Cosmetics Refund

Issue Type (Required):

Refund an Item

Issue Description (Required):

Hi, I am requesting a refund on a few cosmetic items that I never wear but had purchased mistakenly. I was not aware that I could request a refund for cosmetics until now and I have spent a good amount of money on aquilas thus far (about $300) and would please like some of them back. Thank you!

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

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Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):

Steam ID: 76561198007094484

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

that’s crazy, u practically have bought every vet skin.

yeah just about. this is the only video game I play

That’s not really crazy if you like them and that the game prooose them at a decent price…

But it is, considering the price of 1 cosmetic… It is like buying a big dlc the price they ask…

Sidenote: if you want to push fatshark to change their policy about this (recolors, no customization, prices too high etc.), please consider to stop buying these cosmetics…

Hi @anthov44192,

We’re only able to refund cosmetic purchases made within 30 days. Unfortunately, it appears that these cosmetics were purchased outside of this.

Apologies for any disappointment.

Yes, I am new to this forum and I am outraged!