A list of combat shotgun improvements

Combat shotguns currently feel bad, especially for havoc. They were passable for auric, but as has been pointed out before, they feel clunky. I have a ton of real life experience with shotguns, and I feel part of why they feel clunky has to do with their implementation. I do not mean to make that sound like an insult to whoever designed them, because they did a lot of things right. So please take this as a meaningful critique I hope will come across as positive and informative feedback. I will do my best to make it easy and enjoyable to digest.


First off lets discuss what the combat shotguns actually are - as far as I can tell through all of the animations they are pump action shotguns (though, as someone once pointed out they could be through some form of techno magicka a semi automatic that is akin to a spas-12 that can alternate between pump/semi auto - but since there are no controls to allude to this I doubt it). Length wise they seem to be about 18-20 inches long, which with 2 3/4" shells would put their capacity somewhere between 7+1 to 8+1. Based on sizing comparison from the reject’s shells to their hands, we’re dealing in the realm of 2 3/4 inch shells. The combat shotgun is a bottom fed, side ejecting model with a single tubular magazine. It does have external charging handle mounted to the left side, but it has no use as far as I can tell. Possibly mounted on the back of the shotgun is a forend release that allows manual operation of the forend?

What are the shells?

I’ll have to count holes but I’d wager the there are between 7-9 pellets per shot. So I’m guessing it’s implied to be 00 buckshot. For the standard load on each gun.

The zarona special shell, is not a special shell at all. The pellet count is 7, and the shell, through some form of techno heresy is capable of shooting in a perfect horizontal line. The real world equivalency would be that the shotgun has some form of an adjustable duck bill choke… But none of that makes sense.

The agripinaa special is a rifled slug. Nothing too special about it, slugs tend to have more recoil than buckshot. They are just a solid mass as opposed pellets traveling down a barrel. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The accatran special shell essentially a dragons breath round. A dragons breath round is honestly a pretty insane round (especially with how often hadron is begging us not to damage things). It is a shotgun shell filled with magnesium shavings. Once lit magnesium burns super hot and the force would definitely embed magnesium into skin and would burn its way through carapace if it made it into the cracks in the armor. Where it would fail irl is where it succeeds in game - it would not penetrate a bulwark’s shield… It ain’t plasma. But hey it should absolutely cook exposed and decomposing flesh. Magnesium fires aren’t your typical fires, I mean, look at magnesium flares, they stay lit underwater.

(best not to shoot them in the woods… or near anything flammable.

The 4th - magical shell that is the in the game is a “flechette” - though the concept behind it is mind boggling. Through the power of a blessing, scoring a critical hit on an enemy restructures the chemical composition and shape of of your lead buckshot into steel fin stabilized penetrators. Which causes bleeding damage.


So what feels bad about it? I’ll be addressing this from a veteran/zealot perspective

#1. loading a special shell consumes any reload speed boost. You’re allowed to quickly reload a single shell - honestly I don’t think that the special shell should consume this bonus - it feels bad when it happens - alternatively a solution could be to simply make one time reload bonuses last a specific time frame (for reload talents like sainted gunslinger)

#2. The Combat shotguns have no means of dealing meaningful damage to carapace - except through critical hits or through the agripinaa slug special. Critical hit chance can only be upped through talents like critical chance boost and deadshot - forcing shotgun to take deadshot to have an unreliable chance against carapace feels bad. Alternatively, special shells could be the path for carapace damage for all 3 varieties; give zarona flechette shells to bleed through carapace, let accatran’s dragons breath rounds cool through carapace and let agrip’s point blank slugs punch holes.

#3. Unnecessary animations - Despite the fact that a round would be in the chamber, after completing a standard reload animation the character racks the forend - which would ironically eject that round from the chamber. Any time that a shotgun has a round already in the chamber there is never a reason to rack the forend. THIS specific issue could be very easily addressed by implementing what I will discuss below about breach loading.

#4. Suppression at close ranges doesn’t feel meaningful enough on game modes like havoc, but seems almost comedically strong on lower difficulties

#5. The tubular magazine holding ~13 shells leads to long reload times

#6. The Zarona special deals less damage than it’s primary fire. It knocks back but its use is wonky.

#7. The Accatran special shell has little to no knockback - but has infinite cleave… For a close quarters gun I’d probably accept limited cleave and an upfront damage profile closer to the standard shell. Currently the special shell should rarely be loaded unless a specific for it arises, that kind of feels since it you’ve loaded it and you encounter say a mutant, you’ll be wasting your special shell, and shooting 2-3 standard rounds into the mutant anyway.


#1. Breach loading is needed. Okay, so what IS it? Breach loading is a method of reloading a shotgun that has an empty chamber by loading the shell directly into an open ejection port. The forend is racked back to open the ejection port, the single shell is loaded, then the forend is racked forward. Here is an example of a breachload:

The most important part about this subject is exactly how the order of operations should go for this:
Once a shotgun is empty, the forend should be racked back to open the breach
Once you are out of ammo the reload animation should always be a breach load into the chamber and the forend racked forward
If there is a round in the chamber the reload animation should always be a bottom fed shell through the loading gate, until the capacity is maxed out. There is absolutely no need to rack the shotgun since there is already a round in the chamber

#2. Special shells should be rethought. It’s just a wonky concept - from the perspective of how they are executed. Lets say my shotgun is fully loaded and I press the button to load in a special shell. SOMEHOW my character is able to find room in the shotgun to load one more shell - the implications are 2 fold here, firstly that my reject is too stupid to fully load the shotgun and has been purposefully screwing me on capacity OR secondly that my reject has access to a pocket dimension.

#3. Flechette should not be a blessing, it should be the special shell of the zarona(formally lawbringer shotgun) - A flechette is a type of ammo, it is a different type of ammo than buckshot. It is a shell loaded with hardened, fin stabilized steel penetrators. If it should be anything, it should be a special shell that is designed around breaking through armor as that was its original intent.

#4. Shotguns should not have a separate aim down sights damage profile. Given that shotguns are more geared towards close quarters combat, most of the time people just aren’t aiming down sights when using them. That action seems odd anyway.
#5. The ammo stat should be removed in favor of a close quarters combat rending/damage bonus. Shotguns have fixed magazines. The magazines shouldn’t extend as you level up - that’s weird. They should have an ammo profile similar to the revolvers.

#6. Shotgun magazine ammo should be 8-9 shells. Based on my estimates, the reject’s tubular magazines shouldn’t really hold more than 8 or 9 shells, and you guys have had to balance damage numbers around the capacity that you’ve allowed, which has made guns like the zarona feel very lack luster. Ammo count should probably be 8-9 in the gun, 100 for reserves.

This is a KSG with a 18.5" barrel, it has a magazine capacity of 14 with 2 3/4" shells, +1 in the chamber.
it achieves that capacity by having 2 magazine tubes.

This is a mossberg 500 with a 20" barrel, it has a magazine capacity of 7 with 2 3/4" shells, +1 in the chamber for 8

This is a mossberg 940 pro with what i’m guessing is a 24/26" barrel and a magazine tube extension. I pray you guys are following along - it takes silly shotgun length to reach silly capacity.

This is an agripinaa with a 13+1 capacity

A lawlbringer with a 11+1 capacity

Long story short, technological heresy and my autism aside, 7+1 with better damage to offset the lost capacity would feel better

#7. Personally I wish you would ditch special shells as a concept to allow shotguns to run flashlights or just give us a version that has one mounted. This is my personal preference. I think it would save you a lot of headache in the balancing department as well. You could make your 3 (maybe 4 or 5) shotguns fire ONLY a specific type of shell, and give all shotguns flashlights for their special activation.

#8. Blessings could use revisitation. Right now the best blessing combination for the agripinaa is “full bore” and “no respite” - the idea being that are going to land every “pellet” of your slug when you hit so you’ll be able to do some nice full through damage since the target like got knocked down. For zarona/accatran it is “manstopper” and “scattershot” - the idea there being that you’ll be able to generate infinite cleave down hallways or against hordes. Revising blessings really should have you asking yourself “what role should shotgun have?”. Well, blessings should support those ideas - if it is to be a gap closer perhaps toughness generation on pellet hit, or suppression based on pellet hit. If you want it to be a close range armor breaker how about some brittleness or bleed effects based on pellet hit count (consistent ones, not random crit ones). If you want a shotgun to be special shell focused why not give us a unique blessing for quick loading special shells?

#9. Combat shotguns feel like they should be strong against exposed flesh, but they aren’t. This problem has more to do with an intuitive feel about how shotguns should work than a math/balancing issue. 3 point blank rounds to kill a mutant feels awful. Most times I feel better off meleeing bosses than using a shotgun. That doesn’t feel right, point blank shotgun shells should feel meaningful against unarmored targets.

I will continue to edit and add to this as I come up with more kark


TL;DR they fall in the middle between the “Big weapon designed to kill one guy” and “rapid fire weapon designed to kill multiple guys” and suck at both jobs.


Best balanced weapon of the game.
But, due to the current balance, being balanced means being bad. so it falls with all weak and balanced weapons, in the “inefficient” category. Sad, but true.

My opinion is that they need more ammos. These weapons are really lacking ammos to compete with revolver / boltgun / boltpistol.


What I think should be done:

  1. Massively increase cleave for primary fire against unarmoured enemies (give built-in Manstopper)
  2. Allow loading multiple special shells
  3. Rework Manstopper, it is currently the only thing carrying shotguns (when used with vet or paired with Scattershot). IMO high cleave should be a basic thing, manstopper should do something completely else.
  4. Increase ammo capacity by 20-25%
  5. Buff/rework special ammo for Lawbringer, it’s really bad

They also need to be louder.

Honestly, my biggest gripe with Combat Shotguns would have to be their abysmal ammo economy.

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What is it? Is it the best balanced weapon of the game, or does it need more ammo?

Combat Shotguns right now are at to bottom of the barrel, playing Regicide with the Chainsword.

They do not deal well enough with Elites, or special clusters due to their lack of damage, paired with their ungodly long reload from empty. They do not bring anything special enough to the table to warrant their shortcomings.

To make Combat Shotguns something unique and not just another gun that blows up Elites, special ammo could get reworked. You only can load them if you killed X amount of Elites/Specials. In return, the shell you load is a much stronger version of the current special ammo. (The usual machine spirit shenanigans.)

Without starting to weigh into the unique side of guns, all we will end up with is different types of grey. E.g. if we ramp up damage of Shotguns to support their reload speed and ammo situation, all we create is a different Zarona Revolver flavor.

best balanced… however, the game is not balanced. So need more ammos considering the other weapons that are playing on same field (revolver, boltgun, boltpistol)

I’d say we need less ammo and more impact/damage/rending from the shells in general. They should feel meaningful, that would reduce load times as well, which are ridiculously long.

Uneeded. Shotgun is able to one shot a lot of elites / specials (exception enemies ogryn).
Or maybe you wanted to point non weakspot damages? In my opinion, these weapons should not be finesse weapons. Here I agree.

Reload is fast, very fast on a veteran with appropriate talents (if it is what you want). With every talents and perk, you are closed to the instant reload.

The agrip is able to via it’s weak spot bonus, others struggle.

Exact. That’s why I like it… This one, however, SHOULD be a finesse weapon. But not the 2 other marks.

i don’t know why you’d single out that it does no real damage to carapiece, you have a melee weapon and three teammates to fall back on for that. your gun shouldn’t be able to do everything frankly and carapiece should honestly be way more resistant to a lot of weapons anyways. it’d be nice if fatshark did a pass on how that armor type is doing it’s job and buffed it by nerfing most penetration on it.

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Do it all? No, of course not. But a shotgun of all guns should be able to do something in close quarters.

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To Carapace?

Shotguns aren’t an AP weapon.

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Buckshot? No. Slugs and flechettes though… that’s the beauty of shotguns


I won’t argue against slugs, but I really don’t think carapace damage is the thing combat shotguns need.

Thunderous blessing on a melee weapon is enough of an amusing combat loop against a crusher when I’m using the super shotgun. For me, anyway.

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not just louder, but more MEATY too. they just click when they fire, that doesn’t make the brain happy, it just says “oh, the gun was fired”

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Melee weapon, potentially yes. 3 teammates to rely on? Omegalul.

And the problem isn’t the shotgun does everything, it is that it basically does nothing. Short of jamming the barrel in the mouth of a target it does very low damage that you’re not even reliably dropping generic trash with one shot on a low RoF weapon. It has low stopping power for a low rof weapon and has the effective range of melee so you’re amost better off sticking with your melee weapon.


Exactly. Combat Shotguns absolutely don’t need to damage Carapace like Bolters do, but they definitely fall too short in many other areas. Their ammo economy is awful, they’re not loud (or “meaty”) enough, etc.

When it comes to Darktide’s Weapons, I put everything into one of five Tiers:

  1. Sh*t
  2. Underperforming
  3. Balanced
  4. Overpowered
  5. Busted

I think that Combat Shotguns mostly fit into the Underperforming Category right now.


Well the first point of weapons that bounce off carapace (devil sword, heavy sword, both shotguns) generally fall in the ‘Useless’ category for me anyways. Was like having weapons that struggled with storm vermin or Warriors in VT2.