i just think that a sword and shield on the vet would be fun and would allow for much more builds on vet that would be much harder without. it would also open up plenty of cosmetic avenues and would allow for people who don’t want to play ogryn just for his shield to play a class they like more and still have a shield. it would also just be awesome to see a PDF vet use a sword shield.
vet is actually the last class that should get sword and shield, they’re almost never issued shields and when they are it’s usually with stun batons for boarding actions. zealots should maybe get it but those idiots don’t need to be any more slow to die than they already are.
A shield as a melee weapon? Absolutely not.
A shield as a deployable? hell yeah. (maybe instead of the almost useless smoke nade)
Vet never should have gotten the Weapon specialist keystone that makes them into a discount Zealot… last thing the class needs is reinforcing the madness of the melee Vet.
It lost to much of its identity as it is.
I think a riot shield would fit well for Veterans. Combine it with a shock maul and you can roleplay as a popo without having the infinite defensive power of the Ogryn shield.
you’re the only person to actually support this idea, everybody else either thinks that vet just shouldn’t get one or that vet shouldn’t get one because of a keystone that they think makes vet into a class too based around melee, even though every class should be able to defend, support, and attack with melee in a game like darktide.
in a game like darktide, having classes be able to fill any roll is something very much needed because anybody is able to play as any class in a mission so whats stopping 4 vets from teaming up or 4 psykers or even 4 ogryns? this system allows for roles to be filled by every class without the classes being made irrelevant because of something like ogryn having a heavy bolter or vet being able to push people back with a single push of a button while also rezing.
Not sword and shield, but I really wanted to get Shield + stun baton on Vet. Whelp, maybe later.
Considering the barrage of complaints about the Power Sword post-launch, I don’t think giving the Veteran such a potent tool for survival in melee is a good idea. To me at least, it feels like it goes against the Veteran being more focused on ranged damage than melee survivability. You can arguably survive in melee comfortably now in Auric between the options of Power Sword and Shovels, but I think having a shield might tip that over the edge.
For the Zealot? Yes, absolutely, it would give them a tanking option for melee (Heavy Sword + Storm Shield? Sign. Me. Up.) and allows them to represent the Crusaders found in Inquisitorial retinues.
I think Vet shielded weapon kits should be:
- Shock Maul and Suppression Shield
- Shock Flail and Suppression Shield
- Chain Sword and Suppression Shield
- Shotgun and Suppression Shield (Blooded Killteam)
- Pistol and Suppression Shield
With both Shock weapons be shared with the Zealot.
Could also see them do Catachan Swords and Suppression Shield.
On the other hand, Zealot should get:
- Shock Maul and Suppression Shield
- Shock Flail and Suppression Shield
- Chain Sword and Suppression Shield
- (Ministorum) Power Sword and Suppression Shield
- (Ministorum) Power Axe and Suppression Shield
With Suppression shields’ effect replacing the push attack with either a cool down or a heat system to use the suppression action
Keystone is useless for a melee veteran. I know the bonus, but you have to regularly kill an enemy with a ranged gun. And this is something pretty bad in a melee combat.
I like melee veteran, but let’s say it. A melee veteran won’t be at the level of a zealot. However, it can be really strong in melee, and just under a zealot. By the same time, the veteran can ALSO get a lot more DPS with ranged weapon than a zealot. This means that veteran receives more power than the zealot.
Do I think they should remove the “specialist” branch for the veteran? No. This branch is really fun to use.
Do I like smoke grenades? no. Do I think they have to be removed, replaced? No. But they need to improve them cause they are actually totally useless.
But I agree with this:
Mainly cause of the changes on veteran tree (veteran tree patch 13 was not like that) taking melee talents is easier. So you don’t have to really specialize in melee to be effective. Thanks the keystones for this and the changes they did.
Returning on topic. I don’t think that they should improve the melee role of a veteran. I don’t also think that a shield would be a good idea for a zealot. So, I don’t think that shield+sword should be implemented.
BUT, OP is not totally wrong by proposing that as combat shields exist in wh40k. But seems related to space marines. So again… no.
well there are suppressing shields that the enforcers have.
But the question is, does it fit well on a veteran class?
Perso, I don’t think.
Must say I am not totally against, but I don’t think I would play with them (never played with the shield on Ogryn).
There are 2 types of shields that could appear here.
Both are Suppression shields but 1 is stronger, and often time considered an Assault Shield.
Enforcer/Arbites’ one should be on shared sets, while Crusader’ should be Zealot exclusive
Sword & shield is the definitive melee choice, imo it should go to zellies & oggies way before even considering vets.
Also why don’t we have spears yet?
Should Vet/Zealot be looked simply as ranged/melee
Or just Imperial Guard/Ministorum?
As for Spear the one I could see happen are Hunting Lance, which Only War permit on foot
This is not Vermintide, where you have set Heroes and every Hero needs to fulfill the role of another Hero, because you can only have one Kruber or Baradin on the Team and it generates problems when you want to play Kerillian, because you like Ranged Characters, but someone else picked Kerillian first to play Shade. So yes, there needs to be a Baradin that can go invisible like a Shade and a Kruber with a Ranged Build so you you can compromise.
This is not the case in Darktide. There is absolutely no need to have every Class be able to do a worse version of a specialist class.
So no, there does not need to be a Melee Veteran, because you can just log over to your Zealot or Ogryn depending on your prefered flavor of Melee. You want to be Tanky… play Ogryn, you want to be lithe and nimble play Zealot. There is no reason to give the Veteran a Melee build. All it does is erode the Class identities.
Used to be that i could count on the Veteran sniping Elites and Specials from a distance when a Veteran joined my lobby. Now i can count on the Veteran doing the Zealot and screaming at the top of his lungs and being in Melee all day… ideally with a Revolver or a Plasma, because apparently that is the new Veteran life… while the Team is shot apart by the Gunline in the Distance and nobody and nothing does anything about the Sniper in the distance.
The Devs refuse to give the Ogryn a precision ranged weapon to do so, so you better hope you brought your pet rock, to take your time away from what makes your Class special and deal with a job that the Veteran used to have, but barely anyone still plays.
So no… what the Veteran needs is its identity back. It does not need a shield to even further reinforce the fact that everyone crutches on the damn shout, because they can’t hack it in Melee otherwise.
Edit: And yes, as someone whose favorite Class was (and kinda still is) the Veteran, i am absolutely disappointed what they did with the Veteran in the Class rework. It is an atrocity and the last thing i want to see is that reinforced with a Sword and Shield.
Too late…
Melee veteran is REALLY strong, especially if you pick VoC.
Cause it is really strong. Even better than zealot on several aspects. The fact you have much more power from ranged weapon and that you’re close to it with your melee weapon makes you stronger than zealot. That’s why you see more and more veterans playing melee.
Cause the zealot archetype is weaker.
The only point were the zealot can be better, if you pick right talents, is survivability.
Two weapons that need a nerf for 6 months. Anyways, when you see that the entire community adopt a weapon, you know that it is OP.
I wish fatshark would be faster at reacting. If they are as fast as they were with recon gun, this will last 1 more year. Let’s hope they don’t create new OP weapons before they fix the current ones (plasma, zorona, void strike, kickback… at least…)
I agree with this choice. Wasting ammos is something part of the ogryn identity.
Same. But at least I appreciated the talent tree from the patch 13. There was same melee talents, but as there was no keystones, going melee was a choice and you ended with less power than a zealot cause of all things you had to pick. In fact specialist was, at this time, average on ranged weapons, and average also on melee.
Keystones and simplified talent tree messed everything. Now, easily you can get the best of the two worlds and end better than a zealot.
These changes killed veteran identity.
And note that I am not against melee veteran… but I think that, on patch 13, it was balanced. Veteran could be average on melee and ranged, Now the melee veteran is excellent on ranged weapons and really good on melee.
At contrary the zealot is bad on ranged weapon and excellent on melee.
maybe not a sword and shield, but i definitely see a riot shield with a club or mace.
im sure theyve been issued riot shields though for those pesky question askers.