Am I the only one losing Legend 99% of the times?

I hate forums. Mostly because I can’t remove posts made by imbecilic wanna-be trolls. Do not waste your time with it.


If you see spawns like that then you should record it and send it to fatshark.

The main issue with people complaining about spawns out of no where etc is that the feedback isn’t actually useful. People need to report bugs properly by stating exactly where and what spawned and then it will be easier on the devs side to determine whether it actually is a bug or not and if it is how to fix it.

At the moment it all gets lost because there will be some genuine cases of spawns bugging out and some cases where there actually isn’t anything wrong and it is a literal case of “git gud”


If that’s not an exaggeration, you must have some pretty terrible luck. For me, there is also a mix of realism that is killed when tons of stuff is spawned at the start. The heroes literally just teleported in and somehow all of these enemy forces are magically mobilized and ready to onslaught them. It’s just a little silly.

That’s one of the problems at the moment and they’re working on it, as far as I know. It’s less about being challenging and more about gimmicks. It becomes a “how well can you react to BS situations?” sort of scenario. It’s also not particularly fun to get cheesed like that so frequently. I’m pretty sure that isn’t their intent and Fatshark is working on all that stuff. All you can do in the mean time is try to adjust and expect stuff like this to happen. I will literally not play certain careers right now because of these issues. Certain careers excel at handling these situations and the uncertainty of quick play, so I favor them and in turn have better success. Other than bringing to Fatshark’s attention the problem with the spawning and feedback and such, there isn’t much else to say or do until it’s fixed.

Very true. Good idea. Do you by chance know some good recording programs for those that don’t have one? I know OBS and are a couple.


I’m not personally keyed up on recording as I tend to avoid it but my friend uses the nvidia shadowplay and recently caught this on hunger in the dark.

I’ll post it as a proper bug report later when I can.


Normally I’d agree but at this density of issues, it’s a little annoying to provide such detailed specifics beyond “please fix the gd game we paid for.” The most basic of play testing should have revealed a multitude of issues. If this was early access, it wouldn’t bother me so much. It feels less like we’re helping out at this point and more like we’re doing the dev’s job for them or outright beta testing still. It would be nice to hear more from them on the subject I guess. It’s just frustrating.

There are a few places where invisible or “on your head” horde spawns do happen with regularity, and experienced players know about them and avoid them (eg. the top of the elevator in Righteous Stand, right after 2nd grim in Righteous Stand), and most patrols have bugged pathing making them completely unavoidable (less of an issue now that chaos patrols are more manageable regardless of comp). These bugs do tend to be consistent and I know they’re working on them but it’s turned the game into a wrote experience wherein we just have to know exactly where to stop and wait and when to move. Takes all spontaneity and fun out of it.

Most of the bugs, though, are just random and there’s no way to pin it down or they’re subjective and difficult to compare to any standard or norm. The most objective thing I can say in general is that I’m getting tiwce as many kills and twice as much damage in the same amount of time in 1.0.6 as I was in 1.0.5 with the exact same loadout, which isn’t normal at all.

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Not an exaggeration, sadly. Hordes start coming before the timer should allow it (telltale sign that something is seriously wrong). Bosses are coming straight out of the gate out of the starting area. Happens so much now I can’t remember it not happening. We often manage to clear it but we know when the director is behaving that way it’s not going to ever let up. It’s exhausting.

Before 1.0.6, I enjoyed wiping. It was hilarious because it was rare enough you could laugh about the insanely unlikely circumstances the AI director gave you. Now, it’s the opposite.

As for careers, I’m the same way. I only play people who are versatile enough to handle/carry everything because I know the director will constantly demand it. It’s very annoying because I enjoy all of the characters.

The spot on fort brachen when you turn right has another as well. These insta spawn spots are probably a more productive start though.

On the damage side, they did increase skaven hordes last patch. Whether thats enough to double your kills etc I dont know.


I’ve had a few runs where I could feel the increased horde rate in what I suspect was their intended outcome… In those runs, the kills/damage made sense. It was a bit more but not “wtf” levels of size/frequency. The rate is most often at “Send in the Next Wave” frequency, sometimes with smaller, silent, mini-hordes smattered in from time to time, which is definitely abnormal.

Best I can describe it is that if we imagined the ai director to be a switchboard, with every switch controlling a different spawn/behaviour, the game feels like every single switch is permanently locked in the “on” position in most runs.

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No, Fatshark just focking hates us and lets us know via the AI director. They want us to die repeatedly.
Otherwise they’re just incompetent.


I think a standard, detailed “Known Issues” list in the patch notes would go a long way to improving enjoyment and alleviating frustration. Bugs are more tolerable when you know they’re there. When you find things you didn’t know were there and the devs didn’t mention them in the patch notes, it gives the impression the devs were misguided and though everything was working fine.

Eg. “There is a known issue where the AI Director thinks you murdered its family and no matter what, it will try as hard as possible to delete you, forever… also, there are bugs.”

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They said they fixed exactly that in the last three patchnotes. It got true-er as time went on but it was never true for Legend.
They still cannot fix Legend. Again.


I still seem to win more than I lose, but its certainly more difficult, im sure my success rate has dropped.

I actually created an account on the forum to reply/bump this

Legend is not fun anymore, I’ve been playing since launch, and they completely fudged it up with the last patch. There is just no way to kill a boss on legend with the current damage output available to players (yes, even with anti-boss group and gear), in time to deal with the hordes and specials (grabbers and aoe) that keep spawning all the time. And this happens on ALL maps, every time.

Fatshark wants people to get their red items and weapons through speed runs only, or by soloing legend with bots (apparently playing with bots is viable on legend now because the game doesn’t spawn as many enemies if you are solo)

PS: Into the Nest is broken in the most irritating way.
Once you get past Spinemanglr and on the elevator, the director will always spawn 4-5 special mobs right outside the elevator landing spot, so expect to be greeted by 2-3 gas clouds and a gun rat right after the elevator door drops. I have wiped 3 times on that spot AFTER defeating the boss, with no way to maneuver and survive (at least not on champ/leg).
Once, through sheer luck we managed to press on to the room past the elevator, where two skaven hordes spawned right on top of us, filling the room with skaven completely, and ofc we wiped.

So kids, if you wish to get red items and play the game on max difficulty, get used to doing speedruns, playing solo and staying away from the Into the Nest map!
Sincerely, fatshark


it’s interesting to see people complain about bosses/minibosses when I’ve never had issues with that in my groups, the problem has always been the instagib groups of specials combined with SURPRISE chaos patrol right in the face.

As for bosses, if you have only 1 competent person that’s good at keeping a miniboss stationary without losing aggro then you generally have a really easy time killing them. I’d say ACTUAL bosses are a larger issue since most of them are just unengaging sponges of health with very little interaction bar ‘‘smack him in the face 900 times’’ unless you bring a good huntsman/shade. (which subsequently delete any minibosses you encounter as well as elites)

champ player detected

what you are saying applies to champion difficulty

still win more than i lose. the ability to cleave everything in sight and several ranged weapons being hilariously broken tend to nullify the silly spawns that can take place, at least in a competent party. if the director is ever “fixed” legend is going to become a massive snore fest.

that said, it is broken at times. have had plenty of scenarios where things just don’t stop coming, things appear on your face or you get something silly like 14 (yes, we counted) plague monks coming at you simultaneously. it does, however, break in the other direction too. this was a legend war camp, where absolutely no specials spawned other than a typical group of 3 at the start and not a single horde showed up the entire match.

stuff like this is a flat out lie and does nothing to help balancing. the bosses are the absolute least problem of any legend run right now other than a chaos spawn since their aggro seems all over the damn place and makes dealing with other things more difficult.

Nice and constructive you are. Come back when you’re at a point that you’re playing the highest difficulties just for fun and laughs, otherwise keep your insults to yourself.

I’ve actually gotten my red items from proper legend runs as well as post 1.6 runs ty. Just get a halfdecent group and be a halfdecent player, I expected a higher difficulty gap going from Champ to Legend but it’s just been a case of hit the mobs a few more times and deal with larger hordes. I’ve had a worse time on champion runs with uninformed people eating berserkers in the face and not knowing how to deal with certain specials.

Yes that is also a pre-patch remark.

Are you sure you have been playing legend post 1.06?

I don’t mean to insult, if indeed you are such good a player to not even recognize the changes, well kudos to you.

As far as I’m concerned the game has gone from delightful and challenging to complete sh*tshow in just one patch. That is all I am saying, agree to disagree.

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First off legend is supposed to be hard.

Secondly I’ve been having pretty decent luck with my randoms today, won about 50% of matches. The times I lost I really felt my team wasn’t up to scratch, other times I felt my team wasn’t good enough and I still won just because I got lucky. It’s only rarely that I get an excellent team and still lose.

If you’re actually good at placement and quickly taking out specials I think legend is very manageable. Sure, sometimes the game will spawn something very unfair and you’ll lose to that, but that’s just the reality of randomized gameplay and I actually don’t think it happens disproportionally often.

If I had a consistent team I’m pretty sure I’d get my winrate up to 80% or higher.

This, even chaos spawn can be managed if your group has any clue how to boss-dance, a valuable skill I only seem to see VT1 veterans do most of the time. Most of the times you can keep a boss almost entirely stationary which is invaluable in a tunnel.

@gnads ‘‘champion player’’ and ‘‘git gud’’ remarks are generally quite clear insults, I’ve been playing quite comfortably since launch, the excessive specials have only ever been the thing to irk me personally since it’s such a step away from the design in VT1. Not even because of what they do so much as the fact that they’re meant to be ‘‘specials’’, things you deal with along the way that were unexpected or difficult to overcome rather than mobs that just blend in regularly with the crowd and form extra fodder.

I played a ton of legend matches just yesterday and despite losing a few they’ve always been a case of player mistakes where two people went down to a special and we got unlucky spawns like a sudden patrol while the specials hadn’t been dealt with yet. (the infamous MLG assassin where people instead of killing it try to revive downed players only to eat stabrat to the face. Which is still a player mistake.)

Never did I claim to be a pro player but I do feel quite comfortable in legend and I think a good number of people complaining about it would do better to do some champion runs and really focus on ironing out their basics. Champion itself is very forgiving to mistakes whereas Legend is not, so things like staggercontrol, stationary bosses, consistent headshots and controlling an entire horde through group movement can make a difference a lot of the time.

For example if you get an unlucky sorcerer spawn and cant kill it, a lot of the time you can feed an entire horde to said storm to make the most out of the situation. As for bosses, the kiting I keep mentioning is invaluable because it will allow people to deal with a horde that spawns alongside it. NEVER should all four people be engaged entirely on the boss, one or two need to be on the lookout while dishing out some damage. Legend seems to cater most to proactive players that will swing their vision around even when it’s quiet (too quiet) to check on their teammates and rare spawns/objectives/items.

I feel like most players can get to that point but it takes a bit of finesse and admittance to the fact that you will lose in the beginning. That’s part of the game too, otherwise it wouldn’t even have a gameover screen. Especially if you don’t copy players that are doing better than you then you won’t improve, no shame in learning from people you see doing well in a consistent fashion. That’s how I got better in VT1, combined with some of J_sats informational videos.

edit: A good median for seeing how ready you are for legend is if you keep your damage low in your champion runs despite the odds you come across. I personally feel people <250 preferably <200 and best case <100 damage taken are definitely ready to try some legend. But if you’re still 600> then I’d really work on that. Grey health isn’t going to save you most of the time if you take that much damage, unless you’re venting a lot on Sienna with Natural Bond / waystalker passive.

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