I’ve seen people talking about the scoreboard a bit, and I was a little disappointed to see that there wasn’t really much of a mission summary after the game compared to vermintide 2. If I remember correctly, after dying partway in a mission you couldn’t see anything at the end either. I also saw people bringing up “green circle chasers” as a reason to remove features that already existed, instead of improving on the scoreboard itself and maybe making better incentives for players reaching different stats in a mission.
People were saying things like “You don’t have any justifiable reason to need a scoreboard outside of your ego and that it’s overall a detriment to the games ecosystem”, and I just find this to be such a lame reason. It’s like if a teacher said something like “Okay class, a couple of parents have found the high-grade red-circle checkmark chaser students to be a toxic presence on the rest of the students, so we’ve decided to remove the numbered grading system as whole.” And it also reminds me of the Netflix Amy Schumer comedy special situation. Lets remove the 5 star grading system on all movies that has been around for so long and is a useful way for people to see how a movie/show is received by the public, because people were massively showing dislike for something. Now we have a thumbs up/thumbs down and a “percentage matching to you”, which just feels so much worse.
After 3000+ hours in this game, I can barely remember the times someone has been snippy to other people over scoreboard related things. And if they were? Who cares? The skaven don’t care about my emotional well-being, and why should I expect everyone in the reikland to conform to meet my expectations? Disagreements happen in games all the time, and not everyone will be respectful to you either (just like real life). Trash talk them back, ignore them, block them in steam, uninstall and let some randos ruin the game experience for you as a whole, etc. Deal with it in whatever way you deem fitting. If I’m playing a class that isn’t built for constant F spamming/hagbane Waystalkers on legend; I understand that my class has a different role to fill and that there isn’t enough enemy hp to go around for other classes to raise the stats necessarily. I also learn to fulfill my own role and play as good as I can myself, because those rushing kill thirsty players also deserve to get their damage if they are good enough to maintain the playstyle. There is a risk to running off ahead or playing selfishly in mind, and if they die alone they can hold the L themselves and adapt, or disconnect and queue up again to do it again. I always try to play as best as I can to reduce my damage taken/healing wasted, and a huge reward at the end of the run is seeing that I took hardly any damage taken and potentially even outdamaged the risky circle chaser too.
All of the questionable green circle brains existing, doesn’t justify (to me), why I should have my own satisfaction of seeing some payoffs for the run nerfed/impacted. Why should a feature that could easily be turned off by a visibility toggle in the menus, be reduced/removed entirely? Games like CoD, CsGo, Valorant, all have way more “toxic” interactions over team stats than from what I ever would experience in Vermintide, but it would insane for them to remove a scoreboard because of it.
Which leads me to my main question now: Do we know if there is/will be any plans to have a persistent stat tracker for the game?
After playing lots of Vermintide 2, I had noticed way too late that there was a mod for tracking kills on a weapon in the workshop. I’ve always wished there was a way to see how many different kinds of enemies you’ve killed on a character, total deaths/downs, missions completed, deeds done (outside of completing the deeds portrait challenges), potions used, etc. that you could have going. Especially now that the scoreboard is gone and we have a new system of doing challenges for weapon loot, I really think it would be such a cool feature to have some way to see holistic account wide progression.
Especially since we’ve seen the scoreboard method changed, I think it would be more important now to have some sort of way to see your own personal progression. Outside of just enjoying the gameplay as a whole + and getting new experiences playing with new people in QP, seeing your performance at the run is a SIGNIFICANT reason why I still enjoy playing vermintide. After you’ve done a lot of the progression/challenges/game modes (there is no ranked weave queueing in ba-sing-se), seeing the varied stat results at the end of a match encourages you to striving to improve and still gives you something new/constantly different to see.