A list of combat shotgun improvements

Honestly forgot, yeah - ripper gun feels like it’s in a similar spot to combat shotguns… but at least it has manopener right?

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I feel like that if blessings are designed correctly, none of them should feel mandatory to the gun being functional.

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Ripper guns are honestly pretty sick, I don’t feel like they need any help at all. I think a big part of them being underrated is the weird pellet mechanics. I mean, the MK5 loses most of its ranged damage when you brace it for some reason. It’s total nonsense but once you know about it it feels really good to use


Yeah the state of Rippers is really incomparable to combat shotties. Even with the crazy recoil, burst fire, damage disparity between braced and unbraced, rippers have… you know, ammo. I’d prefer more to account for wasted shots, but unlike CS, Rippers actually get something back from the small ammo pickups and the only weapon in existence that has a chunk of players saying to dump the ammo stat.

Buuuut if the community decides they want a general buff to rippers, I’ll talk sh!t about them. I can be your guy!

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I… don’t like Ripper Guns. They feel very fun to shoot… but if I actually have fun shooting them, they run out of Ammo almost right away! I, however, do graciously accept that this is due to a personal failing and thus I don’t blame Ripper Guns. I recognise that they’re not for me.

I’m more of a Rumbler guy, myself… but it could definitely do with more Ammo! My Rumbler, with both 80% Ammo and the +25% Ammo Node, has only 34 Ammo TOTAL.

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Rippers used to be great during the honeymoon, now they completely fell off with the amount of armor and elites we’re facing. Yes, Can Opener is still good even after the bug/nerf and unloading in the horde is fun, but that’s about it. I currently don’t see a place for a Ripper gun in the Ogryn loadout.

I specifically like it more now since the Ogryn has more armor killing melee options nowadays. Can opener always felt like a waste to me, the other blessings are so strong, and now there’s even less reason to use it. MK2 and MK6 are tons of fun on gunlugger builds. Won’t kill carapace but will destroy everything else. Having flechettes with lucky bullet and fire PBB is the stuff that makes them really stupid strong.
The MK5 is just plain one of the best special killers in the game, which is hard to call underpowered and fits solidly for any melee build cause of the super fast swap and no need to brace


As the earth’s last Ripper mk II fan, I wouldn’t bring any ripper gun into Havoc because of the ammo poverty, range, handling, TTK, ect.

But I’ll still use it in both ogryn builds for regular ol’ Eric Maelstrom because shooting at hyper density pleases the endorphins.

I don’t think they need anywhere near the amount of work CS does. Maybe an extra mag’s worth of ammo in reserve. Higher minimum pellet count for the mk II so it feels better to shoot at gunners but not so much it snipes specials. Lower braced recoil for the V and VI. Actually just a lot less recoil specifically for the VI overall.

They don’t erase scab ragers like they used to, but there’s still enough limb/head damage and stagger to go around.


Disagree completely, especially with the gunlugger flechette meme build. Yes, it is stupid fun, and you can make it work in Auric, but at the cost of 2.5~ players’ worth of ammo for a performance output of a mid veteran/gun psyker.

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Very much agreed.

I was thinking that maybe the Mk VI could get the pre-nerf Ripper Ammo back? Just to give it that “Ammo Efficiency” niche for Ripper Guns or something in order to make it stand out.

My complaint against the mk vi is the accuracy of the 2 round burst. Something about it throws me off and I struggle to get the kind of precise shots the mk vi fan(s?) tell me it has with its narrow unbraced spread and flat braced shots.

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Does that qualify as… making it work though?

I honestly think it’s borderline OP on Aurics due to the ammo excess. You can actually just wipe every room from the entrance by yourself if you know where to stand to cover the entire area worth of enemies in 16 bleed and up to 31 burn stacks. That kills every single enemy except crushers. The busted thing that almost feels broken is that it has zero ranged dropoff. If your MK2 cone covers an entire map segment then that entire map segment is going to be dead from fire stacks and full bleed stacks.
Ammo is a legitimate drawback of it, but it doesn’t matter much outside of Havocs. I’ve tried this build on H40 and it works out good, can facetank a shooter segment, but you have to limit yourself to wiping out only the most efficient segments with it or you will be in ammo hell even with a vet. You basically play melee for most the mission, except for times where a nice big spread out room full of elites presents itself to you. Overall a net loss vs melee Ogryn but it’s fun to be able to just poop on an entire shooter/gunner encampment on your own on havoc 40. Also if you do this with randoms your team tilts on the loadout screen, don’t recommend it.

I’d say the worst part about the whole MK2 dynamic is how this is only really viable on a build with PBB fire and lucky bullet crit because of how everything interacts. If you try using this gun for anything but special killing on a melee build you’re blatantly griefing by making the least of the teams ammo. It’s just another example of Ogryn cookie cutter builds where 99% of the power comes from the talent tree and the weapon is not that usable without it. (Compare to zealots, who can have fun with brautos or recon las even without any ranged talents) MK5 doesn’t suffer from that though it’s a great wep either way, just used unintuitively.

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Yeah the MK6 only niche as far as I found is that its braced mode shoots in bursts, so it’ll get extra mileage out of lucky bullet (since that proc applies to the full burst). With the lucky bullet crit, this interacts with flechettes nicely, basically guaranteeing insta max bleed stacks when bracing and proccing lucky bullet. It’s by design the one with least recoil, but the MK5 is just better for sniping anyway.

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I’ll keep saying it but due to how the Rippers function the Mk6 is almost pointlessly weak. Beyond a certain distance only 2 pellets confirm out of its 5 shot blast. If they buffed that to 3 pellets the Mk5 would still have a large advantage at distance (it confirms 5/7 pellets fired when not braced). It would also keep with the suppposed niche of these 2 vs Mk2 (that one loses 66% damage to distance, these lose a little over 40%). And it would actually make it pretty good at double tapping.

And I’m still sad about a magazine being poached when the Kickback gets 47+1 :cry: but it is probably in a good way. Not like the heavy double Krourk, that thing just makes me sad. Its a trigger delay and flak mod buff away from at least being a fun and loud not total waste of time.


Ugh, the fact that it can’t stagger some stuff anymore after the stagger threshold reworks is maddening. I still wonder why they felt the need to remove a mag back then too.


Sorry, this does not sound even close to how it was in my experience in practice. Especially the part about 31 burn stacks, which is one whole mag to apply 31 burn stacks. I am totally not going to waste one Ripper mag to apply “only” 31 burn stacks. The fact that there is going to be anything alive after taking 15 Rippergun hits already says it’s not a good build.

So unless you’re only playing with a pre-made and create a perfect micro-environmentfor GL Rippergun Ogryn (Scavenger vet, staff Psyker with a crit aura, melee zealot to tank and even give crit chance), Rippergun GL is something I would not pick to carry Auric, especially when Achlys exists.

You say ONLY 31 stacks but that’s far more than what other classes can apply under normal circumstances, it’s great for bosses. Even just being grazed by 6 long range wide shotgun blasts will kill most things, and that might sound inefficient, but you can literally hit a whole room with those 6 shots sometimes, applying those stacks to literally everything at once. Emptying the whole mag basically guarantees the whole room is gone. I’m not sure how you can say removing a whole room with a mag isn’t good; that’s more throughput than any other ranged option in the game.
As I said I’ve made it work on Havocs in pugs. It definitely needs survivalist there or you can’t use it very often at all, but it’s not really that limited on aurics and i run with a 60 ammo bar. You definitely don’t need a tank, to begin with you yourself generate something like 100-300% of your toughness per second while PBB is on depending on wether you have IB. Not an exaggeration btw. Crit auras arent needed either, the 12% from lucky bullet and that 8% talent is more or less enough. It would probably be pretty efficient with those though.

I think you’re heavily underestimating the value of just being able to walk into a big room and killing every single visible enemy in exchange for one mag. It’s map dependent sure but it can make a lot of mag segments a total breeze and let you just move through the missions. It’s something the Achlys twin stubber can’t achieve because it doesn’t have a wide cone of fire that applies dots to literally everything. Like I’m not exaggerating it’s functionally like you have an infinite range flamer without the same penetration but a bigger cone instead.

Ok so just quickly skimmed through most of this not trying to go too deep in depth because of some personal issues lately.

However I do agree with most of this other than removing special rounds and punching through carapace. Ive used 12 gauge on cast iron skillet and I would guess thats carapace rated so hitting it would just ricochet even OOO buck so it would still stagger because of how hard they hit but they don’t usually punch through until its a good slug. Other than those yeah all weapons need a flashlight toggle just remove flashlights from guns and put it on character TBH. And the toggle rounds are nice and I love em but it should switch out rounds completely I hate loading one at a time. Also ammo needs to have more than 6 from a tin. Higher sounds on shotguns is a must, I want my characters hearing to start ringing if I shoot too much too fast.

Also also this weapon seems to be a auto with pump option reminds me of new age breach shotguns and the crappy Italian spas. However we also need a pump and a heavy shotgun like 6 gauge.


I would love me an only-slug shotty🤩. Good ideas all around!