Brunt’s Armoury needs something to be done about it

Since the last patch, I have not yet found any 370+ weapon (and the only one 360+ was so bad that I barted it immediately).
I have bought more than 50 weapons.

Before it, I could find good weapons… even if sometimes it needed me to buy 15-20 until I find one good, I could get some good weapons with time and money.

In the last patch they officially announced that they raised the minimal quality that you could get from brunt armoury and that you would not get now, if you’re level 30, weapons with modifiers under 300.
However, I am pretty sure they changed the odds to get a good weapon… but let’s say it, even if they don’t have, there is a real problem with brunt armoury.

The Brunt Armoury was made to avoid you to have to wait that the shop propose the weapon you want. Actually, I have to check every hours (when at home) if there is a weapon I want, cause the odds to get one good from Brunt are too small (less than 2% and counting continues).
So we’ve come back to before the introduction of the Brunt… but with one major change. Now we cannot see a blue weapon with T3 blessing.

Personally, I would like to propose something for the Brunt Armoury. The system should track your tries to get a good weapon and would guarentee you a good weapon every X bought weapons.
Something like:

  • you would get a guarenteed 360+ weapon every 10 weapons bought. Counter would reset to 0 if you get one
  • you would get a guarenteed 370+ weapon every 20 weapons bought. Both counters (360+ and 370+) would reset to 0 if you get one

The other solution is that they put back blue weapons with T3 available in the shop (so a come back to before the crafting patch).


We also need the ability to trash the trash weapon upon receiving said trash weapon, instead of having to exit Brunt’s Armory and going into the player inventory.

Agree… I will propose it to the guy that made a mod that allows you to bart weapons in the Omnissiah
But something, in the game, would be better.

T3 blessings still happen in the Armoury Exchange, but now they’re as rare as the T4s that appeared before Brunt’s was put into place.

I did not see one in the normal shop… but I ended buying a weapon today to get a T3 blessing in the Merk’s shop (no respite T3 for shotgun… after 20 crafted to blue, I did not get it one time…)

Sounds like you are having a run of bad luck to me. Got a 373 within 10 uses of the brunt shop.

The main difference im seeing compared to last patch is the average seems a lot higher when it comes to the floor being 320s over 300s or 280s.

Literally it’s the same system from before and if anything the odds are better.

Edit: Did it again, got a head hunter 378 in 7 uses of brunts. Kind of the problem with an RNG based system, it’s random.

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Then what I propose makes more sense…
52 weapons bought… not even one above 370…

I understand the RNG concept… but there is also probabilities that is in consideration…

Question: the 2 tests were done before the new patch?

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No, this is both post patch, like literally today.

Here is a shotgun i pulled on the first buy of a shotgun using brunts.

Again if anything it seems like im getting way more useful / potentially useful stuff vs previous patches so it sounds like you landed on the wrong end of the bell curve.

Ok then I will retry today… (need to play missions to get ordos before)…
They could have reverted the odds without writting it (just to avoid hate posts)

Yeah again if anything i don’t notice anything different. Literally rolled up several more head hunters and got an even better one stats spread wise.

That was a lot of people’s experience pre patch was pulling 50 or more items with nothing useful so it could literally be that the update only partially reduced the frustration around that and didn’t remove it fully.

I can assure you that purchasing 52 weapons and not getting ONE 360+ useful can be really frustrating.
Ok, this is “only” 25 missions… but frustrating

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Welcome to RNG. You might get 2 377 weapons in a row or…a stack of 300-330 weapons. My favorite take away from the last patch is that Fatshark puts a line for base weapon score for high level characters at 300. Cute.

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I know RNG… but even in the wonderful world of RNG, there are probabilities.

I really think they changed something in the patch 5. Rocker_Fox told me that he tested today and obtained several good weapons.
Well, I trust him and will test it again.

In term of probabilities, if you don’t get on 52 weapons not even one 370+, it means that the odds are really bad. I won’t do math cause 52 is not a good sample to make probabilities even if it was too many weapons bought for me…
Since the crafting patch, I have bought lot of weapons. I don’t think I have got one 380, and I don’t care about this, but I have found a lot of 370+.
This is since the patch 5 that I could not find one… that’s why I think that patch 5 had modified something on the odds.
I will retry this evening to see if the hotfix reverted that silently… It will take me time to figure that (I cannot say after buying 5 weapons if it is reverted to normal behaviour… there’s a need of 30-40 weapons to see that)

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To talk about probabilities you would need multiple, large samples. We are not buying weapons even in hundreds, nevermind thousands. Could it be Fatshark intentionally or accidently lowered the number of high quality weapons you can get? Sure. They all worship the Chaos RNG God there. Filthy heretics.


I agree… and even mentionned in my post
And I again agree about:

Could it be Fatshark intentionally or accidently lowered the number of high quality weapons you can get? Sure

You cannot reason with the casino gameplay believers at the Fatshark gameplay design team. We tried in Vermintide 2, they even claimed they listened and that Darktide is going to give more control to players in those aspects



I have had similarly bad luck as well, highest weapon value I’ve gottwn from Brunts in awhile is 360 which is very infuriating. I know Rocker_Fox is just trying to help but seeing them pull 370 items also is irritating lol.

Note this is since the recent hotfix.

I suspect they reverted in this hotfix a change they did in patch 5 without announcing it…
I will retry today just to see if I am right.

I understand how bad the RNG concept is, but I understand also that there are probabilities and, this, is a mathematic concept.
You cannot get nothing in 52 tries and magically get something every 7-10 tries (something I was experimenting BEFORE patch 5) without any change on the odds.

Before patch 5, I obtained 370+ every 10 purchases… and if I was unlucky it could be 1 on 20 weapons bought. But it was just cause I was unlucky on this serie.
I have never seen such situation, 52 without nothing.

Again… I try this evening…

I mean tbh i really don’t like the system but my point is to outline that this is just how it is with the way it’s designed and implemented.

With any probability based system there are extremes and my entire problem with the system is that extremes like this can happen. I would rather a system that was tightened up and even had a 320-340 minimum but im not sure how generous they are going to be about it.

As stated this is about what it was like for me at least even before the system updates. Even then i don’t doubt the people who would pull 50 items and get nothing of value.


I doubt we would have access to this much data but if we had enough it would (hopefully) look something like this with 10-20 or so being the middle point for getting a 370+ item. Even then no matter how you change the system you will have people on the low end (lets say a 370 item in 1-2 pulls) or the extreme end (50+ items with nothing above 370+) since at the end of the day you are still rolling the dice on it.

It’s also why in a lot of MMOs any expression related to getting an item from farming kills is usually a +/- number of expected runs with some systems having a guaranteed payout of everything you need past a certain # of runs.

Even then from experience t’s often landed on the higher end of the expected number of runs which can especially get tedious if you are running the same thing over and over.

TL;DR: Don’t take my comments as an endorsement but mostly pointing out that this is “working as intended” for all intensive purposes.


Well, that’s what I propose. It would reduce greatly the frustration if there was a system that guarentee you a good weapon each X weapon bought…
FS has to consider that after getting 1 good weapon, you will consecrate them, and here again you play with the dices…