A Parting of the Waves is Live Now! Patch 5.4.0 + Hotfix 5.4.2

Hotfix 5.4.2 - 17th of April

As a heads up, the patch size for this hotfix is unfortunately 25GB. We’re still investigating what’s causing some of our patches to have this issue to be able to avoid this in the future.

Features & Tweaks

  • Added new sound effects for when the Chaos Warrior with Shield blocks a ranged attack.
  • Slightly increased the likelihood of hero conversations starting in A Parting of the Waves.
  • Tweaked some objective markers in A Parting of the Waves to avoid confusion.


  • Fixed the missing dialogue for Saltzpyre when he’s the last man standing and when someone wastes healing. Ohhh he’s gonna let 'em have it now…!
  • Fixed a visual bug in the first person view of a particular fireball staff illusion, which was missing its proper glow.
  • Fixed the text in the search bar of the crafting menu sometimes spilling out of the search bar.
  • Fixed a bug with the Chaos Warrior with Shield when facing a hero that went invisible.
  • Fixed missing stagger values for Chaos Warrior with Shield in certain difficulties.
  • Fixed an issue with the Chaos Warrior with Shield playing a stagger animation twice when recovering from being lifted by a Sister of the Thorn.
  • Fixed a visual bug with Saltzpyre’s volley crossbow having floating ammo when switching from 3rd person to 1st person.
  • Fixed a crash caused by having too many buffs active at once. Y’all are crazy.
  • Fixed a host crash when a client joins on a hero that is not currently present near the end of A Parting of the Waves.
  • Replaced a door in A Parting of the Waves to prevent a rare crash.
  • Fixed an issue where Necromancer has their skull overridden by their potion if ending a Chaos Wastes level with a skull in potion slot and a potion in their extra slot.
  • Fixed an issue with the Chaos Warrior with Shield not splitting into two enemies when certain tzeentchian modifiers were active.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed the big barrel model disappearing at certain distances.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Moved ammo box on wagon before end event so its reachable by bots.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Taught bots how to navigate a sunken ship at the harbor.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Improved bot navigation at the pier.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed some respawn points being set underneath the ground level.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed a house disappearing at certain distances.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed several locations where players could get out of bounds or into unintended areas.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed a typo in the counter message for destroyed buboes Okri challenge.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Fixed a spot where enemy blood would turn into moss. Very nurgle-y, really.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Added a fix to prevent the challenge fish from being killable more than once. Like, how dead can a fish be?
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Removed a ‘hanging from ledge’ spot on a broken ship that was vestigious from previous designs of the map.
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Climb spawners on the first island were broken and made the spawned unit die on spawn. Not any more, so make sure you look up and behind you!
  • (A Parting of the Waves) Added missing idle animations for the 5th Hero, waiting by the escape boat.*
  • (Mission of Mercy) Fixed some spots where you could go out of bounds.
  • (Athel Yenlui) Fixed players being able to walk along the outer edge in the finale.
  • Fixed a crash when quitting the game after getting a backend error.

* Missing line added

Hotfix 5.4.1 - 11th of April

This patch fixes a common crash and adds various fixes to the new map, A Parting of the Waves.


  • Fixed a common crash related to the Chaos Warrior with Shield’s animations.
  • A Parting of the Waves Fixes:
    • Fixed so you cannot slap in the barrels at the rock wall or in the factory until you have been at the blighthouse.
    • Fixed the light from the lighthouse not disappearing after you guys blow it up.
    • Fixed some lighting issues where certain objects were darker than they should be.
    • Fixed some areas where parts of the map could visually disappear.
    • Fixed a spot where players could get stuck near a tome.
    • Fixed instances where the intro cutscene would not play.
    • Fixed a spot where players could get stuck on a tarp.
    • Fixed some issues with fire particles throughout the level.
    • Added a fence to block off an inaccessible spot that looked accessible.
    • Changed the water depth at the end area, near the exit.
    • Fixed a couple of LoD issues with some objects throughout the level.
    • Shrunk a misbehaving wall a bit.
    • Fixed an issue that caused there to be multiple copies of the same lantern running about.
    • Fixed a levitating pickup item.
    • Added some planks near the ship players can enter in the harbor.
    • Added some materials to make the escape a bit clearer.

A free update with a brand new map and a new enemy type!


The fourth and final part of the Karak Azgaraz saga - A Parting of the Waves - is out now on PC*, free for all owners of Vermintide 2!

Join our Heroes on their bonding exercise, as they try to work through their quarrels and chase the fleeing Skaven to a gloomy whaling village, ravaged by storm and something sinister…

In addition to the new map, this update sees the introduction of a brand new enemy: the Chaos Warrior with Shield! This new enemy will show up alongside in any mission with Rotblood’s presence.

Developer Stream - April 12th!

We’ll also be hosting a developer stream on April 12, at 16:15 CEST! Join Community Manager Catfish, Art Director Joseph, and Design Director Joakim as they do a deep dive on the A Parting of the Waves update!

Without further ado…

Patch 5.4.0 Patch Notes

New Features

  • Added a brand new map: A Parting of the Waves
    • This map is considered the 4th and final entry in the Karak Azgaraz saga for Vermintide 2.
    • Includes its own set of Okri’s Challenges and rewards! New paintings and portrait frames!
  • Added a new enemy type: Chaos Warrior with Shield. Sigmar preserve us…

Balance Changes

  • Outcast Engineer: Increased the Cooldown of the bomb generated by ‘Ingenious Ordnance’ to 180 seconds (up from 120 seconds).
  • Outcast Engineer: Decreased the starting bombs from the ‘Bombardier’ talent to 2.


  • Fixed an issue with Outcast Engineer talent ‘Linked Compression Chambers’ not increasing fire rate properly.
  • Fixed an issue with Necromancer not being able to see her Chaos Wastes potions when checking her inventory.
  • Fixed some spots where bots would get stuck in Trail of Treachery and Tower of Treachery.
  • Fixed a tome not spawning in Khazhukan Kazakit-Ha!
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Eyes of the Crowfather’ Okri’s achievement being impossible to complete. Something something Tzeentch ravens.
  • Fixed the skulking sorcerer from that one Nurgle curse on Chaos Wastes breaking entirely when lifted by the Lifestaff.
  • Fixed a placeholder localization line on the ‘Quit to Menu’ button.
  • Fixed a host crash when a Kerillian bot spawns and is being attacked the same frame.
  • Fixed rare host caused by a bot Warrior Priest with ‘The Comet’s Gift’ talent being replaced by a human player while they have their ability active on another player.
  • Fixed a rare crash while spectating.
  • Fixed rare crash when local game receives info about a projectile, but the projectile or hit unit was already removed locally.
  • Fixed a crash when someone hotjoins the same frame as a pinged unit is destroyed.
  • Fixed a very rare crash related to player despawns.
  • Fixed a bug in the launcher that sometimes caused the wrong GPU to be selected when multiple GPUs were available (mostly affecting laptops).

* Coming to consoles on April 18th!


Chaos Warriors with Shields… Oh boy… Sigmar protect me…


So VT2 gets the Bulwark and DT gets the Globadier. The Skittergate has been apparently rebuilt…


Southlanders… hahahaha…


The multiverse we didn’t expect, but apparently deserve.


“The multiverses Mayson, what do they mean!?”


That´s the style of the Warhammer-verses tho :sob::joy:

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I’m not quite sure if those balance changes hit the mark. For one thing the issue with ingenious ordnance remains the same, it’s still unlimited free bombs that just generates itself passively without you doing anything. It’d be more tolerable of the bomb generation required some kind of player input.

Also any chance of balancing a lot of underused or outright useless talents like Barge, Indiscriminate Blast, and Dawi Drop? Or weapons like repeater pistols being useless, or cog hammer being far better than other Bardin weapons?

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The Vermintide 2 “Bulwarks” also coincidentally have VERY similar helmets to the one that Captain Wolfer wears in Darktide :wink:

I reported this!! Glad to see it get fixed : )


For a faction being named “Chaos”, they are rather consistent.


Nerf, nerf, nerf… we need buff! So many careers and weapons overshadowed by others

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Agreed, sick to death of nerfs. The Weaves show how pitiful the characters are. Nerf the damn weaves instead of the characters all the time :confused:

Every time there’s something that is viable and benefits the players it gets nerfed to hell, but the BS the enemies pull… nah that’s fine… FFS

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One thing being true does not mean another is not.

And by that in this case what i am saying is that those things 100% did deserve nerfs, bomb spam engi was not fun to play with for his teammates any more than overtuned BW/SoT.

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In the new map if you die at the first part of the map there is a respawn point under the map, you will be unable to revive your teammates, sadly i dont have a screenshot yet. But maybe you can take a look at it. The respawn point i mean is behind the bridge which you have to lower by pulling a lever.

engi is still not fun to play with XD
But yeah 180seconds seems reasonable now.

I don’t understand this logic. They’re not infinite unless you literally stand around doing nothing waiting for them to regen, in which case you’re risking attrition to your other supplies by fighting more spawns than you need to. Unless you’re saying people are intentionally drawing out games to get more bombs, we can use average mission length as a reasonable gauge for how many bombs you’ll actually get over the course of a run.

Increasing the cooldown by 50% should very much decrease the total number of bombs you’ll have in a run by a significant amount. Seems like a step in the right direction to me, though of course that’s not saying that it still giving too many bombs overall is an unreasonable position. Nor am I saying your complaint that it isn’t interactive enough is unreasonable. Really I just take issue with the suggestion that this change doesn’t affect how many bombs you’ll have access to in a run by a noticeable amount. Yes I guess people can still camp spawn till they have their whole team filled with bombs before reaching the point in a mission where spawns begin but I can’t imagine there are many who’d have the patience to put up with that strategy.

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From what I see, however, for Fatshark, that’s exactly the case…

and OE is proof of it. He didn’t need a nerf, but a rework. The ability of the bombs is the only thing that keeps him alive… otherwise it’s a flat, boring career with obvious problems

That is very subjective though, i have seen people who absolutely detest playing both waystalker or Grail Knight on the basis of them being “flat and boring”.

People enjoy different things, that’s normal.

But as for Engi needing bomb spam to be viable at all, i disagree extremely, i do not use that and still find him to be extremely strong when played well. I simply still dislike him being slower paced.

The rework they did was a straight buff as well, and even after the last minor nerfs he is stronger than before the rework.

Thats true that was how i suspected Fatshark would rework him, but they didnt.

I dont know man, if you rely on bombs to stay alive you maybe should turn down the difficulty.