Beastmen are present in Righteous Stand (a 'city' map)

In Patch 3.0 (Grail Knight update; June 2020), this change was applied:

However, just yesterday, I’ve encountered Beastmen in Righteous Stand, before the 2nd grim, at the city walls ‘Southern Axe Bite Garrison’ part. This was a Vanguard deed.

In another separate match, prior to the Outcast Engineer update, back in Oct. 2020, I’ve also encountered Beastmen in the same area in Righteous Stand. It was also a deed match, but it’s Sudden Death and Nurgle’s Rot, so it is probably not related to the Vanguard deed mutator nor the Outcast Engineer update.

The presence of beastmen in this map is anomalous:

Another anomalous thing is that the Beastmen are hanging out in close proximity with the Northmen. Related feedback post:


I think some changes were accidentally reverted due to OE patch… shhhhh

I’ve updated my post with more info about the other instance when I encountered the bug. It was prior to the Outcast Engineer update, back in Oct. 2020. I’ve also encountered Beastmen in that same area in Righteous Stand. The bug was probably not introduced by the Outcast Engineer update.

The C4ncer that is beastman existence metastasize’s so well they even break through the games code. Truly a worthy opponent on the battlefield.


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Are you sure?

Because ever since they nerfed beastman, I haven’t seen them at all except on Athel, Dark Omens, and all the DLC maps (minus the free ones).

It’s a shame I paid for a faction that I don’t ever get to fight…

I know you were being sarcastic but they were until they were nerfed into the ground.

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