Anyone decided to stop playing until the next update?

its on the shelf for me atm , have one red one cosmetic from 300 hours, don’t really care about it , its the lack of fun for me, the continuous range spam , the lack of fixing for the power scaling its turned the game play into a very dull loop.

Well I saved 60 chest opened them up. Nope nothing fansy. Waiting for more updates yes.

I’ve felt the same way. I played a bit more V1 the other day to try to compare the two. V2 does a good job of having these big, epic hordes and cool encounters, which is great except the AI director often goes too far and it makes just getting to the final event a dull slog where you can spend drawn out periods dealing with specials, bosses, etc. When you finally get to the final event in V2, you know you’ve won because the ai director will calm down a lot and it’s a fairly wrote encounter.

In V1, the trek through the level itself has a certain evenness to it. There are a few challanges but never does the ai director go, “have fun holed up here for the next few minutes while I drop a few hundred mobs and handfuls of specials on you.” The end-level events in V1 are where you’re most likely to die, which is how it should be. It gives them a sense of urgency and dramatic tension that V2 is lacking.

The bigger V2 hordes are a good thing, more specials is a good thing, but they need to level out the director more in the level itself so the event at the end doesn’t just feel like a gimmick.

Edit: V1 also has much better level variety. V2 feels identical every time. There’s also way more lore-centric randomized dialog between characters. I feel like they got rid of a lot of the catch phrases and sayings that added flavour in V1 and there’s a noticeable lack of any character or plot development beyond what’s right in front of us, which is surprising.

Edit 2: Bosses taking as long to kill as they do in V2 is unfun. Not only that, but it makes the characters out to be considerably weaker in the lore than they should be at this point and weaker still than they were in V1, even without all their new talents.


TECHNICALLY if they rewarded you with chests they wouldn’t be lying if they claimed it let you work towards specific reds and cosmetics. They simply haven’t specified how much work it will take.

I’m up to GOD KNOWS HOW MANY commendation chests waiting for the update where they announce the cometic/illusion droprate improves. @link-hero-1 is spot on.

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I think that’s smart, but it’s also infuriating and they should really do something to compensate users for the fact they’ve been enduring a broken trash system for hundreds of hours. Either we a) hoard chests and hope things get fixed, b) play like normal, open chests, and get retroactively punished for opening them if things get fixed.


Imagine the community reaction if they don’t do it. :smile:


I uninstalled last night. We will see when the next patch hits or my friends find it more interesting than other games again…

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Me from a similar topic in the lounge:

I’ll add that increased red/cosmetic drops wouldn’t bring me or my friends back. The core gameplay loop is a much bigger concern for all of us than meta progression.


Nah it’s all good.

Gameplay is interesting, classes have nice variance to them and there’s enough challenge for me and my friends. Made really nice builds on two classes, but still got plenty more to do.

Not really interested in reds&cosmetics nowadays. They’re too rare anyways, so one will just get disappointed hunting them. I like perfecting different builds and developing my gameplay overall.

I see no reason to quit just yet, still got 3 characters that I really haven’t touched. Then again I’m only 100 hours in. 500 hours in VT1 too.


sorry, but no. while we are waiting for them to fix the obvious bugs, the current content still is very doable with a group of adaptive people. 2 gunners firing inside of each other - what’s the problem? get behind cover, take them out. gunners firing through doors? same deal, find a nearby wall. there are set places that are known to have hordes spawning at your feet around you - be ready for it to happen. hear a gas rat or one of the characters exclaiming ‘gas rat!’ then move and do not return to previous positions of yourself or your teammates until the unseen thrown globe hits.

i’ve played so much legend quickplay and yet i see people just not reacting to things well, if you are like me living for the challenge, you’d find a way to overcome them, not whine about them. set up your comp with an IB flamethrower for ezmode legend, or give purple pots to your shade/mage for patrol/boss killing, or bring a ranger for bomb/pot/ammo spam. so many combos to learn and adapt.


Doable =/= enjoyable or fun. Different peoples’ directors are seemingly bugged to different degrees right now.

Eg. I Posted this elsewhere today but this what a normal, non-deed run post 1.0.6 looks like for me. Note the 112 specials, and 1962 total kills. Every… single… run… has been comparable to this since 1.0.6 for me. It is a grueling slog, no matter how stacked the team. If I’m not the host, it fluctuates, but it’s still been abnormal and matches are behaving as though the director is on crack and thinks the three “bug” deeds are active and then some. 1.0.5 behaved perfectly normally, by comparison.

Since there seems to be a lot of variance from system to system, I think there’s strong evidence to suggest that people crying “git gud” are probably on director ezmode themselves right now, without even realizing it.


No. Still playing and having fun.

I agree with the first part, most specials actually very clearly announces when they spawn so you are ready to take them out. If they grab you it’s mostly your own fault. Sure it’s annoying when gunners fire through walls but the next patch will fix that.

Second part I don’t agree with however. IB with drakefire is way more usefull and can still take care of spawns without obsucring the view for the group and getting wrecked if something manages to get to close to you, our IB always has the most ranged kills and takes very little damage thanks to the push. And I would never, under any circumstance bring a shade when I could have a waystalker or a handmaiden.
But that’s the thing, our groups probably have completly different setups but we still manages to ease through legend becuase we know how to adapt to bad situations, something that I’ve seen a lot of players in pubs not be able to do.

I’m not playing until red/green issues get resolved personally. Keeping tabs on forum though hoping for a 180 and them to go oh ok those a priority let’s put it in this patch! a guy can dream, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

just by looking at the scoreboard i can tell that your teammates are incredibly passive and letting you do all the heavy lifting (i assume u are the wizard)

if i’m playing an IB or BH, there is no way i will be getting those kinda scores in your games. i am very sure that it is BECAUSE of how passive your group is, it actually elongates the duration of the run, leading to much more spawns and hordes because progression is slow.

yes, different setups can totally work if the group is adaptive. while i am playing IB with flamethrower tho, my group faces absolutely no threat from hordes or insane density mobs, and more importantly it clears space + leaves 3 teammates free to pick off specials and elites. when bosses come, i can take care of the horde while they focus on the boss. not sure if you know but it also stuns all targets including chaos warriors - the amount of cc it brings is insane. i can cc stunlock an entire stormvermin patrol indefinitely in a corridor or stunlock a chaos warrior and knockdown berserkers.
and to address the obscuring view thing - it’s playstyle, i fire in bursts to match the density, and also spam ping while flaming so specials are marked out for ranged to kill.
i used to play pistols, but the utility of the flamethrower is imo super underrated.

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How long was that game for that many specials to spawn ? Cause damn…

Highest i’ve seen non deed has been into the nest which is a known problematic map which had about 60-70 (leg)

I completely agree,

There is obviously something wrong with the AI director at this point. I’ve seen the same things… some people on EZ mode… and some perminently set to Onslaught mode.

Its nothing about gitgud. Its about an overdone spawn engine making the difficulty level insane for some… but just faceroll easy for others.

The screenshot you showed really puts it in perspective and I have similar screenshots of the massive disparity between runs and parties where the party didn’t play any differently from one run to the next.

I too have stopped playing Legend at this point because of it.

EDIT: I detailed one of mine with screenshots in this post…

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How is this possible unless these people are constantly hosting their own games? I play mostly in other people’s lobbies and haven’t seen this stark a contrast. Am I somehow in “permanent EZ mode” despite not hosting my own games and consequently my PC having no effect on the AI director?

I don’t know… but the disparity is that stark of a contrast.

I ONLY PUG… so I get to see the difference between some groups and playthroughs and others. And I can tell you there are teams that didn’t play any different from one to another (ie, stuck togather, used defensive points etc…) yet, there was a massive disparity in spawns… to the tune of like 30 specials and fewer mobs like 200-300 kills per person… vs 60-80 specials and 500+ kills per person + 2 boss mobs on the same map.

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