Anyone decided to stop playing until the next update?

Woah. Hold your horses, no need to be all riled up and become agressive. All I’m saying is you don’t know anything about FS’s inner workings… so you’re assuming. Anything else based upon this is speculation.
Anything else you said outside this domain is acceptable.

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Of course I don’t know what’s really going on in there, since I don’t have any insider info, and of course I am assuming. I just draw the most plausible picture, based on my knowledge of psychology, the structure of software companies and FS current actions. But there is so many unknown variables, that even the most plausible picture is not very accurate.

But I do do some statements though, and those are based on known facts. For example:

This one is pretty straightforward. Their game works pretty decently. Not perfect, there is bugs here and there, but overall nothing critical. The GUI is fine too. Which means that their problems is caused by something else. And what’s left is “psychological factors and by the strategical decisions”. Simple logic. What causes these things - I don’t know. I can only guess. But that exactly what I am trying to do.


Can’t agree more.

Yes and because of this:

No friends, no fun


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i make my own friends from quickplay, hehe.