say FS rigged the code lol.
Nope, I’m having fun playing the game.
Cope harder mate. Game is great for me for the price. Sorry your experience isn’t good but to lambast the game as the coming apocalypse is a laugh.
Mate, didn’t you understand that’s probably a multiaccount? Just chill and put them in your ignore list forever.
And Merry Xmas
Already happened.
Enjoy your Holidays man
They just accused us of rigging the votes with multiple accounts, you can’t make this @#%#5# up.
Similar experience after the first post-launch hotfix. Almost zero crashes/disconnects.
I believe others who are saying they still have frequent crashes.
Performance on an RTX 3080 is pretty bad, though (no RT - rest on medium). Regular FPS drops and often have stutters without FPS drops. (11600K CPU).
Hoping performance gets fixed at some point.
It’s really sad. Everyone with a different world view they block, shrinking the bubble to protect their fragile little world view.
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone say ‘this is a perfect game’, or ‘a great launch’. I haven’t seen anyone say ‘I don’t have problems, therefore no one is having problems’. All they have is strawmen to fight.
There’s still a lot of people with crashes. There’s a beta branch that seems to be helping some of them.
On your performance:
Have you tried deleting your config file and allowing it to be recreated? In case there’s something dumb where RT is actually on.
Have you tried turning down max rag dolls? This helped me with FPS drops during hordes.
Are you sure you’re not running into memory issues? I’ve seen one person who had 16 GB and with all the other stuff they were running were hitting it and paging.
You forgot, cosmetics that trigger people because oh hurr durr we didn’t earn them, further dividing the community (yes ive been kicked for that before as a reason, too bad theres no repercussions for that though, but fatshark already got my money!)
and easy anticheat to inconvenience players, because petty players are going to bs their way through griefing-tier penances anyways so normal players get attacked from TWO fronts (the “griefing” AND the anticheat)
Yeah, as I said, I also believe other people are having crashes.
As for performance, it is not using RT - I would notice the FPS drop immediately. And, I have 32GB memory. Nothing in Windows task manager looks like a bottleneck.
My steam FPS meter says that I am doing OK with FPS over 100 in 99% of situations, but the stuttering is random. Sometimes the fire animation drops my frames to a halt, sometimes it can be a horde. Sometimes I just don’t know, and have to restart the game (I only had one instance where stuttering persisted and had to restart - usually it is just for a couple of seconds long).
For some reason, supersampling is only smooth-ish on “highest performance”.
Just generally, I feel like I have an old GPU when playing DT.
Can’t imagine how people with 1080 or something like that are even playing the game.
Google TPM stuttering, sounds like a problem I had a couple months ago, bios update fixes it.
Had a similar issue back in the day in Diablo while sitting on 32GB RAM. It wasn´t the bios, it has been some memory issues coming from having more than 16GB. Had to cap them somehow, but srsly i don´t know anymore how i did that.
Many are on Win11 22H2, myself included, but not all. There’s a lot of people in the gpu hang thread on Win 10 as well, so it’s certainly not exclusive to 11 22H2, but it might seem like more people with crashes are on the latest 11.
On another note I have almost never encountered a problem with Afterburner on any game - though if a game has problems, I always disable Afterburner as one of the first troubleshooting steps, just in case. I think the only times I have experienced a game having problems with afterburner, the game had problems with any and all overlays, and in my experience it has had nothing to do with how Afterburner gets the metrics. I have of course not played every game in the world though, but Afterburner is almost universally used by everyone with an nVidia card. (Even people who think they aren’t using Afterburner is using it, as almost all vendor-specific software is a copy of afterburner.)