The semi-open beta started on Nov 17.
That’s 51 days from then to now.
Here are 51 things, in no particular order, that we still desperately need.
NO MORE CHEAT SPAWNS. Cheat spawns where enemies just appear for no reason are not fun. Too often we’ve done a 360, found the room empty, and been hit from behind by a poxer who wasn’t there. Additionally, too often we’ve jumped to a landing that was empty and landed in a full patrol. All spawns should happen off screen, beyond a wall, and NEVER just out of thin air within a meter of the player. Perhaps each player could radiate a ‘no spawn’ circle of 20 meters which stops at walls. Enemy footstep SOUND EFFECTS.
MUCH BETTER chain-weapons. Evis is okay, axe is silly, 1H chainsword is a giant disappointment.
Account wide inventory sharing. Money, crafting mats, weapons.
Obviously some will be class locked, but if you have two of a class for some reason, or reroll a character, their inventory should be kept. -
Useful information in TAB menu. We should get a reminder of equipped feats, a legend of buffs/debuffs icons to refresh player’s memories of icon meaning, mention of any team buffs which will effect our playstyle, like if the vet has group grenade spawn. If I have a change of getting more grenades because the vet s running that feat, I want to know without asking.
Should also include weapon blessings and icons for weapon blessing stacks in our usual buff/debuff tray. Should also tell you if you missed a script/grim and if the map has a special modifier in case you quick joined.
Need to IN MISSION know how many stacks of “Weapon blessing which stacks five times” you have via icons, what the icons mean + what feats are have equipped in case player changed something and forgot. -
Ogryn lights. Maybe drop flares when holding grenade via special attack button or new button for flares alone. Maybe eat the flare and have it shine out the mouth.
Ogryn/zealot toughness regen of some kind while in ranged combat. All classes need to be able to handle ranged only engagements. Ideally this should not require a feat. ALSO More Ogryn sized cover. ABILITY TO SHOOT WITH SHIELD UP. Ogryn ‘medium’ shield for greater mobility while still getting some protection. Possibly Ogryn armor like crushers have. Right now Ogyrn is having way too hard a time dealing with ranged, especially at long range. Ogyrn better use of cover ability. Perhaps a ‘peek out just a tiny amount to shoot’ button. Possible use of existing button while crouched to peek.
W40k melee weapons that are lore accurate and not gimped. —Should be always on, decent dodges, speed, and the default. Should not be nerfed for the sake of weapons imported from Vermintide. – Plain weapons, such as shovel, should have asymmetrical bonus, such as extra grenades, speed running, extra ammunition/toughness regen, if they are kept at all after level 29… In a mission, a vet replied to a question with “We are the ordo hereticus.” As the ordo hereticus, we’re not just rejects anymore. We’re allowed to have w40k tech weapons and they should be worth using, not out competed by shovels and tomahawks. Also much more claeve, and no stunlock of the player. That sucks. Also better primary (uncharged) shot on force staves. If a weapon is too good to be in the game without being massively handicapped and handicapped in an anti-lore way, don’t put it in the game.
Ogyrn and others NOT slowed when turning melee weapon ON if we don’t get always on (which we should.) This shouldn’t even cause a break in stride. Also need to turn maul ON with shield. (And shoot ranged weapon with shield up, and look around and tag with shield up.
1H chainsword should be made into a very good weapon until it is the ‘default’ against which other weapons are judged.
Chain axe should have boat shaped profile, not be shaped like a rectangle or hammer. Should work like short billhook with pulling motion, and be two handed. Sideplates moved in to remove wasted space and angled like an axe. The mauler model is better then the player model. Possibly remove 1H chain axe from game and give 2h chain axe. If 2h is considered wrong for vet, compensate players with them and give them chainswords that are awesome. Reason why is that the chain axe is too cartoony for the medium of first person. This medium requires slight additional realism, and this is attainable with this weapon if you try. You guys got this far, find the magic in yourselves. (also it should be always on. Rev sucks.) Looks way too heavy to work as 1h weapon, too big as well, and too wide to penetrate. If it doesn’t penetrate, it’s not an axe.
Crafting finished. +Ability to order top end grey weapons. +Ability to improve weaker stats on existing weapons. +Crafting grinder to get materials from unwanted weapons.
Ability to purchase/trade crafting materials.
Background reroll/voice reroll… EVERYTHING reroll.
Better dodge on everything, literally everything.
Sire Melk - LAYAWAY PLAN. (with cancel for refund.) Also Sire Melk item improvements. Should be minimum quality, not well below what the player has. This should also apply to any RNG not removed from any game shop. It should usually be equal to or above player top inventory, not consistently below it.
Skitarii as 5th class. Everyone wants to play as Skitari. Possible different origin story, IE, They are mostly dead, sent home for implant recycled, taken by Inquisition and nursed back to health instead.
More options for clothing slots. (Googles AND hat on Ogyrn. Gloves/belt/etc slots.) You’ll be able to sell more, we’ll be able to look better. Delay this until you get a lot of other stuff on the list done, good will is at all time low.
Adeptus Mechanicus pole dancers.
Ability to purchase colors/patterns instead of needing to buy an item for each color. This would allow free cosmetics to get greater use, allow us to use the more advanced ones that aren’t in the regular shop yet, and really show off. --within reason. No pink polka dots. W40k appropriate colors only.
Autogun animation improvements -Following the improvements made to the bolter. Currently the autogun bolt interactions STILL HAVE NOT BEEN FIXED. Very happy you did fix it with lasguns and the bolter.
Weapon attachment - light - Bayonet - Optics. Possibly allow bayoneted rifle to be used as full melee weapon for asymmetrical bonus. Q to shift from shot to melee, with special being hipfire from melee. Possible dual targeting system with long range and short range sights on weapon, as used on the HK-g-36 used by the German army. Mousewheel to change between them while aiming. One wide red dot, one zoomed in. Could be invisible to 3rd party and explained as projected on retina of user and provided by Hadron. ADDITIONAL this would work on force staves Mouse wheel could move trauma targeting circle to ‘long range’ or ‘normal.’
Easier time maintaining warp charges. Perhaps slightly longer duration.
Brain burst should use special attack button to ‘snap’ to specials/elites. Brain burst sped up slightly, damage scaled up a little on higher levels.
Fire support. No, really, missions with tanks or artiliary supporting us with some ability to call for support, troops at spawn fire to support us.
Mission map legend. It has many symbols and we’ve no way to know what they mean. Also a different symbol on the mission map for grims and scripts so we can tell which is which without mouseover.
Map randomness isn’t totally bad because it keeps all maps in circulation, but should always have scripts/grims available at various difficulties. Circulation though, should be faster. Map algorithm should favor new maps when released.
Longer maps should pay more. Maps with greater difficulty, (high intensity engagement, more dogs, etc) should pay more. Some or all of the bonus pay as crafting mats would be good.
Dogs, nets, and mutants should NOT pass though a horde like ghosts to jump you. Also they should not be able to knock down an ogyrn shield from the front when the whole horde and it’s fire support can’t.
Quick match should be expanded to allow favoring ///grims///no grims///scripts///no scripts, and several difficulty levels. WHEN matched, the mission should be told to the player and they should have a chance to change loadout. IE, Dark map, want a flashlight. Longer map, longer ranged weapon. Short ranged map, shorter ranged weapons. Also see need for loadouts.
Auspex showing books/crafting mats - Searching is taking up too much time. Auspex should always be available and useful in many ways.
Chest opening animation should be much faster. Chests with nothing in them should have a light on them. Items in chests should be revealed by ping.
Ping should work on mouse up/down. If mouse up/down is used for something else, (I suggest a few places in this list) allow it to be shift up/down or crtl up/down, or put the other thing on AIM + up/down.
Rock and Stone button. Ideally with selectable options.
Menu to take banter we’ve already heard, and either remove it from the list after five plays, or move it up the list to hear again if very interesting. Should only appear in the menu after 2-5 plays.
Demonhost should have a drop. Perhaps the other bosses as well. Crafting mats would be good.
Ammo selector. (IE, Ogryn grenade launcher/shotgun ammo change.) Carry both ammunition, either weapon. Should apply to many weapons, but possibly with a requirement to set a slider for amount of each pre-mission. Not just Ogyrn weapons, ability to change ammo type on appropriate weapon types, shotguns/grenade launchers higher burn for lasers, etc. Some might be either/or, like slugs or shells in a shotgun, or some of each with a slider.
ALSO Meaty bolt option with Lightning staff. Should be GIANT SINGLE BOLT from enemy to enemy. Maybe do more damage, but not be ‘many little bolts,’ but one BIG COOL FRY THEM bolt that chains.
Ability to set favorites in Weapons/curios. Build favorites for feats. Outfit loadouts. (all of them separate.
Ogryn super machete/battle axe/BIG WEAPONS. Ogryn ability to use light weight enemies AS weapons/throw toys.
Ability to see other player’s guns/change class in lobby.
Ogryn ability to turn on power maul with shield/shoot gun with shield. Or just leave it on all the time as mentioned before. Leaving it on is better.
More grenade types. Ogyrn clusterbomb NOT A FEAT and always on with grenade box, but ability to change grenade types. For Ogryn, add bowling ball. (works like current box but keeps going like a round shot from a cannon.) and “Giant mortar shell.” As long as Ogryn clusterbomb is competing with bleed, and bleed must be taken for synergy, grenades are gimped and that’s not fun. Consider allowing burn to give same synergies as bleeds. Make it ‘enemies effected by dots’ not ‘by bleeds or burns.’ We shouldn’t have to pick between good grenades and bleeds. Perhaps grenades could get blessings and ‘always crack open’ should be one. Also, it should crack open when hitting anything, even the floor. Not just armor.
WAY more use of ‘special action’ button and an additional speical action button for a great many reasons. Rate of fire, laser charge level. Context use of these and others, such as switch to flares on Ogryn, light or bayonet on rifle. Much more focus on controls needed for w40k style. Perhaps mousewheel could work to reverse chain direction.
All weapons should have special attacks that are of significant value. One which would be VERY fun is if chain weapons pulled enemies in the direction of the chain, and the chain could be reversed. This is lore accurate, as chain weapon users would reverse the chain to fling the other weapon ‘away’ from them when at the bind. (Blade to blade.) Force Staves need control that allows some adaptation. Mouse wheel could move trauma targeting circle to ‘long range’ or ‘normal.’ Easier time maintaining warp charges. Perhaps slightly longer duration. Brain burst sped up slightly, damage scaled up a little on higher levels. Better primary (uncharged) shot on force staves.
Vet ult gives different outline color/shade for weak spot. More shading of enemies behind cover so we don’t waste time shooting at them.
Psyker push with force sword should be 30 degree cone and have more range. Push should fall off, not suddenly stop. If it’s too far, they should get a hard stagger but not fall down. Feels weird when you do a full push and nothing happens. Psyker ult push should be un-nerfed and returned to the awesome push in closed beta. This push alone was a joy every time and I want that joy back. ALSO Knocked down enemies should take 0.5 seconds longer to get back up. You nerfed push by letting them spring up too fast.
ALSO Force Sword Push is HARD TO AIM. Arms block a lot on screen, shield blocks a lot, can’t see, pushes keep missing. Figure out the aim or at least tell us what to do. Better yet make it hit everything in front of us 3-4 feet wide, 6-8 feet out, and a stagger after that. -
No speed bumps between melee and ranged.
Especially remove speed bump when opening a door, interacting with environment such as opening a door or a safe, getting pushed by a barrel, throwing a grenade, or being hit and moved by an enemy. We don’t need an animation messing with the bolt if we throw a grenade or open a door or get kicked a few feet by a barrel. Also remove melee speed bump on psyker force sword. -
Generally greater commitment to the w40k franchise lore. + Better communication with the community.
Less RNG.
Hadron Waifu body pillows, Ogyrn scale.
Get 1 grenade from ammo pickups. Get 1 magazine from grenade pickups.
And a bonus request,
- Complete and total remove of beans and bean derivatives from Ogryn dietary supplement packets. The cabin of the Valkyrie we use for insertion isn’t that big.