Welcome to the reikland
It gets worse here everyday
You learn to live like a cheater
In the cheesefest where we play
Hi. You might remember me from such topics as “Chieftain Krench could take Skarrik in a fistfight”, “Man the ramparts chains are minibosses - change my mind” and “Bot rework - Important”. I don’t usually post on these forums but when I do something really slaps my rats. This time that something is: “Not updating the bots does not make me want to play with humans, it makes me not want to play at all!”
Long story short, I’d really appreciate if you could give the bots some actual brains. I really hoped there would be no need for another post and the bots would get some love in the Chaos Wastes update. Yet here we are again in hopes that our fantastic Community Managers would notice us and deliver some suggestions to the dev team.
Here are some of the most frequent bot bruh moments I’ve captured. I had more but due to my PC getting fried by a malfunctioning water cooler some were lost. Some are from legend, others from cata.
Ah, good old stuck locations. Had no way to move far enough for the teleport to take place, as upstairs had ratlings and multiple elites waiting. TPK.
Bots chased a special across the acid pool twice and you know how the story goes. TPK.
Stopped using BH as a bot after this one, even though he’s pretty decent special sniper and boss stunner. Apparently the spinal damage caused him to get stuck in ult. No TPK, but the bot died five times before we reached the tome tower.
The boys decided it’d be cool to run after a globadier on the other side of the map while a troll with mixed elites were chasing me. TPK, obviously.
Please please please make reviving higher priority. Just killed a boss and no-one in sight barring this single flamer. Ultimately Bardin reached the flame rat after the two other bots had already been downed.
This one really boggles me. The bots abandoned me to run after a specific stormvermin over yonder.
Fun fact: a single ratling gun is enough to completely shutdown a team of bots. Wipe, thanks to a single special
Ah, Chaos Wastes. An excellent gamemode with areas completely untraversable by AI. This specific map causes suicidal tendencies not only in the bots but players as well. TPK.
Running after ratlings again. Two out of three bots have sniper weapons but no intellect to use them.
Again, no intentions of reviving. This mentality has to go. Bardinbot is especially good at standing above you whilst blocking trash attacks.
-Broken Fax Modem noises-
-Broken Fax Modem noises 2-
Huntsman Kruber approves bot fixes
It’s really not a high priority at the moment.
By now this is just a really old and really bad joke. When is it going to be? In three more years? Apologies for the salt but I guarantee that after Spacevermintide drops nothing in this game is high priority anymore.
So yeah the bots are bad Spike, whatchu gonna do bout it m8? Git gud?
I’ve said it many times now, I’m okay with the game ending if I die as a result from my own incompetence. The thing grinding my gears here are borderline suicidal companions that degrade further with every passing update. I’d appreciate that FS would recognize me and other solo players as valid customers too.
Why do you think they are so bad? IMO they do good in most situations
Yeah, you can play with them through cataclysm and be mostly fine. But am I having fun while doing it? No. I want to just dive into a good game where I can do my class shenanigans. Poke things with a sharp stick as a Handmaiden. Shooty-toot chaos warriors as Bounty Hunter. Practise ninjutsu as Ranger Veteran. Decapitate stormvermin as Meme Knight. Haha, no. I have to pick Shade or WH Captain, because those two are multitools with Bossmelt/Special Sniper and Get out of jail-card clutch ults while leaving FK/Merc, Unchained and Ironbreaker for bots. The real class selection at higher diffs is severely limited because the bots can’t keep themselves alive. Unless I do everything winning is not an option. And I am not even talking about Chaos Wastes or Weaves here, good lord!
It’s easy to make really good bots but making balanced ones is hard
Balance or not, some basic Quality of Life tweaks would be more than welcome. I think everyone is equally entitled to a good player experience no matter if they play with people or AI.
Let’s begin with the problems they have with ratlings and warpfire throwers. Bots are already really good at sticking with players, so telling them not to run after any enemy unit further than x meters while they still have ranged ammo already fixes a lot. Also instead of going afk in a corner to avoid ratling fire we can instruct them to follow players, who 9 times out of 10 have much better hiding spots.
Second, just fix the revive priority please. It’s infuriating to watch Ironbreaker stand on top of you, blocking away more than thirty seconds with 50% chance of getting more stamina every time he breaks. The difference is literally just one button to what they already do.
And if all else is off the table, innate poison/fire resistance would be nice. The bots like to dance in flames and gas so much this is almost no-brainer.
But… having them do OK in Cata means they’re undying gods in lower diffs, right?
Not neccessarily. If we can scale the toughness of enemy AI per-difficulty the same can be done for our friends as well. Even such a simple thing as making bots respond to chat wheel commands (i.e. come here, monster!, patrol!) would put greater emphasis on the situational awareness and skill of the player. Dedicated bot commands such as “Kill this, [botname]”, “Stay here for now” or “Be quiet” would open whole new doors, making the player an active commander rather than babysitter.
You can comfortably play Cata, so you’re just a whining elitist. Why should FS cater to you?
I were a noob once as well. I bought the game to play with my friends, who stopped playing two weeks after picking it up. The only reason I continued to play was because having bots as teammates was an option. So in a way, having nonhuman players actually helped raise and maintain active player count. Sometimes when my subpar connection and geography allows it I go to lower diffs to help out new players to even things out a bit. And besides, as paying customer I do think I’m allowed to express my dissatisfaction and feedback on the product.
Too long; Didn’t Read. What’s your point?
Make Bots more viable across all difficulties and gamemodes with greater emphasis on player tactical skills and less on do-all. Better teammates, AI or not, helps customer retention and satisfaction.
As usual, please discuss and share your opinions!