About bots again

I’m assuming you mean Patch 4.2 and Patch 4.2.2. Yes, the changes by those patches are significant and noticeable.

Patch 4.2

I find that these either all work as described or if not, at least work better than pre-patch. They still occasionally facetank warpfire throwers and ratling gunners, but at a lesser rate than pre-patch. Still needs further tweaking.

“Stick closer when under high threat” works better than pre-patch. Although this behavior can be overridden by the “chase after specials with melee weapons” bug already described above. “Being more aware of pinged targets” seems to work better than pre-patch. “Bots should only use ranged weapon against targets that match weapon type eg. they won’t fire handguns at infantry” definitely works. Previously, they would shoot at Skavenslaves with ranged weapons such as handguns, wasting ammo. “Bots should no longer run off cliffs if they are in ratling gunners fire cone or other long sticky AOE threat” seems to mostly work (in regular mode). Chaos Wastes pathing seems wonky, they could still trip over ledges even if there is no enemy attacking.

Patch 4.2.2

Bot healing works better than pre-patch. Most of the changes here are the same as the ones in Patch 4.2 - they work better than pre-patch but could occasionally not work too well. For example, even if reviving behavior is better than pre-patch, there are still times where they will ignore revives. Needs further tweaking.

A core bot bug that is left unfixed is the behavior where bots have a suicidal drive to chase after specials with melee weapons, which still overrides many other bot behavior.

I’ve already replied to this above. That post by Robin was from 2017 (before Vermintide 2 was even announced) and is specifically about Vermintide 1. It is hardly relevant to V2.

There isn’t much modding activity on bot mods by V2 modders even on unsanctioned (and potentially “cheaty”) mods. There are only 2 bot improvement mods that are a continuation of the V1 bot improvement mod’s features: Bot Improvements - Combat and Bot Improvements - Impulse Control. The latter has been “Sanctioned Status: [applied]” since 2018.

I think the actual reason for V2 bot improvements mods having less functionality than their V1 counterparts is lack of modder interest. The modder of Bot Improvements - Impulse Control pretty much sums it up in their comment made back in 2019 (emphasis mine):

I haven’t tested this with recent versions of the game, so the chances are it got broken at some point by an update to the game. In particular, if you’re on the beta branch I wouldn’t be surprised if it doesn’t work.

I probably won’t try to fix it unless there’s a reasonable chance it will get sanctioned, and I don’t [think] that’s likely for the foreseeable future.

They are correct. Fatshark has not reviewed new mods for sanctioning in a long time. Modders lost interest as a result.

[Citation Needed] Complete speculation. We don’t know that. I’ve seen no comment like that at all from a bot mod author.