Anyone have any Hopium for the May Patch

Maybe they are, lol.



Indeed. The classes seem to be as unfinished as the crafting was/is.

If they had actually created character depth etc. 4 archetypes with 1 class each couldā€™ve been enough to last for some time. That kind of fell through the floor when classes turned out to be renamed careers and were just as shallow as in VT2, where at least there were 5 x 3 careers at launchā€¦


do you think 6 is enough?

For my devs?
For fatshark devs under fatshark leadership?

See me tomorrow and lets see how the large patch with content sidecar goes.


Iā€™m telling you guys that if they just gave up on their silly feat trees as a MVP for a class release and dumped monotree classes at high speed for maximum variety weā€™d all be happier for it.


Hopefully they would be more well thought out than the classes at launchā€¦while in concept I agree the lack of synergies between a lot of the feats would be a worry for new mono tree classes.

I agree with that last bit considering how much of Ogryn feels like it was lopped off into talent choices instead of being able to run him without deciding between a real grenade and 2 actually relevant feats.

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Its not like they couldnā€™t add more rows of feats later but going hard on more monofeat classes would be more fun than ā€œbuild depthā€ in my view.

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I expect that they give us one map
I expect that they announce the date for the console release

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if its just console release, that announcement would sit as well as diablo imortalā€™s did lmao


I really think that what we get is just delayed content.
Donā€™t get me wrong, I am happy with anything they give us. However, my opinion is that they are buying time to get the console release done before really and fully working on new (real) content likeā€¦ new subclass.
After the console release, I expect a DLC with a new subclass.

I agree, but I think you misunderstood me. Iā€™m saying that Iā€™m not sure FS would be able to design a Mono feat class and have it feel cohesive and well thought out, at least in Darktide.

evil side of me wants that to happen because it would be hilarious

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this sums it up: Reddit - Dive into anything

TL;DC: ā€œhope is the first step in road to disappointmentā€

:point_up: Not a single doubt in my mind.

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Yeah, grass is wet from dog pi*s and people are coontsā€¦


Yes when they talked about only having one classe per archetype but with far more complexity and narration I was expecting diablo/PoE like comp tree, or at least something that would allow deep change to a caracter gameplay with several of those like in Vtide where some last level feats completly change the way an ult can work.


There were hints that the character abilities were customised based on the loadout with gadget and grenade slots. Went the same way as weapon customisation.




But in all seriousness, Iā€™m sorry.

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