Can't connect into the lobby

Issue Type (Required):

Error - 3001

Issue Description (Required):

It doesn’t matter what I do, today I started being unable to log into the game. I imagined it was a temporary thing, but the whole day I can’t seem to log in past the character selection screen. I’ve tried:

  • Resetting router
  • Disabling firewall
  • Verifying files
  • Toggling off mods
  • Tunneling softwares

I’m not the only one with that problem, from my group of friends neither. We’re all located in Brazil, btw, but different places.

3001 is one of our more unusual errors! I expect this to be a localised network issue if it started suddenly, and buddies in your country are experiencing the same. What is the name of your ISP please?

My ISP is a small one, it’s called Amigo Internet. My other friends I don’t know about, one of them said he has been having conenction issues for days, I’ll ask him to come post his details. I’d expect it to be a me issue if I hadn’t heard of it happening to others.

Just leaving an update here, after a whole day not working, the game is back to normal, not sure what happened, but glad it’s back.