Anyone have any Hopium for the May Patch

no. i’ve uninstalled Darktide and written off Games Workshop game content in general; they don’t seem to hold their licensees to any meaningful quality standards.

EDIT: the ‘update’ is just more recoloured cosmetics chopped and changed from various classes! why would anyone be excited??

Yeah, it looks like those skins are all that’s coming to this patch … in terms of CONTENT.

However, I feel confident that there will be, arguably, even more important changes.
For example, I am confident that they will make significant changes to the crafting system such as perk choosing and blessing upgrades (maybe unlocks are in there too), and balance things such as chain weapons and significantly buff completely useless and underpowered weapons like the power sword which is no longer fun.
I can also, with great confidence, say that they will address the performance issues and annoying things such as silent pox bursters, hound event duration and ice skating crushers, to name a few.
Surely, they will make some fix for the lack of choice when choosing missions especially on higher difficulties. I feel very confident that FS will squeeze in the fix for this in this patch.

In summary, we all need to show a bit more confidence in this patch and FS, the confidence company, in general.


Sounds like Bender.

Calculon: “Can you guarantee me an Oscar?”
Bender: “I can guarantee you anything you want.”

I’m hoping they get a bit closer to releasing v1.0, or at least putting all the crazy broken stuff in an experimental build for people to try rather than just keeping all the bad systems in the live Early Access version.


When you were born Emperor granted you either unwavering optimism or proficiency in sarcasm.

One or other. But I’m betting on the former.

You mixed up confidence with confidential in the second part.

Even they don’t know what’s gonna be in the new patch until it’s out!

PS: I learned new idiom today! “the confidence company” as in confidence man Yay!

What gives you this secret knowledge that makes you so confident they will address any of the items you list?

I would love to believe you, but nothing I’ve seen or heard gives any indication that Fatshark will address the community concerns around crafting and mission selection, among other things.

Do you know something the rest of us don’t are you just high on hopium?

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Maybe they were using confidence like in confidence man or confidence scheme.

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FS, selling saltflavored icecream again?

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I’d like to see updates to a lot of weapons as well but due to the crafting system being so painful many of them will still be outside my reach for caring about. I just don’t care enough to do the grind, especially on other characters besides my one main. If they fix this in tandem then YES updating underperforming weapons is similar, though not identical, to adding content.

This is because many weapons just don’t interest me at a fundamental level. I have a godrolled antax and I don’t use it because I am here to play a 40k game and I don’t care that its best in class I’ve played like 10 games with it tops just to anchor my understanding of how much better (and easier, boring even) it is than other weapons.

No new weapons means no new classes, unless fatshark actually gets bold and delivers imperfect content. (THEY SHOULD). Fast content is better than slow but perfect content. Imagine releasing a class with just 1 feat tree and adding more to it later. That’s a GOOD idea. not a bad one. Because it gives us access to the biggest 80% of the flavortown change and worries about the last 20% later.

Anyway I think there’ll probably be a new monstrosity most likely the chaos spawn. Which is fine. A bit on the too-little-too-late side. And a new map. Same deal there really. After that its mostly balance which has the problem i listed above of not enough variety. I hope every day that darktide survives the lack of care the leadership at fatshark are putting into its real problems. I leave this kind of feedback, however spicy, in the hopes that the game lives.

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Darktide’s development is a trashfire. VT2 got a thematic Skulls update today. DT got nothing. Anyone has a bit of hopium to share? I am running really low on it.

I mean they don’t seem to have anything for Warhammer’s biggest event in a live service game. That is just impressive, really. And soon they will start their well deserved summer vacations.


I personally am manifesting good Tidings for the patch, that lies ahead in the Dark. :blush:

-A good crafting overall
-Real weapon customization
-More map and mission diversity.
-Meaningful perks and a real skill tree.
-Actual good play-earnable cosmetics.
-A mountain of QoL additions (see modding community)

I’d be pleased to see any of those truly addressed, but if I’m going off of FS’s history the odds are pretty low. Like everything else they’ve done, it’ll probably be low-effort content polished with some neat cinematic trailers

I’m expecting the worse, and if I’m being honest, there are other promising games just around the corner. Unless they really pull a rabbit out of the hat, DT will probably be shelved as I move on to other games.


Confidence is usually earned. Fatshark has a long way to go to gain that back from the community.


honestly best thing I’m expecting right now is some kind of sales on the current cosmetic as they start releasing new one…

And maybe a sign on the lock and a general event like in Vtide (community kills to get weapon skin)

Man, with all the hype surrounding the “big may patch” if they don’t give us more than some cosmetics, a Throneside variant, and some bug fixes I’m probably shelving Darktide for good, at least until I hear about some significant changes to the game. Fatshark is the king of too little too late, I’m so done putting any emotional investment in this game.

Seems like the general sentiment around this update is the same with a lot of people, hope FS realizes this is a make or break moment and gets their asses in gear.

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A question, for you specifically.

What do you want out of this upcoming patch? What do you think would make this game worth getting for a wider audience? Right now I only think it’s worth getting if you’re a 40k fan. I don’t think this patch will have enough content to hold over the summer break, even with a crafting fix.

And then I have to add, what do you think we WILL get out of this patch? I assume like most people it probably falls short of what you would want. I just want to hear what you think the game needs to start getting more positive attention, and if FS will be able to do that in a timely manner.

With them saying its a large patch, I assume the main focus of the patch will be sweeping balance changes, alongside maybe some crafting changes. I don’t expect anything much beyond that, except maybe the Chaos Spawn or a couple other new enemies.

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This could just be bonus cosmetics for the event, either through Twitch Drops or an event code. You can see that VT2 also got new weapon illusions and a portrait frame, and given that it’s mostly not a game they want to be putting on the pedestal in front of Darktide, it’s not really a surprise at all that it got its event ahead of time.

But I have no idea. I wouldn’t be looking to confirm my biases just to make myself feel worse.

Buckle up regardless.

Don’t worry, that happened when the Comm Link got delayed for
“”“”“”“”““TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES””“”“”“”“”“”


As I said, I think it was due to the fact that they didn’t have anything else ready to present for Skulls.

I’m just being realistic. I don’t think Fatshark is stupid enough to just give us reskins of our penance armor, but I can always be surprised.


Honestly I don’t care what the reason for it is. Them openly and obviously lying about it shows how much they respect us, and I feel like most people are ignoring that fact.

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