A Parting of the Waves is Live Now! Patch 5.4.0 + Hotfix 5.4.2

For sure almost everything is subjective… but WS and GK are careers wich work, in line with the gamelay (despite you know, I’m against the recent GK nerf)

The same I don’t feel about OE and his minigun. Imo it’s not a skill that fits well with the gameplay. Too static

I don’t care bombs’ nerf, but the class needed an entire rework

I mean, even the weakest career, with deep internal problems, becomes op if it can throw infinite bombs… but this doesn’t mean fixing its problems

Man, we talked a lot about various things, agreeing and not… and now this senseless and sad “git gud”?

I’m saying it’s a poorly thought out career, especially the minigun doesn’t fit with the gameplay, and Fatshark did wrong since the first buff… instead of focusing the career on infinite bombs, I would have preferred to see a minigun rework

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Shouldnt sounded that mean, but if you really rely on it that hard tuning down difficulty should be considered rather than supporting the bomb spam because for others the bombs destroy the fun before the recent nerfs you could throw a bomb everytime when the run started to get interesting.

Here i fully agree with you, i also wanted to have a rework on the clunkiness of the run and the whole career itself, making him easier to handle in tough situations and needing less babysitting.
But fatshark decided to give him bombs which just obliterate the difficulty spikes rather than get rid of his clunkiness to make him more able to deal with the situation, prenerf there wasnt a need to handle with the situation because he just destroyed them.

And the minigun was one of the clunky things to use and still is it to certain degree.

To be fair, they got rid of some clunky things, but they should have focused more on that.

I do also think that even pre-rework he was very strong and could deal A LOT of damage, he was just harder to handle than other careers.

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Yep, indeed, I was just talking about this… I didn’t mean I can’t remain alive without bombs. I mastered the game time and time ago :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway all resolved, no problems, friends as before

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I dunno if you already know this or not but the new map is definitely really unoptimized. I have horrid lags on it, while every other map in the game flows perfectly no matter what’s happening.

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My video on Last Hero Standing quips is outdated now rip


Well, better get uploading fella