Ogryn Weapons part Million

Will the big man be getting other 2h weapons anytime soon? Or will we have to stick with the pickaxe. I just want the branx to have the wide sweep instead of overhead… its so bad against hordes…

2h chain axe: dev’s come on. He deserves something cool, instead of the samey stuff…

Also can we please get him some actual armors instead of those tee shirts… Its like wearing an old pyjama

Ogryn usually don’t get Chain weapons.

And there are some plate armour in game, both free and paid.

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It’s heavy 2 is a sweep. You cam access it by doing a push attack, and than the heavy, and than repeatedly doing heavy lights (and more push attacks were applicable).

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I think the Branx is too effective at killing hordes currently and the coming changes will not only improve the combo loops but also make the special attack closer to the pull the others do (while still hitting 7 enemies for damage unlike their 2). It straight up massacres enemies with the various buffs in Ogg’s tree, you can overhead bulwarks over their shield and if you still hit it you send them flying to the ground. Apparently those interactions were too strong for the Bully Club (the staggering stick that needs Skullcrusher to do anything, and also to be able to stagger enemies for decent hit damages while running heavy hitter) and it was so badly nerfed in stagger it can rarely even send Maulers to the floor anymore, but because the Branx has good damage and no Skullcrusher blessing this is fine. Yeah I’m a little upset at this weapon ‘addition’.

Well, I play mostly auric and my experience is completely opposite and I main ogryn. In fact the Karsolas seems the best overall in handling most situations. As it has that really good cone that wipes most enemies with few swings.

I know, but this as heavy 1, and remove the pull its awful just replace that with the overhead. Would be gold standard.

There is 1 free, rest is paid. So some is a quite a misleading term. He really needs new shield variants with cleaver or glove. Instead of the pool noodle that is still the most boring and uninteresting weapon in the game.

Chain should be fine, I mean we defeat parts of daemons and hosts… so it should be fine… also we are inquisition so… not a problem.

Its just that he is lacking so much versatility and the proper mayhem that is melee without much interesting weapons. Literally any new weapon for him is appreciated at this point, really would like that slug for the kickback with ammo switching between that shot.

I mean I don’t doubt it, the Karsolas and Borovian are also quite brutally overtuned. But the damage is so bonkers on the Branx I have a hard time seeing how you’d have an issue using it…unless its just too hard to avoid comboing with L1. You have 2 options for horde moves seeing as that special attack hits 7 enemies with a better damage curve than a bully club attack. Try using it, or just comparing it to what was there before. Its beyond broken and getting buffed for some mysterious reason.

meanwhile krouk 6 cleaver and Mk2 bully club literally never get equipped even by malice players its so obvious they’re garbage afterthought weapons.

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I haven’t played any of the pickaxes yet and have only have second hand experience from seeing people playing with Karsolas, but…

Isn’t that weapon the most busted melee weapon in the game by a mile? When I see it Ogryn players just run ahead and go to town munching down basically everything. Seen someone killing 8 gunner with 3 strikes at whatnot.

Uhhhhh we’ll probably see another one in another year and a half

The only chain weapon I’d want for Ogryn would be the Chain cleaver seen in this Bulwark concept art. The two-handed chain axes would be a much better fit for Zealot imo.

I wouldn’t mind more 2H options for Ogryn though, ideally something like a two-handed bully club or an axe.

Branx Pickaxe does have a wide sweep combo that does wide sweeps ad nauseum…
And the pull is beautiful, staggers enemies and pulls them closer to secure overhead.

So, there are several ways to get anti-horde on the Branx.

A heavy attack out of the special starts the heavy/light alternating loop with wider sweeps.

A heavy attack out of Shove Attack will do the same, and it’s often wise to weave these in here and there to cover the relative lack of cleave on the diagonal light attack.

You can also just get there through normal comboing, but the above methods are safer due to opening with a lot of stagger to cover your initial windup time.

I also really want like full on armor, with Absurd Shoulder pads.

Please, let me Punch zombies with my arms :pray: boxing style
That is the only thing I desire after we got 2h weapons on Ogryn


Give powerfist to Ogryn. Best fit, must have!


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