Hello, Rocker Fox.
I agree with all your observations: in particular, the one on the uselessness of the Mourningstar.
The problem is that there is nothing to do on the Mourningstar. It’s beautiful to look at, but at the end of the day it’s useless and boring.
Taal’s Horn Keep in Vermintide 2 is more interesting, because it is possible to interact with some objects (such as the mannequins), freely explore the area, customize paintings, obtain trophies and banners.
Another example is the Space Rig from (ahem) a certain other video game that contains a lot of rocks. Aside from the various terminals, the player can order drinks, dance to the sound of the jukebox, play Barrel Hoop, Space Ball or Jetty Boot, make a mess by kicking objects and much more. I had many of the funniest moments in the game on the Space Rig.
There would also be the Safe House from Payday 2, but I honestly don’t remember much about its features because I stopped playing it shortly after its renewal.
On the Mourningstar, however? The Player Character walks towards the terminals… activates them and uses them (no animation included)… and in the meantime crosses paths with other players with whom he cannot have any interaction whatsoever. The end.
Very little would be enough to make the Mourningstar more alive, interesting and useful: insert a rest area where the players can have more interactions with each other, some minigames (grimdark, let’s be clear) such as a card game (in one of the Darktide trailers you could see Acolytes playing cards!), the ability to use Psykanium for multiple players, maybe a customizable area (your own cabin?), anything.
The potential is there, Fatshark, exploit it! Explore! Have a little courage! Show some passion!