Can the MourningStar F Off?

the mod doesn’t also…

you are just wanting to be insulting… already discussed and FS has given their word on this.
You can even get scope with weapon customization mod.

fact is… you can install it, so I don’t cheat as you can use it. Your choice to not install it…

Sidenote: when I play in FPS, I record same damage result… usually. But lot of times I have seen better

I hope so as well, I really need to buy a round of pints for my Strike Team!

Playing Darktide in third person? That’s blasphemy, techno-heresy, an affront to the Omnissiah!

I Will quote myself from another old thread:

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If the Mourningstar had a bit more life to it, I probably wouldn’t mind going there. As it is, it’s just devoid of atmosphere. My highlight was finding someone scrubbing the floors. I think even now I’d spend some more time on there, if it weren’t so obviously yet another AWS Spun-Up level instance that takes forever to connect to.

In VT2 I quite liked being able to hop around the castle, find a couple of Easter Eggs, go move the dummies in to a new area etc. For me, it had atmosphere. Plus also: it was the place where you gathered a 4-person team so while you were waiting at least you could do something rather than stare at a waiting screen and scratch your … curios.

On people’s comments above about joining parties with the mod: I’ve not noticed it as a problem. To be fair, I mainly solo and occasionally play with steam buddies. Maybe by coincidence we’ve avoided the issue by someone loading in.


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