Borovian kinda feels best but i cant really tell. Whats your opinion. Also your best blessings and perks.
I have always used Karsolas because it is the fastest of the three.
I must say that this weapon can deal with hordes as well as any threats, including Crushers and Maulers.
However, since Ogryn is not my main, I am interested in reading comments from true Ogryn players (those who have Ogryn as their main).
Additionally, I am curious to know which blessings are considered mandatory. To be thorough, I trust the opinions of several players here. However, the followers who simply repeat what they’ve read without testing for themselves—their opinions are completely uninteresting.
Karsolas by a landslide, unless CIVI.
The Best one is the one you proficient with
My favorite is Karsolas, but I’ve recently started using Borovian, it’s just as good but bosses die quicker and is a little harder to use.
About Branx - it’s super slow so it is just uncomfortable to use, I do not enjoy it, but I know it’s good
Perks are Blessings are all over the place, so pick ones that work for you
(Usually it’s Headtaker/Slaughterer/Thrust and rarely Torment)
(Perks: the usual ones, Flak/Carapace/Unyelding or whatever)
The answer is: Yes.
Theyre all really good for different purposes, pretty obvious. I guess it depends on playstyle. Best blessings, Headtaker, Thrust, Slaughterer, Thunderous. Best perks, Flak, Unyielding, Carapace, Maniac.
Karl with Slaughterer and Headtaker.
whichever one has the 3 light attack melee sweeps and the 1st heavy is a sweep as well seems to work well for me.
@Ralendil the weapon falls short in what you think would be its strength, large #'s of enemies. The weapon excels in single target damage and single target stagger but again it will struggle when multiple stacked Maulers begin to attack. The biggest issue for me are 2 things.
- the sweep motion isn’t center and has an angle to it (i think its the 2nd attack), this can cause you to miss crucial attacks on smaller enemies. This didnt matter as Bardin in V2 (think Pickaxe) because you literally couldn’t miss being a dwarf. Being a larger than life Ogryn this can cause you to whiff over the tops of enemies heads.
- The next issue is toughness sustain, the main perks focus on replenishing toughness with a Heavy swing, which is fine, but the windup is to long that teammates will often finish off what you need to hit to continue in the fight at the front lines.
Overall, Its a weapon that can definitely be run on the hardest difficulties but I feel more comfortable with other weapons, specifically when surrounded, as the Time to kill is strong but slow.
ogryn main and only here
picked you two examples of mine that explain better than just text
karsolas (build in the comments) i used for a very long time.
on the “pro” side is the speed and if you use the special efficiently it overhead whacks crushers very reliably.
the downside would be not one shotting ragers/maulers/mutants.
now for the
branx (build here is something i needed to up my game for to get the most out of it.
at first it felt to slow, but that was solely due to my inexperience with the weapon.
you need to embrace an aggressive playstyle, suits me fine by the way, and use slide combined with charging your heavies to get an almost as fast flow as the karsolas.
the pro is definately having a guaranteed oneshot machine for maulers/ragers/mutants etc.
crushers with a charged overhead as well.
now the con is the not mandatory combo shove>light>heavy you need to make your default pattern.
if you use single attacks your caught often with useless overheads in horde situations or slow response to changing situations.
BUT if you learn to enjoy the combo system behind it, its almost like a dance of sorts and pretty fun to be honest.
in the end i made the branx my most efficient weapon by a large margin but had to improve my gameplay to match the weapons quirks.
karsolas is a better allrounder to get into pickaxes in the first place.
now why dont i mention the borovian?
“weder fisch noch fleisch”
the karsolas is faster with horizontal comfort zone.
the branx deals more damage in any situation and aint much slower.
borovian has a messed up diagonal pattern for my taste with slow speed negating the damage output in my opinion.
and before i forget, in recent matches i switched flak for unyielding due to beast of nurgle everywhere and am sticking to it since i’m past the flak breakpoint anyways.
hope that helps, 1300 hours and almost exclusively ogryn since beta, 780 videos and counting
Ogryn is my main and I use karsolas religiously.
You have to do extra dancing around elites due to the lower damage but the horde clearing is a worthy payoff.
come down on borovian myself it just has such great flexibility .
a branx with limbsplitter and thrust though… that is pretty funny
I use Branx because it’s obnoxiously large.
branx doesnt hit like a dump truck, branx is the dump truck
branx has to be played with more planned moves, one can’t just wave it around. it pays off though, as most flak + maniac die anyway to it in 1-2 hits, so you can put unyielding + carapace on it for the beefy targets.
the pickaxes all have their pros and cons, it’s just that they’re so much above everything else that picking another weapon is difficult.
Me like karsolas because easier for my smol brain
Branx is actually stronger on some targets than a folded shovel. The special is a third option for knocking back horde enemies because it has 7 targets cleave damaged and 10.5 hitmass. Karsolas has fast moves. Borovian unfortunately doesn’t have anything of note besides double-power stacking and controlling more horde than Karsolas. But without the double heavy sweeps I don’t even see this much, Karsolas will usually throw around more trash.
So I think Branx > Karsolas > Borovian. The Branx is a little worse at horde but so much better at elite killing and does OK boss damage for Ogryn. The other 2 picks actually have penalties for damage vs Unyielding and Maniac depending on move.
Uh…you need to look closer at how it works, pay attention to the buff cooldown icon, there’s a reason it ~universally hated.
Ogryn not understand question. Biggest is better!
Really though, I think it’s just a question of preference. If you’re a sweeping heavy enjoyer, Karsolas for sure. If you like the ole one-two vertical-horizontal (a la Latrine spade mk 3) then Branx it up. Borovian enjoyers, must be bone’eads
For blessings I’ve found I like Thrust on them all, though I’m a big fan of that blessing in general. Really like cranking up a biiiig smack!
yeah because the first 5% had a negative experience and everyone else read about it.
and it says +60% attack on your first attack every 3.5 seconds
my question to you is do you know how long it takes to fully chamber a branx level 3 thrusted overhead?
and did you know the wording is not quite right it should say damaging attack or that the buff check is made on the release not initiation of the attack
there’s a trick with the branx you can pick the heavy follow up to his shove if you skip the follow up light attack with a slight pause you can go straight into the horizantal cleave a slightly longer pause will give you the overhead

a branx with limbsplitter and thrust though… that is pretty funny
i wasnt claiming it was meta just funny