If the Mourningstar had a bit more life to it, I probably wouldn’t mind going there. As it is, it’s just devoid of atmosphere. My highlight was finding someone scrubbing the floors. I think even now I’d spend some more time on there, if it weren’t so obviously yet another AWS Spun-Up level instance that takes forever to connect to.
In VT2 I quite liked being able to hop around the castle, find a couple of Easter Eggs, go move the dummies in to a new area etc. For me, it had atmosphere. Plus also: it was the place where you gathered a 4-person team so while you were waiting at least you could do something rather than stare at a waiting screen and scratch your … curios.
On people’s comments above about joining parties with the mod: I’ve not noticed it as a problem. To be fair, I mainly solo and occasionally play with steam buddies. Maybe by coincidence we’ve avoided the issue by someone loading in.