One of the most common things I see in technical support is people wanting stuff from the Aquila shop refunded because it looked different than they expected, or they didn’t like the voice filter, or it clashed, or whatever. Each one of these must be manually addressed, and frankly I find it kinda ridiculous that tech support is clogged with these requests.
@FatsharkJulia needs less of a workload, and this process should be relatively simple to automate. Just put a 2-week deadline on refunding an item after purchase to prevent ‘gaming’ the system and you’re good.
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
There’s a lot of scummy business that FS does but I think it’s a ridiculous stretch to assume that the reason refunds are so annoying is because they want to squeeze every penny out of the customer. More than likely they just didn’t think of it.
This would be the dream! It has been discussed before, but ultimately ends up at the bottom of the work pile. I’m pleased this has been brought up, as it helps to have the community’s support.
I can also assure you the current, awkward means of requesting a refund wasn’t done intentionally or with any malice to deter people from asking, we are merely clumsy.
They have to pay you for the time spent. Every hour you spend on this is time lost on more productive things, for minimal ‘gain’ since Aquilas are already purchased in bulk beforehand.